Zone1 A Brief Look at Blacks and Jews in America(take 2)

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The Holocaust happened, partly, because no one believed it could have happened. Even Jews, who had suffered centuries of overt antisemitism in Europe and hundreds of European slaughters of Jews just could not believe that The Nazis were capable of attempting to exterminate Jews as a people.

Millions of Jews packed their bags and boarded trains, refusing to believe that they were being taken to their deaths.

"Never Again" means remembering The Holocaust and knowing that, even in a so-called civilized country, it can happen again.

Remembering what happened in the past is a big step to preventing it from happening in the future.

Thanks ... I was aware of the general meaning and how it has shifted at times in the Jewish Community between "Never Again" and "Never Forget".
I was also under the impression that they addressed it personally, not only as a reminder, but as a reason to approach the issue from a personal position.

Jews were responsible for remembering and reminding others.
Jews hunted down their oppressors and tried to bring them to justice.
Jew carved Israel out of the Holy Lands as their own and are committed to providing for their safety.

I am not saying that they do not get assistance from others ...
I just wanted to know if they look to others before they look within themselves.

I may just have everything messed up and it doesn't mean anything at all, outside of the widely accepted broader context ... :auiqs.jpg:

It seems to me that that sentiment should also apply to slavery and Jim Crowe in our country.
Not really. People knew about slavery. And the abolitionists railed against it. And Jim Crow laws also took heat. It was known and not concealed from the People. By contrast, the filthy New York Slimes knew about the holocaust — as Hitler was perpetrating it. But they elected not to REPORT it.
It seems to me that that sentiment should also apply to slavery and Jim Crowe in our country.
It already does. As far as I know there isn't a single person in the USA that advocates for the return of slavery, and damned few who advocate a return to segregation. The odd thing is that I’ve heard more blacks advocating for segregation than whites.
The Holocaust happened, partly, because no one believed it could have happened. Even Jews, who had suffered centuries of overt antisemitism in Europe and hundreds of European slaughters of Jews just could not believe that The Nazis were capable of attempting to exterminate Jews as a people.

Millions of Jews packed their bags and boarded trains, refusing to believe that they were being taken to their deaths.

"Never Again" means remembering The Holocaust and knowing that, even in a so-called civilized country, it can happen again.

Remembering what happened in the past is a big step to preventing it from happening in the future.
Not true. Zionist writers in Europe championed shit stirring hoping others would go after them hard long before 33'. The goal was well see they treat us bad so we should get Israel back. All of the commie attempted revolutions against France, Germany, Spain, Italy were Jew led. They succeeded massively in Russia and they butchered the Christian clergy there. You want here much about this in the USA bet there are some writes today in Israel who it doesn't bother to write about it sometimes.
Not really. People knew about slavery. And the abolitionists railed against it. And Jim Crow laws also took heat. It was known and not concealed from the People. By contrast, the filthy New York Slimes knew about the holocaust — as Hitler was perpetrating it. But they elected not to REPORT it.
I wouldn’t just blame the Times. People chose to look the other way and anti semitism was pretty strong in our country during that time.

But the point is, our countries actions in perpetrating slavery long after it was abolished elsewhere, and in the formation of what came to be called Jim Crowe are something that should not be forgotten or trivialized.
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I wouldn’t just blame the Times. People chose to look the other way and anti semitism was pretty strong in our country during that time.

But the point is, our countries actions in perpetrating slavery long after it was abolished elsewhere, and in the formation of what came to be called Jim Crowe are something that should not be forgotten or trivialized.
Our termination of slavery was later than it should have been. Obviously. It should never have begun here. But we totes it out not that long after Britain did and before other countries did. Hell, it still exists in some places.

Jim Crow Laws stemmed from antagonism toward blacks because of the civil war and the stubborn belief that the Southern slave states had been wronged. No modern day person defends that atrocious history. But it is in the past. There is no longer any legally authorized racial discrimination in this nation. There are of course still racists. There will likely long be a strain of assholes in every land.
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I wouldn’t just blame the Times. People chose to look the other way and anti semitism was pretty strong in our country during that time.

But the point is, our countries actions in perpetrating slavery long after it was abolished elsewhere, and in the formation of what came to be called Jim Crowe are something that should not be forgotten or trivialized.
There were many countries that maintained slavery long after it ended in the USA. The USA was one of the first countries to help suppress the slave trade and the only country to fight a war to end it within its borders.
You are a classic racist who looks at racial groups as group-think Borg collectives. That is obviously nonsense which is what Donald H correctly pointed out. That is why it so easy to dismantle your silly sermons on race. You squash any real debate and you do everything you can to censor and silence people who disagree with you.
What the hell is a 'classiic racist?
Why bring Israel into this? I keep hearing how hating the Jewish country has nothing to do with being antisemitic, and yet….every single time we talk about antisemitism, out someone comes with Israel. Or, worse, every time the topic is Israel, the f’n antisemites swarm in like moths to a flame.

And NO! Jews are not embroiled in victimization like the liberals want blacks to be. We are not blaming antisemitism every time Moshe shoplifts (pretty rare) or Rachel has a baby in high school (also rare). But blacks are blaming racism when members of their community do those bad things, and white leftists are driving this victim mentality.

You sympathies, since you’re liberal, automatically go with the blacks as opposed to Jews, but I am NOT doing what your friend IM2 is doing.
Oh so you're using "having a baby out of wedlock" and "having a baby in high school", not because it hinders upward mobility but as a stand-in for saying promiscuous.

How many white celebrities had/have kids out of wedlock without as much as a side eye from you?
I am not saying that they do not get assistance from others ...
And this was the only thing I kept telling Lisa to debunk her "we puled ourselves up by our own bootstraps after arriving on the shores of the U.S. as refugees fleeing Hitler both penniless and uneducated and then rose from poverty to affluence in 10 years and now all live successful lives.

NOT WITHOUT ASSISTANCE is that even possible, assistance that was often not available to black people, by design.

But don't tell Lisa that, she'll simply deny documented and archived history.
Let's look at this statement:

Nobody in America committed the Holocaust.
Never Forget is about making sure it never happens again ... to anyone.

No one has ever used Never Forget to suggest it's the reason to blame for lack of success among Jews.
That's because white Jews didn't face Jim Crow.
The Jews discuss it but we don’t hear blaming people today for it.
Exactly. I’ve pointed out the difference repeatedly, and it‘s ignored:

1)Blacks and their enabling leftists blame slavery and racism for high crime and poverty rates among blacks,

2) Jews do NOT blame the Holocaust and antisemitism for any crime or poverty among Jews.
Oh so you're using "having a baby out of wedlock" and "having a baby in high school", not because it hinders upward mobility but as a stand-in for saying promiscuous.

How many white celebrities had/have kids out of wedlock without as much as a side eye from you?
How many white celebrities, who can obviously AFFORD to have a baby out of wedlock, blame racism?

And now you’re claiming I implied “promiscuous” when I did no such thing. Thats what you people do - ascribe words (or implications) to your opponent when you have no other way to argue the point.

And again….the POINT is that the high out-of-wedlock rate among blacks is the reason the poverty rate is so high among blacks - NOT racism.
And this was the only thing I kept telling Lisa to debunk her "we puled ourselves up by our own bootstraps after arriving on the shores of the U.S. as refugees fleeing Hitler both penniless and uneducated and then rose from poverty to affluence in 10 years and now all live successful lives.

NOT WITHOUT ASSISTANCE is that even possible, assistance that was often not available to black people, by design.

But don't tell Lisa that, she'll simply deny documented and archived history.
No. Our family did it without assistance.

Also, I didn’t say poverty to affluence in 10 years. i said poverty to the middle class in 10 years. It took another 10 years to move to affluence. Still, all done in a single generation.

And blacks TODAY have assistance - and have for the last two generations - via favored admissions policies that allows them into programs because of their race. Jews in the 50s got into college despite the opposite - anti-Jew quotas.

Instead of looking for excuses as to how Jew were able to succeed when so many blacks are still impoverished, just follow the basic formula to get out of poverty:

1) No babies before marriage when you’re young, uneducated, and unable to support them

2) Finish high school, at a minimum, and the take a Pell Grant to get career training
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