A&E just caved. No more Phil suspension.

Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

The bible calls for killing them.

Something Jesus never contradicted. (Just like he never contradicted the slavery or witch-killing stuff...)

And gays were executed for being gay up until fairly recently. In some countries, they still are.
^ A retard leftist who claims to speak for Jesus.
It was just as true now as the first time I said it.

The reality is, you aren't burning witches or stoning people for working yesterday, so you've concluded these laws are as barbaric as I have.

You just want the parts you like to still be true.

In fact, modern Christianity has been softened like a Disney Movie. Maybe we need "Walt Disney's the Bible" where they just take out all the ugly stuff. It'd be a pretty short book, then.

No, not really. I'm a word of God type Christian. And there is a reason clearly stated in the bible why I don't kill violators of the law. The ugly stuff is in the bible for a reason. I'll tell ya all about it one day if you want. But you and most who comment on it, even Phil don't have a clue what they are talking about when it comes to scripture. Oh, and its okay to work on Sunday Joe. Oxen in the well and all.

Phil seems to know the scripture. He's being quoted out of context is all.

George Zimmerman, the NRA, obamacare, and now Mr.Robertson. The libs have taken a beating this year!

as of yesterday you righties took a beating on Benghazi it was about the video ... when A&E start losing their ads because of Robertson then thing will happen ... I predict duck dynasty will be canceled by the end of 2014 ...

George Zimmerman, the NRA, obamacare, and now Mr.Robertson. The libs have taken a beating this year!

as of yesterday you righties took a beating on Benghazi it was about the video ... when A&E start losing their ads because of Robertson then thing will happen ... I predict duck dynasty will be canceled by the end of 2014 ...


LMAO- Obama boot lickers always think utopia is near.

"...How could they have identified witches in error, when the HOLY BIBLE said there were witches?..."
I'm no biblical nor theological scholar, nor even particular well-read in that vein, but, if I'm not mistaken, the Christian Bible does not delve into how to identify a witch, merely that witches should die, when unmasked.

"...How could the bible be wrong on what was a FAIRLY IMPORTANT point?..."
Again, I don't believe that the Christian Bible was wrong, with respect to identification; actually, I believe that it was probably silent in matters of identification. I dunno. Mebbe I'm wrong.

"...Also, what 'detrimental effects' of homosexuality, other than, 'I think it's icky' are there? (I can't wait to hear this one.)..."
The detrimental effects are legion. Why don't you open-up a thread on 'What's wrong with homosexuality' someplace, and watch for the feedback. Besides, you've heard it all before.

But, to prime that pump for later follow-up...

The institutionalizing and legitimizing of effeminacy within the male population and its resultant impact upon male-dominated roles in society.

That's probably the single most detrimental macro-level effect that occupies the concerns of those who hold a traditional, disapproving view of homosexuality.

"...Just because you and Phil have sexual hangups, don't put it off on the rest of us..."
It's not a 'hangup', to hold and articulate a traditional, disapproving view of homosexuality.

Given the tremendous public outpouring of support for the Duck Folk in the wake of this, including a massive surge in related merchandising sales...

It would appear that Mainstream America is saying the to the LGBT community and its supporters: don't put your depraved, perverse practices and behaviors and lifestyle off on us.

I stand with the Mainstream in that respect, rather than on the outside, looking in.

"...Frankly, I've known a lot of gays who were really decent people..."
I've known several 'decent types' myself; and several embarrassing 'flamers' and militant types who were far more of a pain in the ass then they were worth.

"...I've known a lot of 'Christians' who were the most backstabbing, lying mother-fuckers I've ever met in my life. Mormons being the worst offenders."
Yes. I, too, concede that a variety of so-called 'Christians' are not, in actuality, good people, although I simultaneously stipulate a difference between 'nominal' Christians and 'practicing' Christians...

Practicing ones - who follow and practice the Core Teachings of that belief-system (Love Thy Neighbor, Turn the Other Cheek, good works, etc.) - are Quality Folk and far better and more trustworthy than their 'nominal' counterparts.

As to 'Mormons', well... I have a similar bias... to the extent where I'm not even sure that I'd label them as 'Christians'... so I'll recuse myself from further comment on them.
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We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.
He really thinks that someone somewhere will pass a law that his family must accept his lifestyle. The Church will change and accept him.

The poor guy thinks that the Church is on the cusp of accepting homosexuality then something like Chick Fil A comes along or Duck Dynasty comes along an they are all just jerked back into rejecting gays. He doesn't understand cause and effect. These things happen because normal people reject homosexuality not the other way around.
Oh, and the bible don't hate on gay people. It hates on the act. Jesus wants the gay people to. If I were to object to anything Phil had to say (or not) it would be that right there.

I think Phil would agree with you, but he would still say that the sin is still sin and belongs in his list of sins he gave.

The fight is because the PC fascists insist on people NOT stating moral standards in public that violate their new way of unthinking, for example the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada that have criminalized stating homosexual behavior to be a sin under their hate crime laws.

The fascists are trying to emulate those other countries by using social engineering and corporate policies instead of national law. After 'everyone' willing to speak out agrees it is hate speech to condemn the sin of homosexual behavior and those who disagree are intimidated into silence, they will make it law in the US as well and no one will dare object.
We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.

Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.
He really thinks that someone somewhere will pass a law that his family must accept his lifestyle. The Church will change and accept him.

The poor guy thinks that the Church is on the cusp of accepting homosexuality then something like Chick Fil A comes along or Duck Dynasty comes along an they are all just jerked back into rejecting gays. He doesn't understand cause and effect. These things happen because normal people reject homosexuality not the other way around.

Wanna bet? :)

We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.

Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

"Black Santeria"????

What in the fuck is "Black Santeria"? Oh this oughta be good.

Wait, don't tell me -- it's like White Santeria, only black, right? :rofl:

"Black Santeria". Oh my stars and little fishes....
As you read further into the article, the kid admits he was raised by a man just like Phil and told him his boyfriend would never be welcomed at his house. He also admits sitting in the pew at his church and hearing his preacher say homosexuals didn't deserve the same joy of raising a family due to their depravity. And the kid has the audacity to call that persecution. From where I sit I call that preaching and telling the truth. So to sum it up...the kid has known from a very early age his "lifestyle" is wrong. And now he's trying to blame Phil for his problems

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson 'made me feel unsafe' gay Louisiana student says in open letter | Mail Online

A closeted gay student living in West Monroe, Louisiana has written a powerful essay, criticizing the town's most famous residents - Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson.

Robertson made headlines after issuing homophobic comments in a GQ article, at one point comparing gay sex to bestiality, which got him put on suspension by the A&E network. But the network announced yesterday that they would be reinstating Robertson to the show, who so far has remained unapologetic about the comments.

In an essay posted on Times-Picuyne columnist Robert Mann's blog, the communications student writes that Robertson probably didn't mean to hurt anyone with his statements, he nonetheless created a hostile environment.

'He encouraged - hopefully unintentionally - a two-week-long "fag bashing" in Monroe and around the world. He made me feel unsafe in my own home. I can't count how many times I heard "faggot" over the Christmas visit home.'

more in link

Don't want to be called a faggot? Don't be a faggot.

Problem solved.
We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.

Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

"Black Santeria"????

What in the fuck is "Black Santeria"? Oh this oughta be good.

Wait, don't tell me -- it's like White Santeria, only black, right? :rofl:

"Black Santeria". Oh my stars and little fishes....

You are such an ignorant stupid shit head.

You have never heard of Palo Monte?



One component entails the rise of the cartel and gang narcocultura (drug culture) variant of the Cult of Santa Muerte (literally translated as “Holy Death”).2 This variant of the cult promotes greater levels of criminality than the more mainstream and older forms of Santa Muerte worship. Sometimes it can be so extreme that it condones morally corrupt behaviors—what many people would consider as resulting from an evil value system that rewards personal gain above all else, promoting the intentional pain and suffering of others, and, even, viewing killing as a pleasurable activity.

While addressing the rise of such dark spirituality requires a balanced perspective (e.g., avoiding a repeat of the Satanism scare of the 1980s), enough ritualistic behaviors, including killings, have occurred in Mexico to leave open the possibility that a spiritual insurgency component of the narcotics wars now exists.


The ritual sacrifice of three people to Mexican drug cult figure Santa Muerte, and reports of Puerto Rican traffickers using a Caribbean faith to guide their shipments, call attention to the ways in which popular religions can interact with the drug trade.


Quintana Roo police located the bodies of six people Sunday in what appeared to be an organized crime multiple execution

They were allegedly tortured and their chests were opened to extract the hearts," said Felix Canul, spokesman for the Attorney General of the State (PGJE

The spokesman for state Secretary of Public Security (SSP), Adrian Armando Gálvez Cardeña said initial investigations indicate the executions and mutilations were related to organized crime, although he did not rule out the possibility of a narcoritual associated with occult practices as motivation for the crime.


You jack ass, just cant believe things that get out of yoru comfort zone? lol
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Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

"Black Santeria"????

What in the fuck is "Black Santeria"? Oh this oughta be good.

Wait, don't tell me -- it's like White Santeria, only black, right? :rofl:

"Black Santeria". Oh my stars and little fishes....

You are such an ignorant stupid shit head.

You have never heard of Palo Monte?


Borderland Beat: Santa Muerte: Inspired and Ritualistic Killings

Latin American Drug Traffickers Turn to Cults for Comfort - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

Borderland Beat: Six People Executed in Cancun Had Their Hearts Removed.

The Death Cult of the Drug Lords Mexico’s Patron Saint of Crime, Criminals, and the Dispossessed

You jack ass, just cant believe things that get out of yoru comfort zone? lol

Oh trust me this is not out of my "comfort zone". Way not.

I'm not interested in a bunch of halfass links just because somebody showed you how Google works. As if anybody can't put up a web page, please. I want to know what YOU mean by fucking "Black Santeria". What is it? In your own words, bitch.

And let us know where the "White Santeria" is. And/or brown, yellow and red. :popcorn:
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We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.

Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

Who they were going after were lone impoverished women who could not farm or herd. They could go out into the wilderness, gather up organic material and dry, grind or mix them into something beneficial or harmful. Then they sold these "potions" to people who needed a cure or visit death on an enemy. Such a person was extremely dangerous. They alone had the power to silently poison a well and kill a village.

The legend is you can tell a witch by her cat. Witches always had cats, sometimes many of them. Cats propagate rapidly and turned out to be useful for experimentation. Of course we have witches today. We call them murderers or chemists.
We have witches today. We kill them today. We just call them something different. We changed the name and that makes it okay. Today witches are called poisoners.

Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

Who they were going after were lone impoverished women who could not farm or herd. They could go out into the wilderness, gather up organic material and dry, grind or mix them into something beneficial or harmful. Then they sold these "potions" to people who needed a cure or visit death on an enemy. Such a person was extremely dangerous. They alone had the power to silently poison a well and kill a village.

The legend is you can tell a witch by her cat. Witches always had cats, sometimes many of them. Cats propagate rapidly and turned out to be useful for experimentation. Of course we have witches today. We call them murderers or chemists.


My dad was a chemist. He worked with leather finishes. I guess this explains the cauldron in the basement and why he was always going out to the Eye of Newt store.

Did the Kool Aid dam burst today? "Black Santeria"? "Chemists"?

Hey ...... smell that?

Sulphur. :rofl:
Wiccans call themselves witches, but that is not the same kind of witchcraft the OT was going after. You would have to compare it to black Santeria of our time, not Wicca and similar silliness.

Who they were going after were lone impoverished women who could not farm or herd. They could go out into the wilderness, gather up organic material and dry, grind or mix them into something beneficial or harmful. Then they sold these "potions" to people who needed a cure or visit death on an enemy. Such a person was extremely dangerous. They alone had the power to silently poison a well and kill a village.

The legend is you can tell a witch by her cat. Witches always had cats, sometimes many of them. Cats propagate rapidly and turned out to be useful for experimentation. Of course we have witches today. We call them murderers or chemists.


My dad was a chemist. He worked with leather finishes. I guess this explains the cauldron in the basement and why he was always going out to the Eye of Newt store.

Did the Kool Aid dam burst today? "Black Santeria"? "Chemists"?

Hey ...... smell that?

Sulphur. :rofl:

Chemistry came from someplace! Do you think they had bunsen burners and test tubes in those days? Modern chemistry came from the type of witch known as an alchemist. The witch was an experimenter in the nature of organic matter to determine which would kill, which would help, and how much needed to be used.

When someone had a pain, they didn't hike down to the local pharmacy to get a pill. They went to the local witch who would give them one of her potions. When someone wanted to eliminate an enemy silently, without apparent cause, they went to the local witch and got a potion to put in his food. Who made these potions? How were they made? Who conducted the experiments necessary?

Maybe this can explain it to you better.

Molecules of Witchcraft | mrlambertchemistry

Wicca is a form of diety worship. Santeria is the use of inanimate objects to cast spells. Witchcraft, real witchcraft, is the making of substances with a harmful or beneficial effect.

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