A crime against God and men

Earlier this morning three Palestinian attackers opened fire at the Old City's Lions Gate, apparantly while leaving the Temple Mount. Two Druze officers murdered at the scene: Two police officers were murdered on Friday morning in a shooting attack on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and an additional officer was lightly wounded.

The officers have been identified as Command Sergeant Major Hayil Satawi and Command Sergeant Major Kamil Shanaan.

Satawi, 30, lives in the northern town of Maghar, served his mandatory service in the Border Police and became a career patrol officer in the Temple Mount Unit. He left behind his wife (Arin) and a three-week-old son, as well as his parents and three siblings.

Shanaan, 22, lives in the northern town of Hurfeish, and has served as a career police officer since his enlistment seven months ago as a patrol officer on the Temple Mount and in the Old City's police unit. He is the son of former Labor party member Shachiv Shanaan. He left behind one brother and three sisters.

Both officers were critically injured and transferred to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, where the doctors were forced to declare their deaths. The officer who was lightly injured was transferred to Shaarei Zedek Hospital, with shrapnel in his hands and neck.


Two Druze policemen killed in Temple Mount terror attack


This is what the people talk about, while protesting how "holy" the Temple Mount to Muslims? so holy, that they feel no shame in spilling the blood of others, where a place of God is right next to it? Is this what UNESCO stands for? Shame on those who support this.

Hopefully Israel will wave the Druze flag today, in thanks and appreciation to those who stand proud in protecting the Temple Mount and Jerusalem from those devils.
Animals will be animals.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Why should the Palestinians have the Temple Mount, when they defile it in bloodshed?

Why should Israel police it? Maybe the Palestinians were policing it.

The Temple Mount has to be under security just like the White House is under security. The Temple Mount is also the holiest place for Jews in the world.

The Temple Mount has belonged to the Palestinians longer. The wailing wall is what you have now.
Nothing in that land has ever belonged to the Palestinians, moron. Temple Mount is an ancient Jewish religious site.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Not only to Penelope, but to all the Jew haters on the thread:

[ How many of these videos will you have the guts to watch? ]

1) The Temple Mount is the holiest site to Judaism.
2) The Temple Mount was never holy to the Muslims.
Do the research about what was done on the Temple Mount by the Muslims since the Muslim conquest or during the Hashemite/Jordanian rule between 1948 and 1967.

The Temple Mount is the "3rd holiest site for Islam" ? Since when?

Answer this, as you are a Christian.
What would happen to Christians, or anyone else if they did the things Muslims do on the Temple Mount, at the Vatican?

What would happen if Christians would do to any church at the Vatican what these Muslims do to one of the Mosques on the Temple Mount?

Watch for yourself.

As a Christian would you like to someday visit the Temple Mount, as any other Christians should be allowed to?

Watch this:

Is playing any kind of sports a form of respect at the Vatican?
Is it any form of respect on the Temple Mount?

Again, WHY is the Temple Mount, or even the Mosques on it sacred to Islam?

When was it EVER, sacred to Islam?

Does the Holy Sculpture belong to Islam? Abbas says so.

Which is the Al Aksa Mosque?

I am not watching your videos, the Christians are treated almost as bad. When they do get rid of all Muslims, next will be the Christians, and then they will have a civil war, history always repeats itself.

"Nearly all Israeli Jews identify with one of four categories: Haredi (commonly translated as “ultra-Orthodox”), Dati (“religious”), Masorti (“traditional”) or Hiloni (“secular”).

Although they live in the same small country and share many traditions, highly religious and secular Jews inhabit largely separate social worlds, with relatively few close friends and little intermarriage outside their own groups. In fact, the survey finds that secular Jews in Israel are more uncomfortable with the notion that a child of theirs might someday marry an ultra-Orthodox Jew than they are with the prospect of their child marrying a Christian. (See Chapter 11 for more information.)

Moreover, these divisions are reflected in starkly contrasting positions on many public policy questions, including marriage, divorce, religious conversion, military conscription, gender segregation and public transportation. Overwhelmingly, Haredi and Dati Jews (both generally considered Orthodox) express the view that Israel’s government should promote religious beliefs and values, while secular Jews strongly favor separation of religion from government policy. "

Israel’s Religiously Divided Society
View attachment 138732
Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Jabarin, Muhammad Hamid Jabarin, and Muhammad Ahmad Mufdal Jabarin z”l

Your heroes are the ones spilling blood at their own house of God.

Tell me who you look up to and I'll tell who you are.
"their own house of God." you got that part right, but it was the israeli who spilt blood on the holy site, and from watching the video one of the Palestinians had been dis-armed by the police before they shot him dead with a volley of fire

I am not watching your videos, the Christians are treated almost as bad. When they do get rid of all Muslims, next will be the Christians, and then they will have a civil war, history always repeats itself.

"Nearly all Israeli Jews identify with one of four categories: Haredi (commonly translated as “ultra-Orthodox”), Dati (“religious”), Masorti (“traditional”) or Hiloni (“secular”).

Although they live in the same small country and share many traditions, highly religious and secular Jews inhabit largely separate social worlds, with relatively few close friends and little intermarriage outside their own groups. In fact, the survey finds that secular Jews in Israel are more uncomfortable with the notion that a child of theirs might someday marry an ultra-Orthodox Jew than they are with the prospect of their child marrying a Christian. (See Chapter 11 for more information.)

Moreover, these divisions are reflected in starkly contrasting positions on many public policy questions, including marriage, divorce, religious conversion, military conscription, gender segregation and public transportation. Overwhelmingly, Haredi and Dati Jews (both generally considered Orthodox) express the view that Israel’s government should promote religious beliefs and values, while secular Jews strongly favor separation of religion from government policy. "

Israel’s Religiously Divided Society

The gutless human that you are, not only you will not watch any of the videos but start spewing again and always about the Jews.

You have never been to Israel. You know nothing about Judaism, its people, it different groups and beliefs, what the government does or does not do.

All you do is scream that the "religious Jews" are going to be taking over Israel and get rid of the Christians and the Muslims.


Israel won the war of Independence in 1948, the 1956 war, the 1967 war and the 1973 war.

It had every right to get rid of all the Christians and Muslims if it wanted to, just as the Muslims did in 1920, 1925, 1929 and 1948 of all the Jews in Gaza, TransJordan, Judea and Samaria.

Did Israel do it? No
Does it plan to do it? No

Are the Haredis, or any other small religious group in Israel ever going to take over the government and ethnically cleanse Israel of all the Pariah which wants to see Israel destroyed all Jews dead ?


Do you have any more garbage to post about Israel and everything else you do not understand about it or Jews in general?
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Not only to Penelope, but to all the Jew haters on the thread:

[ How many of these videos will you have the guts to watch? ]

1) The Temple Mount is the holiest site to Judaism.
2) The Temple Mount was never holy to the Muslims.
Do the research about what was done on the Temple Mount by the Muslims since the Muslim conquest or during the Hashemite/Jordanian rule between 1948 and 1967.

The Temple Mount is the "3rd holiest site for Islam" ? Since when?

Answer this, as you are a Christian.
What would happen to Christians, or anyone else if they did the things Muslims do on the Temple Mount, at the Vatican?

What would happen if Christians would do to any church at the Vatican what these Muslims do to one of the Mosques on the Temple Mount?

Watch for yourself.

As a Christian would you like to someday visit the Temple Mount, as any other Christians should be allowed to?

Watch this:

Is playing any kind of sports a form of respect at the Vatican?
Is it any form of respect on the Temple Mount?

Again, WHY is the Temple Mount, or even the Mosques on it sacred to Islam?

When was it EVER, sacred to Islam?

Does the Holy Sculpture belong to Islam? Abbas says so.

Which is the Al Aksa Mosque?

I watched the first video, and what struck me it was only men praying at the wall, are jewish women not allowed to pray there? I also liked some of the comments, example
This is a ridiculous video and the person that made this compilation is either very misinformed or very ignorant. I AM A CHRISTIAN PALESTINIAN.......... 2 major points that anyone viewing this must know: The first point that this person is portraying is that he claims that their temple was built 3000 years ago but what he neglects to tell everybody is that the Philistines whom we call Palestinians today have been around much much longer than 3000 years and that is according to the old testament which is predominantly about the jewish faith. The second being that this fool is portraying that all Palestinians are muslim but that is far from the truth I am one of the many existing Christian Palestinians. Also i know many many palestinian people and I have quite a large family still residing in Palestine/Israel and I have never ever heard any of them even mention this so called video or that anyone is allegedly wanting or trying to ban it. THIS IS ALL A SMALL MINDED PERSONS ONE SIDED FARCE. It's amazing what they allow people to to advertise on You tube. What annoys me the most is he/she winges and complains about children playing soccer in front of the temple. STOP AND THINK FOOL THEY ARE CHILDREN. Instead of complaining and wasting time compiling this hateful crap, maybe you should trying to find alternative places for the children to play... THEY ARE CHILDREN. Just think if the energy spent on compiling this one sided piece of media by this fool that has nothing better to do than hate on others, was spent on trying to make peace and trying to overcome all the conflict on this earth regardless of race and religion then maybe we might actually begin to see a better world one day. But as long as there are fools like this person who continually want to create hatred and incite trouble and violence then WE WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
Hey Fanger, why did you not post the whole video?
Something to hide?
Or more likely, something more and more and more to accuse Israel with?
2 Druze Police were killed. Are you sorry that they were not Jews?

Yeah, just innocent, unarmed Muslims doing their thing on the Temple Mount and being "shot" by the Jews, actually Druze, for no reason at all.

In a video showing the elimination of the terrorists on the Temple Mount, one of them was seen standing up after being shot. He attempted to continue the attack before he was shot for a second time and eliminated.

Terrorists' message: Smiles will be more beatific

You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Not only to Penelope, but to all the Jew haters on the thread:

[ How many of these videos will you have the guts to watch? ]

1) The Temple Mount is the holiest site to Judaism.
2) The Temple Mount was never holy to the Muslims.
Do the research about what was done on the Temple Mount by the Muslims since the Muslim conquest or during the Hashemite/Jordanian rule between 1948 and 1967.

The Temple Mount is the "3rd holiest site for Islam" ? Since when?

Answer this, as you are a Christian.
What would happen to Christians, or anyone else if they did the things Muslims do on the Temple Mount, at the Vatican?

What would happen if Christians would do to any church at the Vatican what these Muslims do to one of the Mosques on the Temple Mount?

Watch for yourself.

As a Christian would you like to someday visit the Temple Mount, as any other Christians should be allowed to?

Watch this:

Is playing any kind of sports a form of respect at the Vatican?
Is it any form of respect on the Temple Mount?

Again, WHY is the Temple Mount, or even the Mosques on it sacred to Islam?

When was it EVER, sacred to Islam?

Does the Holy Sculpture belong to Islam? Abbas says so.

Which is the Al Aksa Mosque?

I watched the first video, and what struck me it was only men praying at the wall, are jewish women not allowed to pray there? I also liked some of the comments, example
This is a ridiculous video and the person that made this compilation is either very misinformed or very ignorant. I AM A CHRISTIAN PALESTINIAN.......... 2 major points that anyone viewing this must know: The first point that this person is portraying is that he claims that their temple was built 3000 years ago but what he neglects to tell everybody is that the Philistines whom we call Palestinians today have been around much much longer than 3000 years and that is according to the old testament which is predominantly about the jewish faith. The second being that this fool is portraying that all Palestinians are muslim but that is far from the truth I am one of the many existing Christian Palestinians. Also i know many many palestinian people and I have quite a large family still residing in Palestine/Israel and I have never ever heard any of them even mention this so called video or that anyone is allegedly wanting or trying to ban it. THIS IS ALL A SMALL MINDED PERSONS ONE SIDED FARCE. It's amazing what they allow people to to advertise on You tube. What annoys me the most is he/she winges and complains about children playing soccer in front of the temple. STOP AND THINK FOOL THEY ARE CHILDREN. Instead of complaining and wasting time compiling this hateful crap, maybe you should trying to find alternative places for the children to play... THEY ARE CHILDREN. Just think if the energy spent on compiling this one sided piece of media by this fool that has nothing better to do than hate on others, was spent on trying to make peace and trying to overcome all the conflict on this earth regardless of race and religion then maybe we might actually begin to see a better world one day. But as long as there are fools like this person who continually want to create hatred and incite trouble and violence then WE WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

I didn't watch your videos. BUT I personally went to pray at The Western Wall four different time in my life.

I intentionally ignore your videos since they're misleading, and if that is what you base your opinions upon... well... that's... sad, to say the least.

second thing. Philisitines are NOT Palestinians! Philisitines are red-haired sailors who came from Europe. Yes yes, the same Europe you all say Jews came from and that is the reason they're not native.

Care to comment on that?
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

You have been told this before.

Jews have been on the land for over 3000 years. They formed a Nation and everything.

Palestinians are Arabs. They are a part of a group of people who invaded the region in the 7th Century CE, 1400 years ago. Not one of them ever saw it as a Nation, not one of them created an Arab Nation on that land.

For 400 years the land was dominated by the Ottoman Turks until the end of WWI.

Where are the wars, the battles, the endless struggle to free the land from the Ottomans if the Arabs felt such kinship to the land?

Where was the war against the Hashemites as they took TransJordan in 1925 and Judea and Samaria in 1948?

Or against Egypt, who are not Palestinians either, between 1948 and 1967?

You simply do not wish to know what all of it means.

All you want is for the Jews to leave the land and for the Arabs to have full control of it.

What are the Arabs going to give the Jews in the place of Israel ?
Any part of Arabia?
It would be a fair trade.

Palestinians are Arabs.
Some Palestinians exist in the refugee status they do in order for it to be a weapon to destroy Israel. The Arab leaders themselves have said so, but WHAT do you care !!!!!!

You have no idea which Jews were there, for how long, and why so many of them returned to their ancient homeland starting with the start of the 19th century, and eventually had to decide to recreate their sovereign nation at any cost.

Do you have any idea what Jews in Europe and the Ottoman conquered lands were going through?

Where were the Palestinians?

Who in Europe or the Ottoman Empire ever referred to Arabs, any clan of them, as Palestinians before WWI?

Before the Mandate for Palestine was created and ALL on the land would be called Palestinians because of the title of the Mandate, and not because there were actually ANY people calling themselves
Palestinians, then?
the Palestinians had been dis-armed by the police before they shot him dead with a volley of fire
And the truth keeps spilling out. No wonder hasbara keeps losing...

YES! FINALLY! Devastating’ survey shows huge loss of Israel support among Jewish college students

Dance, fool, dance :)
Dream of destroying Israel. It is not going to happen.

Ooops, your dream is still, and always will be a nightmare which will gratefully never materialize. :) :) :)

Am Israel Chai !!!
the Palestinians had been dis-armed by the police before they shot him dead with a volley of fire
And the truth keeps spilling out. No wonder hasbara keeps losing...

YES! FINALLY! Devastating’ survey shows huge loss of Israel support among Jewish college students

Dance, fool, dance :)
Dream of destroying Israel. It is not going to happen.

Ooops, your dream is still, and always will be a nightmare which will gratefully never materialize. :) :) :)

Am Israel Chai !!!
Fanger found what the story was that lipshit left out like she does constantly. Post 1/2 a story and you are getting called out on it.

That simple.
This is the first time I recall seeing a public announcement from Fatah explicitly looking for non-violent responses. I would guess that Fatah is sensitive to the effect that videos and transcripts of their incitement has been having on the West and Israel has (finally) been using them to great effect to point out the real source of the problem.

Nevertheless, the statement blames peaceful Israeli actions like allowing Jews to visit the Temple Mount, and the reaction of closing the area today, as part of a "cycle of violence." Those actions aren't violent, and Fatah is characterizing them as such to give justification to the murderers and terrorists. Similarly, they are saying that Israel killed the murderers "in cold blood" which is also incitement.

Also it is worth noting that Fatah, nominally a secular party, is urging the politicizing of a supposedly holy place and to use prayer as resistance, not as...prayer.

Furthermore, Fatah posted the selfie that the murderers took at their "holy spot" prior to their murder spree, and referred to them as "the martyrs of Al Aqsa Mosque."

(full article online)

Fatah's reaction to Temple Mount events ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol

How dare you call me an anti-Semite, not going to work with me, calling me names. Not all jews have a hook nose,
This lovely couple have what I would call ski jump noses and look European.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Not only to Penelope, but to all the Jew haters on the thread:

[ How many of these videos will you have the guts to watch? ]

1) The Temple Mount is the holiest site to Judaism.
2) The Temple Mount was never holy to the Muslims.
Do the research about what was done on the Temple Mount by the Muslims since the Muslim conquest or during the Hashemite/Jordanian rule between 1948 and 1967.

The Temple Mount is the "3rd holiest site for Islam" ? Since when?

Answer this, as you are a Christian.
What would happen to Christians, or anyone else if they did the things Muslims do on the Temple Mount, at the Vatican?

What would happen if Christians would do to any church at the Vatican what these Muslims do to one of the Mosques on the Temple Mount?

Watch for yourself.

As a Christian would you like to someday visit the Temple Mount, as any other Christians should be allowed to?

Watch this:

Is playing any kind of sports a form of respect at the Vatican?
Is it any form of respect on the Temple Mount?

Again, WHY is the Temple Mount, or even the Mosques on it sacred to Islam?

When was it EVER, sacred to Islam?

Does the Holy Sculpture belong to Islam? Abbas says so.

Which is the Al Aksa Mosque?

I watched the first video, and what struck me it was only men praying at the wall, are jewish women not allowed to pray there? I also liked some of the comments, example
This is a ridiculous video and the person that made this compilation is either very misinformed or very ignorant. I AM A CHRISTIAN PALESTINIAN.......... 2 major points that anyone viewing this must know: The first point that this person is portraying is that he claims that their temple was built 3000 years ago but what he neglects to tell everybody is that the Philistines whom we call Palestinians today have been around much much longer than 3000 years and that is according to the old testament which is predominantly about the jewish faith. The second being that this fool is portraying that all Palestinians are muslim but that is far from the truth I am one of the many existing Christian Palestinians. Also i know many many palestinian people and I have quite a large family still residing in Palestine/Israel and I have never ever heard any of them even mention this so called video or that anyone is allegedly wanting or trying to ban it. THIS IS ALL A SMALL MINDED PERSONS ONE SIDED FARCE. It's amazing what they allow people to to advertise on You tube. What annoys me the most is he/she winges and complains about children playing soccer in front of the temple. STOP AND THINK FOOL THEY ARE CHILDREN. Instead of complaining and wasting time compiling this hateful crap, maybe you should trying to find alternative places for the children to play... THEY ARE CHILDREN. Just think if the energy spent on compiling this one sided piece of media by this fool that has nothing better to do than hate on others, was spent on trying to make peace and trying to overcome all the conflict on this earth regardless of race and religion then maybe we might actually begin to see a better world one day. But as long as there are fools like this person who continually want to create hatred and incite trouble and violence then WE WILL NEVER HAVE PEACE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

So Philistines are today's Palestinians? Ha ha ha. Interesting, one of the most bigotted pieces of shit on this board is now preaching others about peace and tolerance.


It is from the term "Philistines" that the name "Palestinians" has been taken. Actually, the ancient Philistines and modern Palestinians have something in common: both are invaders from other lands! That is precisely the meaning of their name, that is not an ethnic denomination but an adjective applied to them: Peleshet, from the verb "pelesh", "dividers", "penetrators" or "invaders". The Philistines were a confederation of non-Semitic peoples coming from Crete, the Aegean Islands and Asia Minor, also known as "Sea Peoples". The main tribes were Shekelesh, Shardana, Tsikel or Thekker, Akhaiusha or Ekwesh, Danauna or Denyen, Masa or Meshuesh, Uashesh, Teresh or Tursha, Keshesh or Karkisha, Lukka or Rukka, and Labu. The original homeland of the group that ruled the Philistine federation, namely the "Pelesati", was the island of Crete. When the Minoic civilization collapsed, also the Minoic culture disappeared from Crete, as invaders from Greece took control of the island. These ancient Cretans arrived in Southern Canaan and were known as "Peleshtim" by Hebrews and Canaanites (that became allied to fight the invaders). They also invaded Egypt and were defeated by Pharaoh Ramose III in the 12th century b.c.e. The Philistines were organized in city-states, being the most important the Pentapolis: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron, and their territory was close to the Mediterranean coast, a little longer and broader than the present-day "Gaza Strip" - not the whole Judah, they never reached Hevron, Jerusalem or Yericho!

Those Sea Peoples that invaded Egypt were expelled towards other Mediterranean lands and did not evolve into any Arab people, but disappeared as distinguishable groups in Roman times. Those dwelling in Canaan were defeated by King David and reduced to insignificance, the best warriors among them were chosen as David's bodyguard. The remaining Philistines still dwelling in Gaza were subdued by Sargon II of Assyria and after that time, they disappeared definitively from history. They are no longer mentioned since the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon.

Conclusion: there is not one single person in the world who may be able to prove Philistine lineage, yet, if Palestinians insist, they have to recognize themselves as invaders in Israel, and then they must ask Greece to return them back the Isle of Crete! The Philistines are extinct and claims to alleged links with them are utterly false as they are historically impossible to establish. In any case, claiming a Philistine heritage is idle because it cannot legitimate any land in which they were foreign occupants and not native dwellers. Philistines were not Arabs, and the only feature in common between both peoples is that in Israel they should be regarded as invaders, Philistines from the sea and Arabs from the wilderness. They do not want Jerusalem because it is their city, which is not and never has been, they simply want to take her from the Jews, to whom she has belonged for three thousand years. The Philistines wanted to take from Israelites the Holy Ark of the Covenant, modern so-called Palestinians want to take from them the Holy City of the Covenant.

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