A different breed of immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We are a nation of immigrants but today’s immigrants are a different breed of immigrants than a hundred years ago and a different Mexico and Europe than a hundred years ago. Today’s immigrants come for a different reason than immigrants came a hundred years ago. Lady Liberty today is not calling them for the same reason she called immigrants a hundred years ago. She is now calling for nation survival and not nation building. Immigrants today are the uneducated poor and the criminals that has nothing to offer their own countries and nothing to offer us. They come because we have something to give them. Lots of freebies because we are a generous and compassionate people. At least our leaders are so ready to give what we have away. Free food, housing, healthcare and tax payers money. And criminals come because crime here is a more lucrative business than it is in other countries. We have no jobs for them and they are still coming across the border, etc.

A few decades ago construction work were done primarily by middle class Americans but since the workforce has become 90% illegal alien. Jobs middle class built their future on and sent their children to college on. When there were only 3 million Illegal Aliens in the country 90% of construction and construction related jobs were held by Americans. Middle class construction and constructions related workers no longer exist because of greedy businesses greed for cheaper labor. The workers were your fathers, uncles, brothers. Men and women that earned money here and spent money here going into U.S. economy instead of Mexico’s economy. Illegal Aliens and their children contributed to the failure of our economy. We need a future of American leaders that puts America’s interest first, before their own power hungry agendas. Compassion and humane have different meaning now than they had 20 years ago when the economy was thriving.

Obama for instance played the field as did Romney. Bother sides of the fence. Americans and Illegal Aliens. That don’t work for America and Americans. Americans cannot keep making the same mistakes every four years by electing leaders that will not lead.

America has a long history of greed dating back to the invasions of the Americas to the invasions of Iraq and it’s coming back to bite us big time. And even pay back by mother nature is a bitch. The Native Americans warned us about building on New Orleans and Manhattan and raping the land and the Dust Bowl, etc. even the Christian God warned us and we chose by greed to ignore the warnings. Boundaries and borders, regulations and laws were laid out by the Christian God for a reason and after thousands of years we still do not get it?

We are a nation of immigrants but today’s immigrants are a different breed of immigrants than a hundred years ago and a different Mexico and Europe than a hundred years ago. Today’s immigrants come for a different reason than immigrants came a hundred years ago. Lady Liberty today is not calling them for the same reason she called immigrants a hundred years ago. She is now calling for nation survival and not nation building. Immigrants today are the uneducated poor and the criminals that has nothing to offer their own countries and nothing to offer us. They come because we have something to give them. Lots of freebies because we are a generous and compassionate people. At least our leaders are so ready to give what we have away. Free food, housing, healthcare and tax payers money. And criminals come because crime here is a more lucrative business than it is in other countries. We have no jobs for them and they are still coming across the border, etc.

A few decades ago construction work were done primarily by middle class Americans but since the workforce has become 90% illegal alien. Jobs middle class built their future on and sent their children to college on. When there were only 3 million Illegal Aliens in the country 90% of construction and construction related jobs were held by Americans. Middle class construction and constructions related workers no longer exist because of greedy businesses greed for cheaper labor. The workers were your fathers, uncles, brothers. Men and women that earned money here and spent money here going into U.S. economy instead of Mexico’s economy. Illegal Aliens and their children contributed to the failure of our economy. We need a future of American leaders that puts America’s interest first, before their own power hungry agendas. Compassion and humane have different meaning now than they had 20 years ago when the economy was thriving.

Obama for instance played the field as did Romney. Bother sides of the fence. Americans and Illegal Aliens. That don’t work for America and Americans. Americans cannot keep making the same mistakes every four years by electing leaders that will not lead.

America has a long history of greed dating back to the invasions of the Americas to the invasions of Iraq and it’s coming back to bite us big time. And even pay back by mother nature is a bitch. The Native Americans warned us about building on New Orleans and Manhattan and raping the land and the Dust Bowl, etc. even the Christian God warned us and we chose by greed to ignore the warnings. Boundaries and borders, regulations and laws were laid out by the Christian God for a reason and after thousands of years we still do not get it?

link ????....LOL
Obama is looking to transform America into Palestine

IDIOT, WTF does Palistine have to do with anything? Palistine? NOw you want to fucking blame the war between Israel and Palistine on Obama and they have been fighting since Israel stole their land. Give it the fuck back to the Palistines who have been living on it fo thousands of years. GOD told Isreal where to go over 6 thousands of years ago when they denied the Christ and disobeyed him over and over.

Matt 10;33
But whosoever shall deny me before men. The Jews denied him when they rejected him as Messiah. All who refuse to receive him as their Lord deny him still. The disciple who, through the cares of the world, turns away from Christian life, denies him.

We are a nation of immigrants but today’s immigrants are a different breed of immigrants than a hundred years ago and a different Mexico and Europe than a hundred years ago. Today’s immigrants come for a different reason than immigrants came a hundred years ago. Lady Liberty today is not calling them for the same reason she called immigrants a hundred years ago. She is now calling for nation survival and not nation building. Immigrants today are the uneducated poor and the criminals that has nothing to offer their own countries and nothing to offer us. They come because we have something to give them. Lots of freebies because we are a generous and compassionate people. At least our leaders are so ready to give what we have away. Free food, housing, healthcare and tax payers money. And criminals come because crime here is a more lucrative business than it is in other countries. We have no jobs for them and they are still coming across the border, etc.

A few decades ago construction work were done primarily by middle class Americans but since the workforce has become 90% illegal alien. Jobs middle class built their future on and sent their children to college on. When there were only 3 million Illegal Aliens in the country 90% of construction and construction related jobs were held by Americans. Middle class construction and constructions related workers no longer exist because of greedy businesses greed for cheaper labor. The workers were your fathers, uncles, brothers. Men and women that earned money here and spent money here going into U.S. economy instead of Mexico’s economy. Illegal Aliens and their children contributed to the failure of our economy. We need a future of American leaders that puts America’s interest first, before their own power hungry agendas. Compassion and humane have different meaning now than they had 20 years ago when the economy was thriving.

Obama for instance played the field as did Romney. Bother sides of the fence. Americans and Illegal Aliens. That don’t work for America and Americans. Americans cannot keep making the same mistakes every four years by electing leaders that will not lead.

America has a long history of greed dating back to the invasions of the Americas to the invasions of Iraq and it’s coming back to bite us big time. And even pay back by mother nature is a bitch. The Native Americans warned us about building on New Orleans and Manhattan and raping the land and the Dust Bowl, etc. even the Christian God warned us and we chose by greed to ignore the warnings. Boundaries and borders, regulations and laws were laid out by the Christian God for a reason and after thousands of years we still do not get it?

link ????....LOL

If there is a "link" fucking find it or STGU and GTH. You fucks that cannot compose a four line sentence think no one else is capable.
I love how the left defined the debate by saying republicans were against immigration.
And the Obama loving media went along with it.
Republicans as far as I know are against illegal aliens not people who want to respect this nation and it's people by following the rules to come into this country.
Immigrants? Immigrants? --These are not immigrants--they are illegals. Do not call them immigrants.They are criminals.

EVen the legal immigrants are a problem as most of them are unskilled same as the illegals. We need to stop all immigration (legal and illegal) unless the applicant has a useful skill like being an engineer or auto technician or computer scientist
Obama is looking to transform America into Palestine

IDIOT, WTF does Palistine have to do with anything? Palistine? NOw you want to fucking blame the war between Israel and Palistine on Obama and they have been fighting since Israel stole their land. Give it the fuck back to the Palistines who have been living on it fo thousands of years. GOD told Isreal where to go over 6 thousands of years ago when they denied the Christ and disobeyed him over and over.

Matt 10;33
But whosoever shall deny me before men. The Jews denied him when they rejected him as Messiah. All who refuse to receive him as their Lord deny him still. The disciple who, through the cares of the world, turns away from Christian life, denies him.

:lol:......Frank you do it to these Meatballs every time.....
Obama is looking to transform America into Palestine

IDIOT, WTF does Palistine have to do with anything? Palistine? NOw you want to fucking blame the war between Israel and Palistine on Obama and they have been fighting since Israel stole their land. Give it the fuck back to the Palistines who have been living on it fo thousands of years. GOD told Isreal where to go over 6 thousands of years ago when they denied the Christ and disobeyed him over and over.

Matt 10;33
But whosoever shall deny me before men. The Jews denied him when they rejected him as Messiah. All who refuse to receive him as their Lord deny him still. The disciple who, through the cares of the world, turns away from Christian life, denies him.

:lol:......Frank you do it to these Meatballs every time.....

Frank is a village idiot without a clue.:mad:
Like all radical right nuts they throw out quirlky little scary slogans and words and village idiots lap it up like little puppies sniffing at their butts. Frand cannot even explain in words what he the fuck he means when say "obama plan to turn America into Palestine'
Immigrants? Immigrants? --These are not immigrants--they are illegals. Do not call them immigrants.They are criminals.

EVen the legal immigrants are a problem as most of them are unskilled same as the illegals. We need to stop all immigration (legal and illegal) unless the applicant has a useful skill like being an engineer or auto technician or computer scientist

You're an idiot. Are YOU an engineer or scientist? We could greatly improve our country by launching your useless ass into the ocean.
Immigrants? Immigrants? --These are not immigrants--they are illegals. Do not call them immigrants.They are criminals.

EVen the legal immigrants are a problem as most of them are unskilled same as the illegals. We need to stop all immigration (legal and illegal) unless the applicant has a useful skill like being an engineer or auto technician or computer scientist

Nothing could be further from the truth.

First thing rw's need to do is get it through their heads that not all illegals are migrant farm workers or drug dealers. Most illegals were LEGAL and come from Europe as well as the south, and most are highly educated - including those who came from the south.

Most illegals work in highly skilled jobs and most got the jobs for their skills as well as their multi-lingual ability. Americans can hardly speak their own language so even if we educated Americans they still would not qualify for the jobs that are now held by illegals who were legal at the time they got the job.

As America becomes more and more anti-education, we'll see more foreigners getting American jobs.
Most illegals work in highly skilled jobs and most got the jobs for their skills as well as their multi-lingual ability. Americans can hardly speak their own language so even if we educated Americans they still would not qualify for the jobs that are now held by illegals who were legal at the time they got the job.

You forgot to include the link to proof of your claim.
Most illegals work in highly skilled jobs and most got the jobs for their skills as well as their multi-lingual ability. Americans can hardly speak their own language so even if we educated Americans they still would not qualify for the jobs that are now held by illegals who were legal at the time they got the job.

You forgot to include the link to proof of your claim.

You forgot a link to PROVE your claim? Unkotare, why not post a link WHY you support ( tacitlitly) illegal aliens? You do , don't you? What a shock. Why? All I can ask.
Most illegals work in highly skilled jobs and most got the jobs for their skills as well as their multi-lingual ability. Americans can hardly speak their own language so even if we educated Americans they still would not qualify for the jobs that are now held by illegals who were legal at the time they got the job.

You forgot to include the link to proof of your claim.

You forgot a link to PROVE your claim?

I wrote exactly what I intended. Thanks anyway.
Unkotare, why not post a link WHY you support ( tacitlitly) illegal aliens?

Maybe because I don't, and I've never said that I do?

The whole 'thinking' thing is hard when you first try it, huh?
The key word here is TACIT. Of course you don't support them. Who would? You do defend illegals and that IS tantamount to support, isn't it? Don't split hairs here.
The key word here is TACIT. Of course you don't support them. Who would? You do defend illegals and that IS tantamount to support, isn't it? Don't split hairs here.

If you really want to discuss this you'll have to explain what the hell you're talking about. How exactly am I defending illegals? Be specific, and be sure that you can support any claims about my motivations with direct quotes so you don't waste our time.
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