88% of Blacks do not Support Trump Because they are Racist

Yep. Rural white trailerpark communities are just as poor as inner city ghettos but you don't hear about redneck white boys going around doing drivebys or shooting someone in the face for wearing the wrong color hat.

Correct. They lay around doing heroin and meth instead, drink themselves into comas and beat their wives and kids

Meth, Heroin? Somewhat. Mostly they're abusing the drugs prescribed to them by asian doctors
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
Trump is an ASSHOLE. I've never liked him, not as a person, not as a man, not as a candidate, and certainly him bamboozling his way into the office of POTUS isn't going to suddenly make me change my mind about him.

Just like all of you all used to say you didn't dislike President Obama because he's black, it was because of his policies. I don't dislike Trump because he's a Republican (now, he hasn't always been), or because he's white, or because he's a billionaire or any of the other reasons people claim he is disliked. I dislike him and others like him because of the way he behaves - he lies constantly which means he's dishonest and not to be trusted. I don't like the things he says about women, and apparently was never taught that it's ill-mannered to make fun of people such as the disabled, obese or people who are different than yourself.

NOTHING in heaven or earth could r evemake me like him for all of the reasons listed above that that's not even all of them.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

White men never had to lift themselves up by their own bootstraps. The government gave you boots and then the government lifted you up. There is ample evidence of this.

As for Trump, I've never liked him. I've disliked him since he destroyed the USFL. He's an asshole and has always been. What has HE done for this country that ever has been positive?

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One only needs to look at the southern confederate states to know the difference between todays Democrats and Republicans.
There are no southern confederate states anymore, jackass.

The reason that most southern states now vote primarily Republican, is because there has been a sea change in the attitudes of southern white people since those days. Just as predicted by the extraordinarily prescient, President U.S. Grant.

“As time passes, people, even of the South, will begin to wonder how it was possible that their ancestors ever fought for or justified institutions which acknowledged the right of property in man.” – Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Volume I

That is why southern white people vote Republican today. It's not because they are racist, as the conniving, lying, morally bankrupt, slimeball Democrats would have you believe. On the contrary, it's because they are morally outraged by Democrat values. It is a backlash against the slave owning, KKK forming, Jim Crow law enforcing Democrats.


You want to bet. The confederate is alive and well today. What Democrat values are they so against?
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

It's funny as hell watching these dipshits falling back on reparations again after throwing blacks under the bus for illegals.
Will they fall for it again?
Look at the Democratic Party controlled inner cities? They are cesspools of crime and pestilence. But by God don’t blame Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Shelia Jackson Lee, or Barack Obam for it. Nope. Gotta be those white peoples in the suburbs for our crime, poverty, and stupidity problems. The black politicians take the suburban peoples (of all races) tax $$$ and line their pockets. Our urban areas are nothing more than corrupt Democratic fiefdoms for black politicians. Sickening.

You know what, you are a true racist. No if, and or buts about it. You also hate Democrats, esp the black ones.
One only needs to look at the southern confederate states to know the difference between todays Democrats and Republicans.
There are no southern confederate states anymore, jackass.

The reason that most southern states now vote primarily Republican, is because there has been a sea change in the attitudes of southern white people since those days. Just as predicted by the extraordinarily prescient, President U.S. Grant.

“As time passes, people, even of the South, will begin to wonder how it was possible that their ancestors ever fought for or justified institutions which acknowledged the right of property in man.” – Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Volume I

That is why southern white people vote Republican today. It's not because they are racist, as the conniving, lying, morally bankrupt, slimeball Democrats would have you believe. On the contrary, it's because they are morally outraged by Democrat values. It is a backlash against the slave owning, KKK forming, Jim Crow law enforcing Democrats.


You want to bet. The confederate is alive and well today. What Democrat values are they so against?
Fuck you.
One only needs to look at the southern confederate states to know the difference between todays Democrats and Republicans.
There are no southern confederate states anymore, jackass.

The reason that most southern states now vote primarily Republican, is because there has been a sea change in the attitudes of southern white people since those days. Just as predicted by the extraordinarily prescient, President U.S. Grant.

“As time passes, people, even of the South, will begin to wonder how it was possible that their ancestors ever fought for or justified institutions which acknowledged the right of property in man.” – Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Volume I

That is why southern white people vote Republican today. It's not because they are racist, as the conniving, lying, morally bankrupt, slimeball Democrats would have you believe. On the contrary, it's because they are morally outraged by Democrat values. It is a backlash against the slave owning, KKK forming, Jim Crow law enforcing Democrats.


You want to bet. The confederate is alive and well today. What Democrat values are they so against?
Fuck you.

Not on your life.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

you got it backwards....again.....
the majority sees Trump as a racist
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This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

They will never let go. Victimhood is religion. The only way to attract black votes is to pander to their insecurities and resentment. They don't want to hear that some of their problems are their own fault.
...one of their favorite/''critical'' pastimes is to obsess with and call people racists/racism
perfect example is Smollet/Harris/Sharpton/etc etc
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

They will never let go. Victimhood is religion. The only way to attract black votes is to pander to their insecurities and resentment. They don't want to hear that some of their problems are their own fault.
...one of their favorite/''critical'' pastimes is to obsess with and call people racists/racism
perfect example is Smollet/Harris/Sharpton/etc etc

Black people got lost in the shuffle and are 3rd rate victims compared to illegal aliens and transgenders so they stage fake hate crimes on themselves to maintain relevance.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

They will never let go. Victimhood is religion. The only way to attract black votes is to pander to their insecurities and resentment. They don't want to hear that some of their problems are their own fault.
...one of their favorite/''critical'' pastimes is to obsess with and call people racists/racism
perfect example is Smollet/Harris/Sharpton/etc etc

Black people got lost in the shuffle and are 3rd rate victims compared to illegal aliens and transgenders so they stage fake hate crimes on themselves to maintain relevance.
How does one black person translate to "Black people"?
Yep. Rural white trailerpark communities are just as poor as inner city ghettos but you don't hear about redneck white boys going around doing drivebys or shooting someone in the face for wearing the wrong color hat.

Correct. They lay around doing heroin and meth instead, drink themselves into comas and beat their wives and kids
Bullshit racist stereotypes.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

you got it backwards....again.....
the majority sees Trump as a racist
Meanwhile they see nothing wrong with Farrakhan.

An actual genocidal racist.
Yep. Rural white trailerpark communities are just as poor as inner city ghettos but you don't hear about redneck white boys going around doing drivebys or shooting someone in the face for wearing the wrong color hat.

Correct. They lay around doing heroin and meth instead, drink themselves into comas and beat their wives and kids
Bullshit racist stereotypes.

I'm an illegal and if you don't like it come at me my number is 602-600-5854 biche wedos
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This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

They will never let go. Victimhood is religion. The only way to attract black votes is to pander to their insecurities and resentment. They don't want to hear that some of their problems are their own fault.
...one of their favorite/''critical'' pastimes is to obsess with and call people racists/racism
perfect example is Smollet/Harris/Sharpton/etc etc

Black people got lost in the shuffle and are 3rd rate victims compared to illegal aliens and transgenders so they stage fake hate crimes on themselves to maintain relevance.

White boys like you are crying about a discrimination that doesn't exist. You've been whining for 50 years about a lie you made up. The white male has always played the perpetual victim. And racist white women have been the main ones making up hoaxes. Whites like you are too weak to face the problems your racism has caused.

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Turn black and live then tell me how that's not true. And don't talk that Asian shit to me because asians are not doing better.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

How do you know anything about this? Have you talked politics with an American of African descent? Where did you get this idea that Americans of African descent don't work when I worked side-by-side with them for decades. You can stop insulting Americans of African descent right about now.

I'm an American of European descent. I can't stand trump and his "policies." I will never again vote for a republican, which I did in the past and even worked on one's campaign back in the day before the republican party became the party of whores who simply want to attack their fellow Americans.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

you got it backwards....again.....
the majority sees Trump as a racist
Meanwhile they see nothing wrong with Farrakhan.

An actual genocidal racist.

How many whites has Farrakhan had killed?

Whites don't get to tell us who to like incel boi.
It was a black man that finally convinced me to turn Republican. He was old and very smart.
This is the bottom line. Inner city blacks have one issue “I’m a victim and whitey is responsible.” We saw every Democratic Presidential candidate go to New York City to slobber on Al Sharpton’s ball sack. Disgraceful. This asshole has never done a thing for America. The bottom line for black voters is “ race” and “victimization.” That’s why they vote Democrat. Media calls white men racist because 70% voted Trump. Well it’s a two way street. White men vote Republican because you should pick yourself up by your own boot straps. Vast majority of black voters claim rhetoric can. Why? Because they’ve been on public aid so long they forgot what work is. They want to play the “slave card” and whine about it. That was over 150 years ago. WTF? But they vote for Democratic candidates that keep them in their comfort zone of victim status. You live in the most prosperous, free, democratic, nation on earth. Stop your excuses. Get the fuck on with it. You had Obama’s for 8 years...what did he do for you again? Please remind me?
The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

They will never let go. Victimhood is religion. The only way to attract black votes is to pander to their insecurities and resentment. They don't want to hear that some of their problems are their own fault.
...one of their favorite/''critical'' pastimes is to obsess with and call people racists/racism
perfect example is Smollet/Harris/Sharpton/etc etc

ROFLMAO....Look who's talking.

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