8 Minutes into Prime Time on FOX....AVOIDING THE HEADLINES


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
8 minutes in and they can't stop talking about the Mollie Tibbetts story, her body has been found.
So they are focusing on the fact that the murderer is an illegal alien.
OH! Ten minutes in they are finally getting to the real story of the day.
OH! Now they're focusing back on how Trump's rally is going to start any minute.

No, not fake news. Just a yuge problem with priorities.
Prime time? It's 3pm! :p

( I thought news prime time was at 6pm? ...I stopped watching MSM decades ago cause they're all shit. )
8 minutes in and they can't stop talking about the Mollie Tibbetts story, her body has been found.
So they are focusing on the fact that the murderer is an illegal alien.
OH! Ten minutes in they are finally getting to the real story of the day.
OH! Now they're focusing back on how Trump's rally is going to start any minute.

No, not fake news. Just a yuge problem with priorities.

This is just too FUNNY! Breit Baer gave him. He ran video of PUPPIES, "just puppies".

Watch: Fox News host Brett Baer gives up and just runs footage of cute puppies


21 AUG 2018 AT 19:36 ET

the president’s former campaign manager and personal attorney both became felons within minutes of each other.

Fox News has spent the whole day spinning the situation, while also focusing attention on a tragic murder case in Iowa.
Baer then aired the footage of puppies.

“OK, he said. “Thought you’d enjoy that.”
I got home at 9 and the headlines were about the trump watergate witch hunt and tax evasion verdicts.
Second story was a kid murdered by an illegal invader.
My MSN news site is all witch hunt and zero on murdered Iowa kid.
The witch hunt bagged a trophy. Evading taxes and hiding money in foreign countries is not being patriotic.
The witch hunt bagged a trophy. Evading taxes and hiding money in foreign countries is not being patriotic.
It was also not what Mueller was appointed to investigate either unless my memory is off he was appointed to investigate Russian attempts to meedle in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campigan all this Manafort stuff predates that.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?
Meanwhile Cohen implicates Trump in a conspiracy in making illegal campaign donatione to Trump's line of bimbos to the tune of a quarter million dollars. Thus influencing the election.

And there are more bright shiny things in the drawer.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

That's absolutely right.

I wonder how he would feel if the cops would bust down his door and when he asks why they are there they say "To find evidence of a crime" and when he says "what crime" they say anything we can find. You think that shit would fly? You think liberals would be totally ok with that? Fuck no, they'd be crying to the ACLU and anyone else who would listen about their violation of their rights.

But with Trump they hate him so much he has no rights.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!

Clinton brought that crime on himself.

So are you saying that the president should not be impeached for committing perjury and lying to congress? The only reason he fessed up was the cum stain on the dress. He HAD TO. Clinton didn't come clean because he was an honest guy, he came clean because he was getting deeper and deeper in his shit hole with every denial he made.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!

Clinton brought that crime on himself.

So are you saying that the president should not be impeached for committing perjury and lying to congress? The only reason he fessed up was the cum stain on the dress. He HAD TO. Clinton didn't come clean because he was an honest guy, he came clean because he was getting deeper and deeper in his shit hole with every denial he made.
He didn't get convicted of the impeachment because it was a Kenn Starr trick.... Ken Starr was specifically told he could use the term Oral Sex, when questioning bill Clinton, but he used the Term "sex" without the oral, giving Clinton an opportunity to weasel out of it, or lie.... Thus Clinton was acquitted of the impeachment crime....

It still had NOTHING to do with the White Water Investigation.

Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator of a Felony....
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!

Clinton brought that crime on himself.

So are you saying that the president should not be impeached for committing perjury and lying to congress? The only reason he fessed up was the cum stain on the dress. He HAD TO. Clinton didn't come clean because he was an honest guy, he came clean because he was getting deeper and deeper in his shit hole with every denial he made.

No, I never said that Clinton was innocent of anything, he committed perjury and should of resigned. What he did was a disgrace to the presidency.
Just for the record, I have never voted for Bill or Hillary Clinton, ever. I don't vote for people I don't trust, that means I didn't vote for Trump either. I recognize a piece of shit, when I see it.
Your diversion is a fail.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!

Clinton brought that crime on himself.

So are you saying that the president should not be impeached for committing perjury and lying to congress? The only reason he fessed up was the cum stain on the dress. He HAD TO. Clinton didn't come clean because he was an honest guy, he came clean because he was getting deeper and deeper in his shit hole with every denial he made.
He didn't get convicted of the impeachment because it was a Kenn Starr trick.... Ken Starr was specifically told he could use the term Oral Sex, when questioning bill Clinton, but he used the Term "sex" without the oral, giving Clinton an opportunity to weasel out of it, or lie.... Thus Clinton was acquitted of the impeachment crime....

It still had NOTHING to do with the White Water Investigation.

Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator of a Felony....

No, clinton said he did not have sexual relations with that woman and he did. Simple as that. He cheated on his wife (can't blame him. I couldn't fuck that ugly bitch either) with a college intern and got away with it.

He lied under oath and his legacy will forever be a cum stain on a dress.
The witch hunt bagged a trophy. Evading taxes and hiding money in foreign countries is not being patriotic.
It was also not what Mueller was appointed to investigate either unless my memory is off he was appointed to investigate Russian attempts to meedle in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campigan all this Manafort stuff predates that.

I agree. I still can't see how taking Manafort to trial on stuff that is twelve years old has anything to do with what Mueller is supposed to be doing. Also what the hell is he doing going to trial against Manafort. Seems to me a DA in that city could have done that while Mueller investigates what he's supposed to be investigating.

That is the 2016 elections.

To read what the lefty idiots on this board have posted one would think Trump was behind it all and should be impeached.

Anyone seen anything on Mueller and what he's supposed to be investigating.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!
You’re a propaganda dupe.
Clinton perjured himself and his subsequent impeachment resulted in disbarment and censure. Not removal from office.
This current witch hunt is to remove trump because democrats are sore losers and want to usurp the election process.
That's right.

He was appointed as "special council" to investigate Russia trump collusion. We end up with a conviction for tax evasion and paying a hooker. I guess we can all assume the collusion thing is dead and Mueller really is trying to save face at this point.

If you hire someone to fix your car and they take 19 months and don't fix your car but they do repair your lawnmower, are they really doing what you hired them to do?

How long did Whitewater take?
A lot longer than Russiagate, so far.
Whitewater was rooted in an actual development, that being a profit disparity in a land deal and ultimately a series of sexual harassment/assault accusations with actual plaintiffs. Ask Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, etc. about the seriousness of that.
This collusion bullshit is more of a ‘go out and find a crime’ thing.

Funny how Clinton was impeached with Ken Starr's Whitewater Investigation, not because of Clinton's Whitewater dealings but because he lied about a blowjob.
In other words,,,, it was a "‘go out and find a crime’ thing."
You Little Trumpsters are so easy, just like you Little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, which makes you small-minded fools.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not you!

Clinton brought that crime on himself.

So are you saying that the president should not be impeached for committing perjury and lying to congress? The only reason he fessed up was the cum stain on the dress. He HAD TO. Clinton didn't come clean because he was an honest guy, he came clean because he was getting deeper and deeper in his shit hole with every denial he made.
He didn't get convicted of the impeachment because it was a Kenn Starr trick.... Ken Starr was specifically told he could use the term Oral Sex, when questioning bill Clinton, but he used the Term "sex" without the oral, giving Clinton an opportunity to weasel out of it, or lie.... Thus Clinton was acquitted of the impeachment crime....

It still had NOTHING to do with the White Water Investigation.

Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator of a Felony....
Clinton was disbarred and censured.
You’re a politically bigoted fool.

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