8th Grader arrested and suspended for wearing NRA T-Shirt to school

The student's response to his 1st amendment rights was completely justified up and until the point of physical confrontation.
It's unclear exactly who escalated the situation to the point where police were needed. If it was the boy, he was wrong, but will likely not be prosecuted because of the likely lawsuit over the violation of his civil rights. If it was the teacher who escalated, this will become VERY expensive for the school district and the teacher.


There are no first amendment rights in the 8th grade.

Even if there were, where did the govenment take away this kid's rights?

The school has the responsibility to keep all students safe and this kid got into an altercation with the teacher. And, the teacher has the right be safe from students.

Finally, some of you might want to read the links. You know, for FACTS.

The kid wore a tee-shirt. the tee-shirt didn't threaten the teacher's or anyone else's right to be safe from anyone. Had the state employee just kept her progressive group-think to herself, there would have been no confrontation, you silly bastard.

That's your perverted view. Give us the facts that support it. Your groupthink, Ernie S, will not work here.
"…the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process."

Disturbing the education process? What kind of nazi ass law is that?

What do you tell your kids when they break school rules?

The rules concerning dress are very clear and both the kid and his parents were bound by them.

If the kid/parent don't want to abide by the school rules, they should home school or send him to a school they agree with. As long as he attends that school, he is bound by that school's rules.

Do you agree?
If you read the article, the shirt did not violate the dress code.
There was disagreement on that, Ernie S, about the dress code.

The student has the duty, prima facie, to obey the teacher and complain in the appropriate way later.
School rules:

"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

Should the kid and his parent have to abide by these rules or not?

How does the tee-shirt the kid wore violate that? The shirt did not disrupt anything until the teacher made it an issue.
In other words, public schools are for Authoritarian indoctrination?

Students are not in charge at a public school, any more than you would be as a parent, for instance.

We were having a Parents night at school while the school board was having a meeting. The HS principal walked in and said he had a parent who supposedly told a teacher that if he ever touched her child in discipline that she would kill him. Principal asked for advice.

I called told the Superintendent to call the police and have her arrested for a terroristic threat. She was handcuffed and led out in front of several hundred people. The magistrate put her under an insurance bond the next day after a night in jail. Never had any more problems like that.

In other words, you right wing reactionary freaks are subject to law and order as are the rest of us in a We the People constitutional republic.

Please take your Sovereign Citizen movement and shove it up your ass.

So where is the link to this story, not a story about a woman who threatened to blow up a school.. Two very different things.

He shut up on that when I called him on his bullshit. I mean who in their right mind would even take a call from FakeSmarmy?
The teacher's first amendment rights as a teacher precedes that of students.

Check it.

Once the boy is told to sit down and be quiet, it's over.

That doesn't preclude his right to wear a shirt. The State's rights do not EVER precede the rights of the individual

The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Yes, considering the state of American education, you're right. I'm surprised they get any votes at all since they are taught that the public rights (a fantasy) preclude individual rights.

That means no one has any rights but some nebulous concept called the public.

What a weak, silly country we've become.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

8th grader gun T-shirt arrest: Arrest for NRA t-shirt has a father outraged - Jacksonville Top News | Examiner.com

New details on the 8th grader gun T-shirt arrest story have came in. Jared Marcum, an eighth grade student who attends Logan Middle School in West Virginia, has been arrested because he wore an NRA T-shirt. On April 19, Yahoo! revealed that the boy was suspended and is now facing charges for wearing the shirt to school which contained an image of a gun printed on it with the words "Protect Your Right."

After getting in a dispute with a teacher at the school, Marcum was arrested. He was shocked when he was arrested and he told WBOY that he didn't think there would be an issue.

“"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum said.

Jared's father Allen Lardieri is outraged at his 8th grade son's gun T-shirt arrest arrest and he told the local media,

“"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Lardieri said.

According to Logan Middle School, there policy regarding dress is as follows:

“"A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds, in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions."

The boy's father, Allen Lardieri, doesn't believe that the shirt violates the policy. He later said,

“"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again."

Jared Marcum was released, however the student is facing charges which include obstruction and disturbing the education process.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

He's a child, and I bet the father bought the shirt for his son to make a political point. A child should not be attending school in such a tshirt, especially not after what happened at Sandy Hook.
WTF does Newtown have to do with a tee-shirt? Are you so desperate to see yourself as caring about 20 dead kids that you will equate the First Amendment to killing babies? MY GOD Noomie!
someone earlier claimed that the student doesn't have 1st Amendment rights in school

I would like to have that person Bing Tinker vs Des Moines, 1969.
Unfrikking believeable.

I would guess that a Teacher and School Administrator were Liberal Gun Grabbers and still butthurt over the Gungrabber bills losing in the Senate so they took their anger out on this young man.

I wonder if the school allows those pro-gay T-Shirts?

He's a child, and I bet the father bought the shirt for his son to make a political point. A child should not be attending school in such a tshirt, especially not after what happened at Sandy Hook.
WTF does Newtown have to do with a tee-shirt? Are you so desperate to see yourself as caring about 20 dead kids that you will equate the First Amendment to killing babies? MY GOD Noomie!

If this was a first grader wearing this shirt, would you still support his right to wear it? A child should not be wearing such a shirt to school, period.
If not in violation of school policy that is equally applied, you are right.

But if the boy got loud and vocal, then he falls under public safety procedures.
If he got loud and vocal, it was in defense of his Constitutional rights and completely understandable. If the teacher got loud and vocal first, he was justified.
I'll be interested in seeing how this pays out. I'll bet that charges are dropped and the teacher is fired.

I doubt it. No child has the right to disrupt a classroom, period.
Please try to grasp the fact that it was the teacher who initiated the disturbance. The boy simply wore a shirt that was not in violation of anything other that the teachers Progressive mind set.
Had she not tried to force her warped values on an eighth grader, there would have been no disruption. Can you not see that?
If he got loud and vocal, it was in defense of his Constitutional rights and completely understandable. If the teacher got loud and vocal first, he was justified.
I'll be interested in seeing how this pays out. I'll bet that charges are dropped and the teacher is fired.

I doubt it. No child has the right to disrupt a classroom, period.
Please try to grasp the fact that it was the teacher who initiated the disturbance. The boy simply wore a shirt that was not in violation of anything other that the teachers Progressive mind set.
Had she not tried to force her warped values on an eighth grader, there would have been no disruption. Can you not see that?

It doesn't matter to leftist morons. Their abject worship of the state precludes any questioning of authority. Rights do not matter. Individuals do not matter. All that matters is the power of the state.

Anyone who questions the power of the state should be put in a cage. Anyone who resists being put in a cage should be murdered.

Note the glee they show in the power of the police state shown in Boston. They don't care that an entire city was shut down. They don't care that people's homes were invaded by the state. They don't care that the person captured today was denied due process.

They are wonderfully happy that the leviathan showed its power. They worship it.
He's a child, and I bet the father bought the shirt for his son to make a political point. A child should not be attending school in such a tshirt, especially not after what happened at Sandy Hook.
WTF does Newtown have to do with a tee-shirt? Are you so desperate to see yourself as caring about 20 dead kids that you will equate the First Amendment to killing babies? MY GOD Noomie!

If this was a first grader wearing this shirt, would you still support his right to wear it? A child should not be wearing such a shirt to school, period.

And I don't think a child should be wearing a shirt advocating gay rights or gay marriage either. That is the wonderful thing here.. We don't get to control what messages other people wear on their clothing when message clothing is allowed by policy.

Everyone gets to display their message, even those we don't like.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.
The teacher's first amendment rights as a teacher precedes that of students.

Check it.

Once the boy is told to sit down and be quiet, it's over.

That doesn't preclude his right to wear a shirt. The State's rights do not EVER precede the rights of the individual

The rights of public safety always outweighs the right of a person's speech rights. No one gets to yell 'fire' in a theatre. No one is allowed to get overly vocal and belligerent with a teacher. The teacher is in charge and responsible for the welfare of the class, to which all class members must submit. Protocol exists for students to afterwards express complaints.

No one wonder the libertarian nonsense never gets much in the way of votes.

Let's try it like this:
The teacher is a Conservative and your hypothetical kid walks into his classroom wearing a tee-shirt with a picture of President obama with a halo above his head.
Teacher says, Mr. Smarmy, you can not wear that shirt in my class room.
Your hypothetical boy replies. I'm sorry Sir, but my shirt doe not violate the dress code and I am within my First Amendment rights to wear it.
The teacher shouts, "You have no rights in my classroom, you little twerp. I thought you were smarter than your father."
To which your boy stands up, puffs out his chest and screams, "I'm gonna tell my hypothetical daddy and he'll come and beat you up.

Well shit! That didn't come out the way I wanted it to. I got carried away with how I would imagine your hypothetical offspring would act in a confrontation.

You get my point though. The boy's tee-shirt violated nothing but the teacher's sensibilities and the teacher initiated the confrontation.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.
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There are no first amendment rights in the 8th grade.

Even if there were, where did the govenment take away this kid's rights?

The school has the responsibility to keep all students safe and this kid got into an altercation with the teacher. And, the teacher has the right be safe from students.

Finally, some of you might want to read the links. You know, for FACTS.

The kid wore a tee-shirt. the tee-shirt didn't threaten the teacher's or anyone else's right to be safe from anyone. Had the state employee just kept her progressive group-think to herself, there would have been no confrontation, you silly bastard.

That's your perverted view. Give us the facts that support it. Your groupthink, Ernie S, will not work here.

How is a kid sitting in a classroom wearing an innocuous tee-shirt confrontational?
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

The teacher started the public disturbance when they commented on the shirt in public.

They should have taken it to the Administrators office and done it in private, not public.
Ernie S., the story is what it is. If your child acted out in our school district when I was superintendent, I would have backed my administrators and teachers having your child sequestered until you got there. If you got loud and belligerent with them, you would have been on the way down to the county jail for booking then on to the magistrate. We found putting unruly parents under insurance bond based on performance always took care of the problem.

In public, we have laws. That you don't like them does not mean a fuck in there being executed.

Act out, and see what happens.
The school policy will be reviewed, but the boy did not have the right to escalate a disagreement. If the parents get or indicate violence, then a whole new narrative begins. No student or parent has the legal right to cause a public disturbance in a public school.

End of story.

Then the law is an ass. As are those who advocate such laws.

P. S. I sincerely doubt the competence of a teacher who has to call law enforcement to aid in violating someone's right to free speech.

You have the right to your opinion, but in this case it's worthless. You are merely beating your chest. Beat away.

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