A Child Can't Call 2 Women or 2 Men "Mom & Dad"

Structurally, for the sake of kids, do states have the right to define marriage for themselves?

  • No, this is best left up to 9 Justices in the US Supreme Court.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Yes, this is best left up to the discreet communities of states.

    Votes: 11 52.4%

  • Total voters
I'm reposting this due to Syriusly spamming the last page out ....again...this is quite the chronic problem.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Children have been adopted by wolves, goats and even chickens. We would not call their "parents" married would we?

This is a matter for the states to decide. Kids caught up in unfortunate parenting situations that don't allow them to have a single human mom and dad is terrible for sure. But because they are suffering doesn't meant we dismantle the word "marriage". Marriage exists as it does structurally to entice people away from undesireable parenting (gay, single, polygamist, incest) and towards what is healthiest and best for children. Otherwise states simply wouldn't be involved. It's a fiscal decision the states long ago figured out that it's worth losing some in perks to legitimately married people in order to insure the best formed (and therefore least expensive) citizens that grow into adulthood there.

Inferior situations foster mental illness and the resulting indigency, crime and other woes that costs states tons more in fiscal losses.. There are a tiny handful of states who decided to take a risk on their future citizens by depriving them of a mom or a dad by incentivizing gay marriage. That's their right as a state, even though they've been hoodwinked IMHO by the APA into believing that won't be harmful to kids (see the links in the OP for details). But the vast majority of states don't have legal gay marriage. Marraige is and always has been up to the states. Federally-imposed "gay marriages" there by lower courts are not legal and never have been. Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout State Authority vs Federal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm reposting this due to Syriusly spamming the last page out ....again...this is quite the chronic problem.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Children have been adopted by wolves, goats and even chickens. We would not call their "parents" married would we?

What do the chickens call their children? Chicks or babies?
I'm reposting this due to Syriusly spamming the last page out ....again...this is quite the chronic problem.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Children have been adopted by wolves, goats and even chickens. We would not call their "parents" married would we?m

What about the civil rights of children.

Why do you want to deny children whose parents are gay, married parents?

How does preventing their parents from marrying- protect any children's rights?
I'm reposting this due to Syriusly spamming the last page out ....again...this is quite the chronic problem.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Children have been adopted by wolves, goats and even chickens. We would not call their "parents" married would we?

This is a matter for the states to decide. Kids caught up in unfortunate parenting situations that don't allow them to have a single human mom and dad is terrible for sure. But because they are suffering doesn't meant we dismantle the word "marriage". Marriage exists as it does structurally to entice people away from undesireable parenting (gay, single, polygamist, incest) and towards what is healthiest and best for children. Otherwise states simply wouldn't be involved. It's a fiscal decision the states long ago figured out that it's worth losing some in perks to legitimately married people in order to insure the best formed (and therefore least expensive) citizens that grow into adulthood there.

Inferior situations foster mental illness and the resulting indigency, crime and other woes that costs states tons more in fiscal losses.. There are a tiny handful of states who decided to take a risk on their future citizens by depriving them of a mom or a dad by incentivizing gay marriage. That's their right as a state, even though they've been hoodwinked IMHO by the APA into believing that won't be harmful to kids (see the links in the OP for details). But the vast majority of states don't have legal gay marriage. Marraige is and always has been up to the states. Federally-imposed "gay marriages" there by lower courts are not legal and never have been. Lifestyle-Marriage Equality Slugout State Authority vs Federal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You need to explain to us how children can be adopted by wolves, goats and even chickens? How about starting there.
Actually since it's a strawman, I don't have to explain anything, least of all to serial spammers like you folks.

But here you go, I'll indulge you this once and refer you to this post number when you bring it up 70 more times in this thread in an attempt to derail questions you're afraid to answer...as if you'd never seen this post before..

Age when found: 6
Location: Sekandra, India
Years in the wild: 6
Animals: wolves

Dina Sanichar, one of the boys who lived at the Sekandra orphanage, is usually assumed to have been mentally sub-normal. He was removed from a wolves’ cave in 1867 when he was about six years old. Dina Sanichar was discovered when hunters in the jungles of Bulandshahr were astonished to see a boy follow a wolf into her den, running on all fours. They smoked out the wolf and her companion and shot the wolf.
He initially exhibited all the habits of a wild animal, tearing off clothes and eating food from the ground. He was eventually weaned off raw meat onto cooked, but never did learn to speak. He apparently became addicted to tobacco. Dina Sanichar died in 1895.

Date found: 1920
Age when found: 8 (Kamala), 1.5 (Amala)
Location: Midnapore, India
Years in the wild: 8, 1
Animals: wolves

Perhaps one of the best-known and controversial stories of feral children is that of Amala and Kamala. Kamala and Amala are two of the most interesting cases of feral children. The wolf girls were about 18 months (Amala) and eight years old (Kamala) when they were found together in a wolves’ den. However, it is believed that they were not sisters, but were abandoned — or taken by wolves — some years apart...

Date found: 1990
Age when found: 12
Location: Andes, Perú
Years in the wild: 8
Animals: goats

The Andes Goat-Boy was found in the Andes, Peru, in 1990, and was said to have been raised by goats for eight years. He is supposed to have survived by drinking their milk, and eating roots and berries. Being in wild, he developed the obvious feral characteristics.
He tended to walk with all his 4 limbs, his hands and feet were hardened due to scar formation that acted like his hoofs. He could communicate with goats and could not learn human language.

After being found, the Andes Goat-Boy was investigated by a team from Kansas University ( The University of Kansas or Kansas State University) and named Daniel.

Date found: 2008
Age when found: 7
Location: Volgograd, Russia
Years in the wild: 7
Animals: birds

In 2008, Russian care workers rescued a seven-year-old “bird-boy” who could communicate only by “chirping” after his mother raised him in a virtual aviary, it has been reported. Authorities said the neglected child was found living in a tiny two-room apartment surrounded by cages containing dozens of birds, bird feed and droppings.
(more: 10 Feral Human Children Raised by Animals )
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Yeah let's just screw their minds up worse, why don't we. The liberal welfare system broke up black families, we got Ferguson and detroit. After 50 years of welfare. Just think the kind of people we will get from this social experiment.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Yeah let's just screw their minds up worse, why don't we. The liberal welfare system broke up black families, we got Ferguson and detroit. After 50 years of welfare. Just think the kind of people we will get from this social experiment.

Many children have two mommies and two daddies in their lives
Ever see children of divorced parents?
Actually since it's a strawman, I don't have to explain anything, least of all to serial spammers like you folks.

But here you go, I'll indulge you this once and refer you to this post number when you bring it up 70 more times in this thread in an attempt to derail questions you're afraid to answer...as if you'd never seen this post before..

Age when found: 6
Location: Sekandra, India
Years in the wild: 6
Animals: wolves

Dina Sanichar, one of the boys who lived at the Sekandra orphanage, is usually assumed to have been mentally sub-normal. He was removed from a wolves’ cave in 1867 when he was about six years old. Dina Sanichar was discovered when hunters in the jungles of Bulandshahr were astonished to see a boy follow a wolf into her den, running on all fours. They smoked out the wolf and her companion and shot the wolf.
He initially exhibited all the habits of a wild animal, tearing off clothes and eating food from the ground. He was eventually weaned off raw meat onto cooked, but never did learn to speak. He apparently became addicted to tobacco. Dina Sanichar died in 1895.

Date found: 1920
Age when found: 8 (Kamala), 1.5 (Amala)
Location: Midnapore, India
Years in the wild: 8, 1
Animals: wolves

Perhaps one of the best-known and controversial stories of feral children is that of Amala and Kamala. Kamala and Amala are two of the most interesting cases of feral children. The wolf girls were about 18 months (Amala) and eight years old (Kamala) when they were found together in a wolves’ den. However, it is believed that they were not sisters, but were abandoned — or taken by wolves — some years apart...

Date found: 1990
Age when found: 12
Location: Andes, Perú
Years in the wild: 8
Animals: goats

The Andes Goat-Boy was found in the Andes, Peru, in 1990, and was said to have been raised by goats for eight years. He is supposed to have survived by drinking their milk, and eating roots and berries. Being in wild, he developed the obvious feral characteristics.
He tended to walk with all his 4 limbs, his hands and feet were hardened due to scar formation that acted like his hoofs. He could communicate with goats and could not learn human language.

After being found, the Andes Goat-Boy was investigated by a team from Kansas University ( The University of Kansas or Kansas State University) and named Daniel.

Date found: 2008
Age when found: 7
Location: Volgograd, Russia
Years in the wild: 7
Animals: birds

In 2008, Russian care workers rescued a seven-year-old “bird-boy” who could communicate only by “chirping” after his mother raised him in a virtual aviary, it has been reported. Authorities said the neglected child was found living in a tiny two-room apartment surrounded by cages containing dozens of birds, bird feed and droppings.
(more: 10 Feral Human Children Raised by Animals )
And................there you have it.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Yeah let's just screw their minds up worse, why don't we. The liberal welfare system broke up black families, we got Ferguson and detroit. After 50 years of welfare. Just think the kind of people we will get from this social experiment.
Better yet, why don't you use Big Government to FORCE people to stay together and FORCE two parent (male/female) families....taking children away from families that don't fit your criteria.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Because there are loveless psychological components that make up the formative years that are compelling and important. Check the OP links for details.

Besides, the word "love" is used very loosely by the LGBT cult. For instance, pedophiles love children. Harvey Milk loved Jack Mckinley. So, there you go. We'll stick to base mechanics and extensive knowledge of childhood psychology and formative years: requiring both a mother and a father for best prognoses of both child genders..

It's a lost cause guys.

The protectors of children will never resign to their endangerment.

(See Syriusly, I answered two posters in one post. Proving that it CAN be done..)
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Because there are loveless psychological components that make up the formative years that are compelling and important. Check the OP links for details.

Besides, the word "love" is used very loosely by the LGBT cult. For instance, pedophiles love children. Harvey Milk loved Jack Mckinley. So, there you go. We'll stick to base mechanics and extensive knowledge of childhood psychology and formative years: requiring both a mother and a father for best prognoses of both child genders..

It's a lost cause guys.

The protectors of children will never resign to their endangerment.

(See Syriusly, I answered two posters in one post. Proving that it CAN be done..)

Once you start using pedophiles as an argument against gays, you have lost the argument
Once you start using pedophiles as an argument against gays, you have lost the argument

Not when you consider that Harvey Milk, LGBT sexual icon was a pedophile; they all know it and defend him instead of denouncing him for it..then it becomes significant when you consider children are involved as the most important parties to marriage...
Actually since it's a strawman, I don't have to explain anything, least of all to serial spammers like you folks.

But here you go, I'll indulge you this once and refer you to this post number when you bring it up 70 more times in this thread in an attempt to derail questions you're afraid to answer...as if you'd never seen this post before..

Age when found: 6
Location: Sekandra, India
Years in the wild: 6
Animals: wolves

Dina Sanichar, one of the boys who lived at the Sekandra orphanage, is usually assumed to have been mentally sub-normal. He was removed from a wolves’ cave in 1867 when he was about six years old. Dina Sanichar was discovered when hunters in the jungles of Bulandshahr were astonished to see a boy follow a wolf into her den, running on all fours. They smoked out the wolf and her companion and shot the wolf.
He initially exhibited all the habits of a wild animal, tearing off clothes and eating food from the ground. He was eventually weaned off raw meat onto cooked, but never did learn to speak. He apparently became addicted to tobacco. Dina Sanichar died in 1895.

Date found: 1920
Age when found: 8 (Kamala), 1.5 (Amala)
Location: Midnapore, India
Years in the wild: 8, 1
Animals: wolves

Perhaps one of the best-known and controversial stories of feral children is that of Amala and Kamala. Kamala and Amala are two of the most interesting cases of feral children. The wolf girls were about 18 months (Amala) and eight years old (Kamala) when they were found together in a wolves’ den. However, it is believed that they were not sisters, but were abandoned — or taken by wolves — some years apart...

Date found: 1990
Age when found: 12
Location: Andes, Perú
Years in the wild: 8
Animals: goats

The Andes Goat-Boy was found in the Andes, Peru, in 1990, and was said to have been raised by goats for eight years. He is supposed to have survived by drinking their milk, and eating roots and berries. Being in wild, he developed the obvious feral characteristics.
He tended to walk with all his 4 limbs, his hands and feet were hardened due to scar formation that acted like his hoofs. He could communicate with goats and could not learn human language.

After being found, the Andes Goat-Boy was investigated by a team from Kansas University ( The University of Kansas or Kansas State University) and named Daniel.

Date found: 2008
Age when found: 7
Location: Volgograd, Russia
Years in the wild: 7
Animals: birds

In 2008, Russian care workers rescued a seven-year-old “bird-boy” who could communicate only by “chirping” after his mother raised him in a virtual aviary, it has been reported. Authorities said the neglected child was found living in a tiny two-room apartment surrounded by cages containing dozens of birds, bird feed and droppings.
(more: 10 Feral Human Children Raised by Animals )

What does a mama chicken call her human child?

Chick? Baby?

Once you start using pedophiles as an argument against gays, you have lost the argument

Not when you consider that Harvey Milk, LGBT sexual icon was a pedophile;..

Not when you consider that is entirely your fiction.

There is no evidence that Harvey Milk ever had sex with an underage minor- nor was he a 'sexual icon'.

Now- we do have evidence that Elvis Presley has sex with an underage minor- and Elvis was an actual sexual icon.

When you consider what a sexual icon that Elvis Presley is to the heterosexual community- millions visit his home every year- they even bring their children to see his bed.......

You should be disgusted that heterosexuals are even allowed around children........

Who am I kidding- you don't give a damn about children- they are just a tomato for you to throw at homosexuals.
A child can't call three or four moms and a single dad his/her parents even if they are married. A child can't be adopted by animals or trees either but maybe someday if democrats keep getting elected.
Why limit the number of people who can provide love and support to a child's life?
Because there are loveless psychological components that make up the formative years that are compelling and important. Check the OP links for details.

Besides, the word "love" is used very loosely by)

Tell us more about how the wolves loved the children that they adopted?

And the chickens- tell us more about the Chickens raising children....and that love.....
I really don't feel like reading 8 pages of another "I hate fags and wish everyone would stop talking about them except me" topic. Has anyone pointed out to the retard who started this topic that the kids call their lesbian parents "Mom" and "Mom", and their gay male parents "Dad" and "Dad"?
I really don't feel like reading 8 pages of another "I hate fags and wish everyone would stop talking about them" topic. Has anyone pointed out to the retard who started this topic that the kids call their lesbian parents "Mom" and "Mom", and their gay male parents "Dad" and "Dad"?

Yes- we are just all wondering what the kids raised by wolves call their parents- I mean is it appropriate to call your mother 'bitch'?

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