A crime against God and men

Interesting, one of the most bigotted pieces of shit on this board is now preaching others about peace and tolerance.
It is interesting that just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
Penelope? Antisemite? Naaawwww....
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
Penelope? Antisemite? Naaawwww....
You don't get to label people as racist/anti-semitic as just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
Interesting, one of the most bigotted pieces of shit on this board is now preaching others about peace and tolerance.
It is interesting that just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
Sending illegal immigrants from Africa back to Africa is not racist, asswipe.

The US sends illegals back to where they came from, including Africa.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Why should the Palestinians have the Temple Mount, when they defile it in bloodshed?

Why should Israel police it? Maybe the Palestinians were policing it.

The Temple Mount has to be under security just like the White House is under security. The Temple Mount is also the holiest place for Jews in the world.
Temple Mount is holiest place for moslem after kebba
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
Penelope? Antisemite? Naaawwww....
You don't get to label people as racist/anti-semitic as just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
Actually I do, and you're a lying racist, antisemtic piece of shit that posts junk from neo Nazi sites on this board.
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
Penelope? Antisemite? Naaawwww....
You don't get to label people as racist/anti-semitic as just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
Actually I do, and you're a lying racist, antisemtic piece of shit that posts junk from neo Nazi sites on this board.

You are apparently the neonazi who wants all the blacks sent back to Africa. Stop projecting.
You mean the Temple Mount Israel wants to take away from the Palestinians, that Temple Mount.

Why should the Palestinians have the Temple Mount, when they defile it in bloodshed?

Why should Israel police it? Maybe the Palestinians were policing it.

The Temple Mount has to be under security just like the White House is under security. The Temple Mount is also the holiest place for Jews in the world.
Temple Mount is holiest place for moslem after kebba

Are you sure?

40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol

How dare you call me an anti-Semite, not going to work with me, calling me names. Not all jews have a hook nose,
This lovely couple have what I would call ski jump noses and look European.
View attachment 138752

I call you antisemite based on the filth you spill against Jews every chance you have.
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol
Penelope? Antisemite? Naaawwww....
You don't get to label people as racist/anti-semitic as just yesterday you actually argued that sending the blacks back to Africa is not racist.
Actually I do, and you're a lying racist, antisemtic piece of shit that posts junk from neo Nazi sites on this board.

You are apparently the neonazi who wants all the blacks sent back to Africa. Stop projecting.
What is happening is the Islamo-terrorist worshiping mental midget doesn't understand how border control works. When an illegal from Somalia, Africa is found breaking the law, they are sent back to Somalia, Africa. That is what every country does.
40% of Jewish are Hiloni (secular) non religious. The only reason they went there was to fight for the Suez Canal and as a British outpost. It was to be set up as a Secular country, while some religious jews had already been there.

Israelis have no more right than the Palestinians to that land, its only money and power they have backing them.

And our long noses and the pleasure of drinking Palestinian blood is an added bonus. wasn't it what you wanted to say?

Can you be more antisemite cliche? lol

How dare you call me an anti-Semite, not going to work with me, calling me names. Not all jews have a hook nose,
This lovely couple have what I would call ski jump noses and look European.
View attachment 138752

I call you antisemite based on the filth you spill against Jews every chance you have.

No I just tell you the truth as I see it, and its too bad if you do not like it. You are anti sematic as well, those Palestinians are your cousins, SEMITES. So if I'm an anti-Semite you are as well.
The three attackers — Muhammad Ahmed Muhammad Jabarin, 29, Muhammad Hamad Abdel Latif Jabarin, 19, and Muhammad Ahmed Mafdal Jabarin, 19 — were all reportedly members of the now-illegal Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement, which is led by the firebrand Arab Israeli figure Raed Salah, who has served as mayor of Umm al-Fahm.

The Islamic Movement’s Northern Branch was deemed illegal by Israel in November 2015. The group has been tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

(full article online)

Terror in the Old City is all too familiar, but Friday’s attack was something else
Earlier this morning three Palestinian attackers opened fire at the Old City's Lions Gate, apparantly while leaving the Temple Mount. Two Druze officers murdered at the scene: Two police officers were murdered on Friday morning in a shooting attack on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and an additional officer was lightly wounded.

The officers have been identified as Command Sergeant Major Hayil Satawi and Command Sergeant Major Kamil Shanaan.

Satawi, 30, lives in the northern town of Maghar, served his mandatory service in the Border Police and became a career patrol officer in the Temple Mount Unit. He left behind his wife (Arin) and a three-week-old son, as well as his parents and three siblings.

Shanaan, 22, lives in the northern town of Hurfeish, and has served as a career police officer since his enlistment seven months ago as a patrol officer on the Temple Mount and in the Old City's police unit. He is the son of former Labor party member Shachiv Shanaan. He left behind one brother and three sisters.

Both officers were critically injured and transferred to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, where the doctors were forced to declare their deaths. The officer who was lightly injured was transferred to Shaarei Zedek Hospital, with shrapnel in his hands and neck.


Two Druze policemen killed in Temple Mount terror attack


This is what the people talk about, while protesting how "holy" the Temple Mount to Muslims? so holy, that they feel no shame in spilling the blood of others, where a place of God is right next to it? Is this what UNESCO stands for? Shame on those who support this.

Hopefully Israel will wave the Druze flag today, in thanks and appreciation to those who stand proud in protecting the Temple Mount and Jerusalem from those devils.
Had to be an inside job. Westerners go thru very tight security by Islamos looking for Bibles.
The response on this thread is appalling. Why would anyone justify terrorist acts in a Holy Place?
Earlier this morning three Palestinian attackers opened fire at the Old City's Lions Gate, apparantly while leaving the Temple Mount. Two Druze officers murdered at the scene: Two police officers were murdered on Friday morning in a shooting attack on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and an additional officer was lightly wounded.

The officers have been identified as Command Sergeant Major Hayil Satawi and Command Sergeant Major Kamil Shanaan.

Satawi, 30, lives in the northern town of Maghar, served his mandatory service in the Border Police and became a career patrol officer in the Temple Mount Unit. He left behind his wife (Arin) and a three-week-old son, as well as his parents and three siblings.

Shanaan, 22, lives in the northern town of Hurfeish, and has served as a career police officer since his enlistment seven months ago as a patrol officer on the Temple Mount and in the Old City's police unit. He is the son of former Labor party member Shachiv Shanaan. He left behind one brother and three sisters.

Both officers were critically injured and transferred to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, where the doctors were forced to declare their deaths. The officer who was lightly injured was transferred to Shaarei Zedek Hospital, with shrapnel in his hands and neck.


Two Druze policemen killed in Temple Mount terror attack


This is what the people talk about, while protesting how "holy" the Temple Mount to Muslims? so holy, that they feel no shame in spilling the blood of others, where a place of God is right next to it? Is this what UNESCO stands for? Shame on those who support this.

Hopefully Israel will wave the Druze flag today, in thanks and appreciation to those who stand proud in protecting the Temple Mount and Jerusalem from those devils.
Had to be an inside job. Westerners go thru very tight security by Islamos looking for Bibles.

One of the articles I posted suggested that they get weapons through lowering a rope and getting them into the Temple Mount that way.

One thing Security will have to resolve with cameras, drones, or whatever it takes to keep weapons out of that Holy Place.

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