75% Of Our Kids Ineligable For Military Service

I didnt ask you for links I said what part of the fitness program was a joke and you say it should be a longer joke!
Here's the jist of her program:

"Physical activity. You need to be active 60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. As an alternative, you can count your daily activity steps using a pedometer (girls’ goal: 11,000; boys’ goal: 13,000). Read about an upcoming change to step requirements for kids and teens.
Healthy eating. Each week, you’ll also focus on a healthy eating goal. There are eight to choose from, and each week you will add a new goal while continuing with your previous goals. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll be giving your body more of the good stuff it needs."
The PALA Challenge | Let's Move!
Taking Moochelle's contributions aside, the main culprit of obesity in our children is media reports of children and white women being murdered. They have some journalists that specializes in these stories. They discouraged parents from ever letting their kids out of their eyesight. Accusations of child abuse because a kid is left alone in their own back yard or at a playground. So what we get is many kids are prisoners in their own homes, forced to either watch TV, play video games, or remain inactive till their parents find the time to watch them exercise. The kid is dropped off at school and is dropped off at their doorstep after school or face possible legal action.

This is the main culprit.
Well what will we do for soldiers in our next war to increase corporate profits?

We won't have any soldiers and there won't be any corporate profits after we surrender. Of course there won't be any jobs either.
I didnt ask you for links I said what part of the fitness program was a joke and you say it should be a longer joke!
No I didn't.

If that's all you got out of this, maybe you need you go back to school and relearn English Comp.

Your sole purpose for posting is to object to everything, deny everything and never state what you would do differently. You're a professional peanut gallery member.
When was the last one to defend the nation?
Good point!
AQ declares war on the USA, attacks us on our soil, killing thousands, and you libtards cant wrap your brain around the simple fact that our invasion of Afghanistan was to root those bastards out?

Dear Gawd, how did you morons get to be such....fucking morons?
That would be one out of the last how many wars? And why did we not attack The Saudi's?

Osama and Al Queda weren't in Saudi Arabia.
One thing that gets overlooked.

The price of food.

No thanks to Barry, the costs of healthy food has skyrocketed.

Hard to feed a family when $100 won't even fill a grocery cart. And if you walk through the store, you'll see that food that has good nutritional value is almost non-existent.

If you want people to eat better, do what you can to make it affordable. Obama not only hasn't done this. He's done everything he can to drive prices up. R
Massive amounts of new regulations, higher minimum wage standards, use of feed corn to make Ethanol instead of feeding cows, chickens and pigs. Raising excise taxes on various products. Intentionally jacking up fuel costs and energy costs.
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
Why do conservatives object to being healthy? Sedentary kids should eat less calories. What foods kids are routinely exposed to as children will become their habit when they are adults. Objecting to Michele's plans for healthier meals and increased activity is absolutely nuts.
I didnt ask you for links I said what part of the fitness program was a joke and you say it should be a longer joke!
No I didn't.

If that's all you got out of this, maybe you need you go back to school and relearn English Comp.

Your sole purpose for posting is to object to everything, deny everything and never state what you would do differently. You're a professional peanut gallery member.
And yor a kunt....but projecting your stupidity onto me doesn't work.
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
Why do conservatives object to being healthy? Sedentary kids should eat less calories. What foods kids are routinely exposed to as children will become their habit when they are adults. Objecting to Michele's plans for healthier meals and increased activity is absolutely nuts.

Oh dont even try to get specifics out of this guy. All he can muster is naming general things and claiming it sucks. Besides that he has nothing else to offer and its so easy...Watch.

CC, what are your thoughts on Crimea?

Me: Crimea, man...what a disaster, we can do better. I mean look at whats going on. Its crazy and we need to do better
CC, what are your thoughts on Teleportation as a form of commuting

Me: Teleportation, man...what a disaster, we can do better. I mean look at whats going on. Its crazy and when I'm in charge we will

See how easy it is to be in the Peanut Gallery?
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

LMAO....Jesus man, you need to take a trip back to reality. Eating better foods is not starving them. You just have general objections to every action. You couldnt even name WHY the fitness program is a joke....because details are hard but screaming "That SUCKS" is easy so you stick with that.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.

You have no idea what her plan is! At first you said the answer was to move which is LITERALLY the name of her program and you claimed moving isnt part of it. Then you say ok physical fitness is a part of it (the exact opposite of what you claimed) but it sucks.

How? How would you change it? And dont say by getting physically fit again which is already in Michelles plan.
Okay, smart ass, name some of the exercises she encouraged in her plan. Don't look it up. Just do it from memory.

Meanwhile I'll upload some pics of Moochelle's wonderful diet program.

Naw son, dont try and flip it....you said her fitness program was a joke. Thats what YOU said. You dont know what her plan is since you said that she should be encouraging exercise and thats what she does right now. So, What specifically is ineffective? What is a joke?

It seems the low cal diet that the kids hated was put into effect at schools, but what fitness program are you talking about?

"One in three U.S. kids is overweight or obese, but only six states — Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Illinois and Iowa — adhere to standards from the National Association of Sports and Physical Education that schoolchildren participate in 150 minutes a week of physical education. And just three states — Delaware, Virginia and Nebraska — have 20 minutes of mandatory elementary-school recess a day.

Childhood Obesity: Most U.S. Schools Don’t Require P.E. Class or Recess | TIME.com
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
Why do conservatives object to being healthy? Sedentary kids should eat less calories. What foods kids are routinely exposed to as children will become their habit when they are adults. Objecting to Michele's plans for healthier meals and increased activity is absolutely nuts.
What makes them healthy, because of her intentions or because she's a Democrat?

Jack Lalanne once said you can eat garbage and still be healthy if you exercise. The problem isn't that simple. Exercise, under Democratic rule is something we have to make time for. It's no longer what we do automatically.

Starving kids isn't the solution. It's our inactivity that makes them fat along with malnutrition.

Stores open 24 hours. Nothing but crappy food to eat. Not being able to walk unless you're under watchful eye. Air-conditioning.

All are contributing factors.
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The last president to take interest in the activities and abililties of the young was JFK. The schools got with the program, so did the military. You had to meet certain standards in push ups, running and all that. Also, he was sort of an inspiration from his WW2 service, unlike this fat, American hating pig michelle obama.
Best activity I knew was organized sports. Soccer, football, baseball, Karate, basketball, gymnastics, tennis, track and field, Cross-country, even snow skiing. Working out and keeping fit from an early age. I did all of it. Many kids only do it on Wii.

Working was a good activity too, even for city kids. I made pretty good money Mow lawns, shovel snow, paper routes, deliver fliers. I haven't seen a kid do these things for decades. Sports are good too, of course. The healthiest diet is no good without activity. Can't eat your way to health. That fat ass michelle ain't smart enough to figure that out.
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
Why do conservatives object to being healthy? Sedentary kids should eat less calories. What foods kids are routinely exposed to as children will become their habit when they are adults. Objecting to Michele's plans for healthier meals and increased activity is absolutely nuts.
What makes them healthy, because of her intentions or because she's a Democrat?

Jack Lalanne once said you can eat garbage and still be healthy if you exercise. The problem isn't that simple. Exercise, under Democratic rule is something we have to make time for. It's no longer what we do automatically.

Starving kids isn't the solution. It's our inactivity that makes them fat along with malnutrition.

Stores open 24 hours. Nothing but crappy food to eat. Not being able to walk unless you're under watchful eye. Air-conditioning.

All are contributing factors.
I'm no doctor, but I believe it has to do with diabetes, heart disease and related medical problems, not just how many pounds you weigh. I realize my generation was much more active. The only good tv was on Saturday morning and unless it was raining too hard or way below zero, we were out playing as much as possible, walking wherever we wanted to go or riding bikes there. It's too bad a lot of kids haven't been able to grow up that way, but you can't turn the clock back. At least if the kids have one or two healthy meals a day at school, it's less damage than all unhealthy meals PLUS the junk at the convenience stores.
My son had ADHD pretty bad and I had him on the Feingold diet--no refined sugar or dyes. It worked well, but what is interesting is that he would still rather have a pineapple or cantalope than a piece of cake. No lie. I did it just for sheer survival, but he grew to prefer it. Michele doesn't have the worst ideas in the world. Schools are so strapped for cash that P.E. and the equipment you need to hold it are the first thing to go--or maybe second, after Art class. Keeping parents aware of the need to move isn't bad, but coming at it in a less critical way might get you more adherents.
Cutting calories for growing children will only cause binge feeding on the side. The answer is physical fitness.

LOL...no it wont, eat better stuff and even if they eat more "on the side" its better than chips and soda. Plus you're saying the answer is physical fitness...which is Michelles plan....but you just objected to her plan and endorsed it at the same time
Michelle plan is to starve them. Her fitness program is a damned joke.

I don't think she has a clue what she's talking about. Anyone who has been an athlete, like I have, or in a job classification that requires peak physical fitness, like I have, knows she's a fraud.
Why do conservatives object to being healthy? Sedentary kids should eat less calories. What foods kids are routinely exposed to as children will become their habit when they are adults. Objecting to Michele's plans for healthier meals and increased activity is absolutely nuts.
What makes them healthy, because of her intentions or because she's a Democrat?

Jack Lalanne once said you can eat garbage and still be healthy if you exercise. The problem isn't that simple. Exercise, under Democratic rule is something we have to make time for. It's no longer what we do automatically.

Starving kids isn't the solution. It's our inactivity that makes them fat along with malnutrition.

Stores open 24 hours. Nothing but crappy food to eat. Not being able to walk unless you're under watchful eye. Air-conditioning.

All are contributing factors.
I'm no doctor, but I believe it has to do with diabetes, heart disease and related medical problems, not just how many pounds you weigh. I realize my generation was much more active. The only good tv was on Saturday morning and unless it was raining too hard or way below zero, we were out playing as much as possible, walking wherever we wanted to go or riding bikes there. It's too bad a lot of kids haven't been able to grow up that way, but you can't turn the clock back. At least if the kids have one or two healthy meals a day at school, it's less damage than all unhealthy meals PLUS the junk at the convenience stores.
My son had ADHD pretty bad and I had him on the Feingold diet--no refined sugar or dyes. It worked well, but what is interesting is that he would still rather have a pineapple or cantalope than a piece of cake. No lie. I did it just for sheer survival, but he grew to prefer it. Michele doesn't have the worst ideas in the world. Schools are so strapped for cash that P.E. and the equipment you need to hold it are the first thing to go--or maybe second, after Art class. Keeping parents aware of the need to move isn't bad, but coming at it in a less critical way might get you more adherents.

I mentioned diabetes awhile ago.

Half measures are still ineffective.

The problem is these people are so full of crap, college educated know it alls that never seem to solve problems, just create new ones. They're in government and something I learned working in government and the private sector,....results matter. Not with these folks. Their intentions matter, not their results.

I'm used to being in a military classification that if you don't produce, people suffer, or even die. Screwing up is a life and death situation. Training foreign nationals to fight is difficult and if you're full of shit, they can tell, and will not listen to you. So you'd better know your shit.

I've served under hard nosed professional officers and NCOS, and learned to recognize BS very quickly. Politicians are the most useless folks on the planet, because they know that being honest won't get them elected. They learned that voters expect miracles. They're unrealistic. Politicians have no skills other than BS. Usually they're lawyers that suck at being one.

Last person you want running a national fitness program is a First Lady. If she was smart she'll get advice from a professional athlete. Far as I know, she's an amateur trying to push everyone else around, forcing them to adhere to things she won't do herself. Do what the Germans did when their population became obese in the 60s. Start a weekly event that's fun and has a goal. They call it Volksporting. It turned their lives around.
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One thing that gets overlooked.

The price of food.

No thanks to Barry, the costs of healthy food has skyrocketed.

Hard to feed a family when $100 won't even fill a grocery cart. And if you walk through the store, you'll see that food that has good nutritional value is almost non-existent.

If you want people to eat better, do what you can to make it affordable. Obama not only hasn't done this. He's done everything he can to drive prices up. R
Massive amounts of new regulations, higher minimum wage standards, use of feed corn to make Ethanol instead of feeding cows, chickens and pigs. Raising excise taxes on various products. Intentionally jacking up fuel costs and energy costs.
I shop at grocery stores and prices have come down, eggs a buck a dozen, bacon $18.99 a ten pound box, down from $24.99.....Lots and lots of nutritional foods...Corn was 4 ears for a buck this summer as usual....i had an electric increase, it amounted to .0003 cents per kilowatt....
I didnt ask you for links I said what part of the fitness program was a joke and you say it should be a longer joke!
No I didn't.

If that's all you got out of this, maybe you need you go back to school and relearn English Comp.

Your sole purpose for posting is to object to everything, deny everything and never state what you would do differently. You're a professional peanut gallery member.
And yor a kunt....but projecting your stupidity onto me doesn't work.
You already have all you can handle, tell him to just back off...Now!

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