A black republican to respect

This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

No one loves "sellouts"! You consider these sellouts? Condi Rice, General(ret) Colin Powell, Paul Robeson, Justice Clarence Thomas???? Of course you do because you're a partisan hack full of garbage!!


Partisanship has nothing to do with disliking blacks who work to validate racist stereotypes whites have about us or work to maintain white supremacy. In the group you cited only one can be considered a sellout. Justice Clarence Thomas. You are the partisan hack. That's why you keep trying to blame democrats all the time.

Justice Thomas a "sellout"? lmao Didn't shatter any stereotypes, did he!!! Stupid comment but I agree about Condi and Colin. Paul of course was a fantastic Bass and a Communist useful idiot; nothing stereotypical about him. lol


Yes Thomas is a sellout. When you are admitted into Yale law school because of AA you don't say AA harms blacks. When you grew up and saw blacks could not vote you don't vote for gutting provisions of the voting rights act.

What? You mean LEGAL voters voting?? Be more precise: WHAT provisions? Needing DL or some other form of ID?? You saying that Blacks are too stupid to get them???

That's idiotic!!

This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

No one loves "sellouts"! You consider these sellouts? Condi Rice, General(ret) Colin Powell, Paul Robeson, Justice Clarence Thomas???? Of course you do because you're a partisan hack full of garbage!!


Partisanship has nothing to do with disliking blacks who work to validate racist stereotypes whites have about us or work to maintain white supremacy. In the group you cited only one can be considered a sellout. Justice Clarence Thomas. You are the partisan hack. That's why you keep trying to blame democrats all the time.

Ironic that the only DemoKKKrat leader in Virginia likely to be thrown out is the BLACK MAN!! Dems are SOOOOOOO wonderful to Blacks on their Plantation...NOT!! Wake up!! You should have joined the Republicans and made a difference and SMASHED the stereotype under which you are oppressed.


When you republicans demand Trump resign because of his documented acts of racism as proven by the DOJ as well as having a real investigation of Kavanaugh come talk.

In short you have NOTHING!!! You're just as stupid and ignorant as any DemoKKKrat stereotype. Pathetic.

This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

No one loves "sellouts"! You consider these sellouts? Condi Rice, General(ret) Colin Powell, Paul Robeson, Justice Clarence Thomas???? Of course you do because you're a partisan hack full of garbage!!


Partisanship has nothing to do with disliking blacks who work to validate racist stereotypes whites have about us or work to maintain white supremacy. In the group you cited only one can be considered a sellout. Justice Clarence Thomas. You are the partisan hack. That's why you keep trying to blame democrats all the time.

Hate to tell you dropkick but if I consider 4 out of 5 to be non-sellouts then your claim that I am "racist" is daft!! The fifth, Justice Thomas, is a SCJ as you know; he has been an example to all that you don't have to be a Jesse Jackson airhead to reach the pinnacle of success in the US...and that is because his DECISIONS are centered on the LAW and the Constitution!! To me that makes 5/5. So do sit on your secateurs and twist!!



YES; they HAVE committed crimes. But slavery ended in 1863. Now it is true that DemoKKKrats and Unions kept the Black Man segregated in vast swathes of America so I suggest that you identify WHICH white folk you are talking about. After all, I doubt the Swedes had anything to do with slavery in the US.


White people do not get to define who we are to support.


A republican like Singleton is the ONLY type of black republican I will support. Blacks who do not suffer from internalized racism, blacks that are able to recognize and articulate how white racism has and continues to negatively impact blacks instead of punk ass sellouts talking about unwed mothers.

Now that's is the way I believe and I will not change my mind because some white prick thinks he knows what is better for me than I do.
White people do not get to define who we are to support.


A republican like Singleton is the ONLY type of black republican I will support. Blacks who do not suffer from internalized racism, blacks that are able to recognize and articulate how white racism has and continues to negatively impact blacks instead of punk ass sellouts talking about unwed mothers.

Now that's is the way I believe and I will not change my mind because some white prick thinks he knows what is better for me than I do.
You seem to know everything about whites. Quite hypocritical.
This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

No one loves "sellouts"! You consider these sellouts? Condi Rice, General(ret) Colin Powell, Paul Robeson, Justice Clarence Thomas???? Of course you do because you're a partisan hack full of garbage!!


Partisanship has nothing to do with disliking blacks who work to validate racist stereotypes whites have about us or work to maintain white supremacy. In the group you cited only one can be considered a sellout. Justice Clarence Thomas. You are the partisan hack. That's why you keep trying to blame democrats all the time.

Justice Thomas a "sellout"? lmao Didn't shatter any stereotypes, did he!!! Stupid comment but I agree about Condi and Colin. Paul of course was a fantastic Bass and a Communist useful idiot; nothing stereotypical about him. lol


Yes Thomas is a sellout. When you are admitted into Yale law school because of AA you don't say AA harms blacks. When you grew up and saw blacks could not vote you don't vote for gutting provisions of the voting rights act.

What? You mean LEGAL voters voting?? Be more precise: WHAT provisions? Needing DL or some other form of ID?? You saying that Blacks are too stupid to get them???

That's idiotic!!


Shelby County v. Holder
White people do not get to define who we are to support.


A republican like Singleton is the ONLY type of black republican I will support. Blacks who do not suffer from internalized racism, blacks that are able to recognize and articulate how white racism has and continues to negatively impact blacks instead of punk ass sellouts talking about unwed mothers.

Now that's is the way I believe and I will not change my mind because some white prick thinks he knows what is better for me than I do.
So you have ZERO desire to even identify the causes of black problems let alone come up with solutions. And you want a cookie for THAT?? No pass, you're just another blinkered fool. Here's a hint: identify problems; find solutions.

No one loves "sellouts"! You consider these sellouts? Condi Rice, General(ret) Colin Powell, Paul Robeson, Justice Clarence Thomas???? Of course you do because you're a partisan hack full of garbage!!


Partisanship has nothing to do with disliking blacks who work to validate racist stereotypes whites have about us or work to maintain white supremacy. In the group you cited only one can be considered a sellout. Justice Clarence Thomas. You are the partisan hack. That's why you keep trying to blame democrats all the time.

Justice Thomas a "sellout"? lmao Didn't shatter any stereotypes, did he!!! Stupid comment but I agree about Condi and Colin. Paul of course was a fantastic Bass and a Communist useful idiot; nothing stereotypical about him. lol


Yes Thomas is a sellout. When you are admitted into Yale law school because of AA you don't say AA harms blacks. When you grew up and saw blacks could not vote you don't vote for gutting provisions of the voting rights act.

What? You mean LEGAL voters voting?? Be more precise: WHAT provisions? Needing DL or some other form of ID?? You saying that Blacks are too stupid to get them???

That's idiotic!!


Shelby County v. Holder

WOW: due process being followed. How amazing is that???.....NOT!!! Airhead!

This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

As long as you remain stubborn and join the unique American culture fully, there will always be problems in your communities. Even if Progressive Socialist Communists take full control it won't end. If you like Snoop Dog and others as a role model over Ben Carson that is the problem. In our nation we need men and women to be the best at things. The best that is needed to compete in a world that lives on it. You spend so much time determining what people are thinking and passing judgement you let the prize go through your fingers with great costs to the taxpayers. So you will riot again at some point. I have my issues so I am not spouting as some overlord of power.
Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.
Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.

Yeah: And he's a "coconut"! What a nonsense! He is a role modal for HUMANITY; not just those with melanin in their skin.

Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.

Don't need to read Carsons resume.

He is a sellout. There are more sucessful blacks out here who are not Carson. You guys think he's great because he says what you want and need to hear about backs
Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.

Yeah: And he's a "coconut"! What a nonsense! He is a role modal for HUMANITY; not just those with melanin in their skin.


He is not a role model for anyone. He is a crook.
This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

As long as you remain stubborn and join the unique American culture fully, there will always be problems in your communities. Even if Progressive Socialist Communists take full control it won't end. If you like Snoop Dog and others as a role model over Ben Carson that is the problem. In our nation we need men and women to be the best at things. The best that is needed to compete in a world that lives on it. You spend so much time determining what people are thinking and passing judgement you let the prize go through your fingers with great costs to the taxpayers. So you will riot again at some point. I have my issues so I am not spouting as some overlord of power.

You posted ignorant gibberish. There are other blacks who have achieved. You whites don't get to tell us who we are to like. You like Carson because he kisses white ass. I don't need to spend time determining what people are thinking and passing judgement, your racism is transparent.
Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.

Yeah: And he's a "coconut"! What a nonsense! He is a role modal for HUMANITY; not just those with melanin in their skin.


He is not a role model for anyone. He is a crook.
can you please join the Republican party, leave the victim shit behind and make a difference for ALL Americans: not just people who identify as blacks, whatever they are.

I like Ben Carson. He's one of the very, very few politicians of either side of the fake two-party system that I do like.
This brothers name is Shermichael Singleton. He's a black republican.


And he not one of those mealy mouthed sellouts white republicans love.

As long as you remain stubborn and join the unique American culture fully, there will always be problems in your communities. Even if Progressive Socialist Communists take full control it won't end. If you like Snoop Dog and others as a role model over Ben Carson that is the problem. In our nation we need men and women to be the best at things. The best that is needed to compete in a world that lives on it. You spend so much time determining what people are thinking and passing judgement you let the prize go through your fingers with great costs to the taxpayers. So you will riot again at some point. I have my issues so I am not spouting as some overlord of power.

You posted ignorant gibberish. There are other blacks who have achieved. You whites don't get to tell us who we are to like. You like Carson because he kisses white ass. I don't need to spend time determining what people are thinking and passing judgement, your racism is transparent.

Huh? "Racist" as a pejorative now even applies to Blacks who are Conservative or just plain decent folks? You are a dill!!! Read your butt lips!! Your perspective is shit; get a fucking life!! Working for #cowfartDems is a load of hot air!!!

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Oh, you mean successful, self made man.

Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins, first surgeon to successfully separate twins joined at the head.

Yeah he's awful. What a loser.

"He is noted for his use of cerebral hemispherectomy to control intractable seizures as well as for his work in craniofacial reconstructive surgery, achondroplasia (human dwarfism), and pediatric neuro-oncology (brain tumors).

"Dr. Carson is a recipient of numerous honors and awards including more than 30 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the American Academy of Achievement, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, and many other prestigious organizations. He was named by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on the occasion of it’s 200th anniversary and in 2001, was chosen by CNN and Time Magazine as one of America’s top 20 physicians and scientists. He sits on many boards including the Board of Directors of Kellogg Company, Costco Wholesale Corporation, the American Academy of Achievement, and is an Emeritus Fellow of the Yale Corporation, the governing body of Yale University. "

Obviously he's a sell out. Cuz that's the only way a black man could amass such a list of amazing accomplishments on his own.

Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr., M.D.

Don't need to read Carsons resume.

He is a sellout. There are more sucessful blacks out here who are not Carson. You guys think he's great because he says what you want and need to hear about backs

Are there?
What has your boy done for humanity?

Democrat black men are their own worst enemies.