90% of plastic ocean waste comes from 10 rivers, 8 are Asian, 2 are African!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

Our enviro priorities truly suck because Greta Thunberg and John Fraud Kerry drive the Global Warming train right THRU other monumental enviro threats.. Cant even get anyone interested in the oceans when politicians and crybaby no-nothings scream "existential threat" and "end of life as we know it" for a 1degC rise in average earth temperature over a lifetime...

Of course this could be fixed. Maybe we have to recycle our OWN CRAP instead of shipping it to Asia to get into the oceans.. OR -- we could MONETIZE the incentive for creating industry in Asia with jobs to get this done...
Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

Our enviro priorities truly suck because Greta Thunberg and John Fraud Kerry drive the Global Warming train right THRU other monumental enviro threats.. Cant even get anyone interested in the oceans when politicians and crybaby no-nothings scream "existential threat" and "end of life as we know it" for a 1degC rise in average earth temperature over a lifetime...

Of course this could be fixed. Maybe we have to recycle our OWN CRAP instead of shipping it to Asia to get into the oceans.. OR -- we could MONETIZE the incentive for creating industry in Asia with jobs to get this done...
Clean water is a huge threat to the world---but it is being ignored as crooks push the carbon nonsense........the rich crooks are making money off the carbon scam now and they are investing heavily into water and WATER is what is necessary for life.
Isn't this a good feeling ... all this plastic recycling we've been doing here in the United States has just been shipped to China ... who picked out what they wanted and dumped the rest into their rivers ... wait until you find out what the Chinese do with all our e-waste ... they burn it to get at the metals ...

Waste Managers are clever ... telling the general public they aren't shipping the recycling to Third World nations ... they know y'all children out there don't know what that is ... nor that China is a Second World nation ...
Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

Our enviro priorities truly suck because Greta Thunberg and John Fraud Kerry drive the Global Warming train right THRU other monumental enviro threats.. Cant even get anyone interested in the oceans when politicians and crybaby no-nothings scream "existential threat" and "end of life as we know it" for a 1degC rise in average earth temperature over a lifetime...

Of course this could be fixed. Maybe we have to recycle our OWN CRAP instead of shipping it to Asia to get into the oceans.. OR -- we could MONETIZE the incentive for creating industry in Asia with jobs to get this done...
Greta von Iceberg is the perfect representative for the Warmists. The fact that these idiots bow down to a little girl who throws tantrums says it all.
Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

Our enviro priorities truly suck because Greta Thunberg and John Fraud Kerry drive the Global Warming train right THRU other monumental enviro threats.. Cant even get anyone interested in the oceans when politicians and crybaby no-nothings scream "existential threat" and "end of life as we know it" for a 1degC rise in average earth temperature over a lifetime...

Of course this could be fixed. Maybe we have to recycle our OWN CRAP instead of shipping it to Asia to get into the oceans.. OR -- we could MONETIZE the incentive for creating industry in Asia with jobs to get this done...
Greta von Iceberg is the perfect representative for the Warmists. The fact that these idiots bow down to a little girl who throws tantrums says it all.

The masks are off. The lists of morons driving bad decisions is too long to credit them all. But just in case this hasn't been a thread at USMB -- there's one more mental midget to get credit for screwing up environment and conservation issues..

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says racial injustice and 'trampling of Indigenous rights' are causes of climate change | TheHill

AOC quote...

"We must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change, that the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “We are allowing folks to deny ourselves human rights and deny people the right to health care, the right to housing and education."

What anyone of these science illiterate dumbasses knows about environment, pollution, climate could fit on a single protest sign.. To THEM -- it's a vehicle for gaining power. Nothing more. Sad Earth Day to have these marxist zealots hijack and gut environmentalism with political slogans...

Trump signed the Ocean Protection bill.. Another thing he wont get credit for..

CNSNews.com) - President Donald Trump signed into law a bipartisan bill Thursday to clean up oceans from millions of tons of floating debris dumped into the ocean annually.

The president said foreign countries like China and Japan are to blame for dumping 8 million tons of debris each year into the world’s oceans, which then floats to the U.S. coast.

“Every year, over 8 million tons of garbage is dumped into our beautiful oceans by many countries of the world. That includes China, that includes Japan, and that includes many, many countries. This waste, trash, and debris harms not only marine life, but also fishermen, coastal economies along America’s vast stretches. The bad news is it floats toward us,” Trump said.

“I’ve seen pictures recently, and some of you have seen them, where there’s -- a vast, tremendous, unthinkable amount of garbage is floating right into our coast, in particular along the West Coast. And we’re charged with removing it, which is a very unfair situation. It comes from other countries very far away. It takes six months and a year to float over, but it gets here, and it’s a very unfair situation. It’s also unbelievably bad for the oceans,” he said.

The Save Our Seas Act “amends the Marine Debris Act to revise the Marine Debris Program to require the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to work with: (1) other agencies to address both land- and sea-based sources of marine debris, and (2) the Department of State and other agencies to promote international action to reduce the incidence of marine debris.”

Tell me which side is FOCUSED on environmental action... Not their own power and influence.

Any environmentalists in this thread that cannot manage a "Thank you Trump" for DOING SOMETHING about Ocean garbage dumping??
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Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

Our enviro priorities truly suck because Greta Thunberg and John Fraud Kerry drive the Global Warming train right THRU other monumental enviro threats.. Cant even get anyone interested in the oceans when politicians and crybaby no-nothings scream "existential threat" and "end of life as we know it" for a 1degC rise in average earth temperature over a lifetime...

Of course this could be fixed. Maybe we have to recycle our OWN CRAP instead of shipping it to Asia to get into the oceans.. OR -- we could MONETIZE the incentive for creating industry in Asia with jobs to get this done...
Greta von Iceberg is the perfect representative for the Warmists. The fact that these idiots bow down to a little girl who throws tantrums says it all.

Greta von Iceberg --- :laugh: This one also detracts from GW remediation by including the "social justice" rants and confusing pollution with CO2 emissions..
Kind of seems like we could filter that shit out before it enters the ocean, don't you think?

A shit ton of it also comes from ships.
When no ones around to to take them to task they dump shit over board.
There's a stretch of beach in Texas where the currents gather up all that shit and dumps it on the beach.
The vast majority is from ships.
You see a shit ton of hard hats,light bulbs and other detrious that is directly linked to ships and offshore rigs.
The one thing I never could figure out was all the dildos....and I'm not even kidding.
There are shitloads of them!!!
The one thing I never could figure out was all the dildos....and I'm not even kidding.
There are shitloads of them!!!
It's not funny, but I still had to laugh.

We spent many hours discussing where they could be coming from.
We came to the conclusion that oil rig and ship workers were a bunch of butt pirates.
The one thing I never could figure out was all the dildos....and I'm not even kidding.
There are shitloads of them!!!
It's not funny, but I still had to laugh.

We spent many hours discussing where they could be coming from.
We came to the conclusion that oil rig and ship workers were a bunch of butt pirates.
The two unnamed rivers among the top ten are the Los Angeles River and the St Lawrence River (loaded up by US cities on the banks of the Great Lakes)
Plastic in our oceans is a real problem.
But stop getting your news from Facebook ;)
As the snow melts every spring, I am disgusted by the sheer amount of garbage I see around the metro of the Twin Cities. Careless jerks who throw rubbish wherever convenient. Sure as hell isn't conservatives in these areas.
Out in the exurbs we have issues with urban dwellers who drive into the country at night to illegally dump trash, televisions,tires, mattresses etc. We have illegal dumpers who hit our construction site dumpsters with inappropriate trash that my boss gets stuck paying for. We have had several busted because they were dumb enough to have their mailing address in their refuse.
Recycling containers are a pathetic joke as people who apparently can't read put waste with the recycling, or just throw it in the street.
The sheer amount of waste taken out of the Mississippi river in Mpls, is staggering.

images (6).jpeg

Miss Cleanups 2.JPG

Just think of the Cities to the south getting water from the river and adding even more trash to the flow. Now add those face diapers to the mix.
This concerns me far more than a slight increase in global temperatures.
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Isn't this a good feeling ... all this plastic recycling we've been doing here in the United States has just been shipped to China ... who picked out what they wanted and dumped the rest into their rivers ... wait until you find out what the Chinese do with all our e-waste ... they burn it to get at the metals ...

Waste Managers are clever ... telling the general public they aren't shipping the recycling to Third World nations ... they know y'all children out there don't know what that is ... nor that China is a Second World nation ...
It's been years since China has accepted anything from the US for recycling.
Your recycling winds up with all the regular garbage.
Plastic in our oceans is a real problem.
But stop getting your news from Facebook ;)
Plastic in our oceans is a real problem.
But stop getting your news from Facebook ;)

The fact check does not refute anything
, it just points out there could be additional contributors such as dumping from ships. The 10 rivers are disgusting and need to be cleaned up, but fact checkers are trying to give their Chinese masters a pass.

But the study actually states 10 rivers are the source of 88 to 95 percent of the total plastic waste transported by rivers into oceans — not the global amount of plastic present in the oceans.

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