A big difference between the Right and Left in this Country.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
People on the left take to the streets to protest and do a little looting and property damage because they did not like the results of the Presidential election. Democrats are always informing everyone on how mean and racist Republicans are, how much we loath Obama. The question I have to ask is how many riots have Republicans instigated when Obama was elected and then reelected ?
None that I recall. It appears conservatives are more mature. BTW, some liberals here on the board are willing to give Trump a chance! hazlnut and Rightwinger I believe are "evolving!" Good for them.
People on the left take to the streets to protest and do a little looting and property damage because they did not like the results of the Presidential election. Democrats are always informing everyone on how mean and racist Republicans are, how much we loath Obama. The question I have to ask is how many riots have Republicans instigated when Obama was elected and then reelected ?

Dear ThunderKiss1965
The rightwing I know have TALK RADIO to have their hissy fits and grieve and organize.
They can go to church and pastors can preach how bad this country is turning
and needs to repent. They have representation in other ways that DON'T rely
on party or govt (if you notice the violent fanaticals on the right who are either criminally
or politically abusive tend to be ISOLATED and DON'T socialize with others either).

Those who don't have the same access to collective assembly and free speech,
might turn to these visible and violent means to get heard through national media.

The REAL progressive left conduct meetings and organize around
Public Radio and Peace and Justice community outreach groups.

Students might organize campus demonstrations that are peaceful,
because of ACCESS to education and connections to put those events together.

The average person who doesn't have this, who knows how they will respond?

I do NOT mean it is "right" to deny representation to conservative right,
and "force' the people who can afford it to suffer undue burdens and
taxes without representation, just because they have other means to counteract this.

It is STILL wrong to do this to both sides.

But if conservatives preach and practice independence from govt,
they have other means and methods of representing and exercising their interests.
They don't rely on govt for that.

The people who DO rely on leaders have nowhere to turn,
and can't AFFORD or don't have SUPPORT to organize on their own.

So when their representation and means of connection is cut off,
of course you'd expect to see mass disruption. Not everyone knows what to do!

Many CAN'T afford to lose their only way of representation,
unless they are offered a system to support it in the meantime.

That's what we need, though, some way to fill that gap.
Through Constructive means, so it does NOT turn destructive in protest!

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