8 Year Old Starts Fire at Trump Protest, Says "Screw Our President"

Red Diaper baby.

Hopefully he'll grow up and get rebellious. Reject his parent's sick brainwashing and become a hard core libertarian.

Failing that I hope he goes queer.

The problem being the kid said " screw our President" while obama was still in office. Fucking libtards fail again!
The left love child abuse.

The poor little guy probably doesn't stand a chance to be a productive citizen...probably doesn't know his own gender, won't ever know what gender to put his penis in...will require a governmental escort through life and will need tax payers to cover his rent for his single-wide trailer...I bet mom and dad are so proud of their son. Pretty sad.
What a surprise, the petulant children known as the progressive left are actually using petulant children to make their political points.
What a surprise, the petulant children known as the progressive left are actually using petulant children to make their political points.

I would bet that starting a fire under those circumstances is against the law. Round up the kid's parents and bring some smoke down on their worthless asses.
What a surprise, the petulant children known as the progressive left are actually using petulant children to make their political points.
sounds like ISIS eh? Now we all know where the internal growth of ISIS is coming from, progressives.

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