The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.
Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
77M don't.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.
Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635

Well, 5 million more people DIDN'T think Trump won..because they voted for Biden.
Accept it and move on. The longer this drags on, the more angry, bitter, and petty you look.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
Just another right wing Hoax.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
You made that statistic up.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.
Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
77M don't.
Pedofornia and it's 10 million Joe Hitler voters left the Union a long time ago, and God left them. That and a few million dead and make believe fantasy land people, and you got your fake popular vote edge, which makes ZERO difference in an election that uses the electoral college.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
You made that statistic up.
Someone very close to you did the research this morning while we were naked drinking coffee in my office.
Last edited:
72 million believe Democrats cheated to allow Biden to win but were not smart enough to cheat and win Senate, House and State Level seats
When a bitch like you comes in here to try to discredit my thread, I know I kicked you right in your shriveled up nuts and am right over the target.

Ever hear of 450,000 voters who did not give a shit about levies, or their local congressmen that they know and not vote for any of that? It's called Blank Down Ballot votes, and they will be thrown out, because they are fraudulent you festering pustule fork tongued lying dog pony soldier.

200,000 of these ballots alone were dumped in to the Michigan election not over the period of a few days, but within just a couple minutes.

Trump will be your president for 4 more years.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
You made that statistic up.
Your mom did the research this morning while we were naked drinking coffee in my office.
If you weren't blowing someone in USMB authority you would be banned for your comment.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635

Just to be clear, if for some reason God doesn't step in and make Trump president, will that be because God thinks Trump is a pig, and doesn't deserve another 4 years, just like a majority of Americans do, or because God just isn't powerful enough to control our elections?
72 million believe Democrats cheated to allow Biden to win but were not smart enough to cheat and win Senate, House and State Level seats
When a bitch like you comes in here to try to discredit my thread, I know I kicked you right in your shriveled up nuts and am right over the target.

Ever hear of 450,000 voters who did not give a shit about levies, or their local congressmen that they know and not vote for any of that? It's called Blank Down Ballot votes, and they will be thrown out, because they are fraudulent you festering pustule fork tongued lying dog pony soldier.

200,000 of these ballots alone were dumped in to the Michigan election not over the period of a few days, but within just a couple minutes.

Trump will be your president for 4 more years.

You're full of god fearing, righteous shit as usual.
Trump is headed for two places.

1) The Oval Office exit.
2) Prison

I believe he will be the first ex President to be sentenced to a prison term.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

View attachment 414635
You made that statistic up.
Your mom did the research this morning while we were naked drinking coffee in my office.
If you weren't blowing someone in USMB authority you would be banned for your comment.
What's wrong little boy? Having problems getting this thread tossed in to The Flame Zone? How about you lying douche bags debate the material instead of what you always do, attack the poster. You and your moron commie piles of donkey dung are who should be banned.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.

Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

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Just to be clear, if for some reason God doesn't step in and make Trump president, will that be because God thinks Trump is a pig, and doesn't deserve another 4 years, just like a majority of Americans do, or because God just isn't powerful enough to control our elections?
No, it will be because God is ready to judge you, and the rest of the world, and has washed His hands of America, and will allow "The Mystery of Lawlessness" to sweep over it, the New World 666 Order to rise, and Your Messiah, The AntiChrist appear on the scene to rule over you and your wicked allies.

Take heart, God allows you carte blanche for 7 years while he rains his wrath down upon you all. Then you get your firey reward.

Read the book of Revelations. You colostomy bags get your asses annihilated. The big game day will be held at 666 Armageddon Field, Israel. What bloody fun it will be to see that day!
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72 million believe Democrats cheated to allow Biden to win but were not smart enough to cheat and win Senate, House and State Level seats
When a bitch like you comes in here to try to discredit my thread, I know I kicked you right in your shriveled up nuts and am right over the target.

Ever hear of 450,000 voters who did not give a shit about levies, or their local congressmen that they know and not vote for any of that? It's called Blank Down Ballot votes, and they will be thrown out, because they are fraudulent you festering pustule fork tongued lying dog pony soldier.

200,000 of these ballots alone were dumped in to the Michigan election not over the period of a few days, but within just a couple minutes.

Trump will be your president for 4 more years.

You're full of god fearing, righteous shit as usual.
Trump is headed for two places.

1) The Oval Office exit.
2) Prison

I believe he will be the first ex President to be sentenced to a prison term.
"The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
This means you are a moron.
I have not met one Republican who has given up on this election. DemNazis are liars and thieves. Rules and the law is not anything they respect. They don't play by the same rules. They do not even respect children or their innocence or the age of consent for that matter. But I did not come here to talk about the DemNazi party wanting to make your children their playthings.

You do not often get truckers to protest a fraudulent election but they are. You don't get conservatives to leave FOX News for NewsMax, OAN, America's Voice or Right Side News, but they are. NewsMax has become #1 and breaking records because of this. You also don't get people en masse to leave Twitter and Facebook, but they are and are moving to Parler. Parler is now the # 1 downloaded app, and is also breaking records.

People all over are trying to form groups on Facebook, like "National Recount" and others and are getting censored, shadow banned and blocked. Free Speech is being crushed by Big Tech like Hitler crushed free speech in Germay when he was thrust to power illegitimately during fraudulent elections in 1933 because the Nazi party gained enough power to appoint him Fuhrer despite his losing the national election.

So don't believe these frauds supporting a fraud who had to make a fraudulent office of 'president elect'. That's a violation of The Logan Act btw. Biden, like Hitler is illegitimate and he knows it, and his DemNazi party knows it, so they have to put on theatrical productions. Their slobbering sycophantic fiend allies in the media know Joe's a fraud too. That's why they refuse to call North Carolina and Alaska for President Trump while awarding states to Biden that are tossups within a 10th of a percent.

And why are they trying so hard to mail it in for Joe? Big Tech, Big Pharma, and A Big Orwellian Nightmare called The New World Order.

If they were honest, the scoreboard would read accurately. Calling North Carolina and Alaska for Trump and honestly leaving the other contested states as tossups render the score so far:

Trump 232
Biden 232

When the recounts begin, and with all the fraud that is being uncovered with the vote swapping software is shown, and with all the illegalities committed by the DemNazi party, and their ballot stuffing whore allies is shown, the score is going to look much worse for Joe, and Evil will be rebuffed, and your children will be safe for 4 more years.

Do not let frauds and liars dictate to you what is The Truth. The Election is not over, and God is still on the throne.
Pray for The Republic and Pray for President Donald J Trump. Petition the court of heaven through your advocate and Lord, Jesus Christ to expose the fraud, the lies, the corruption and the dienfranchisement of 72 Million that put their faith in the system only to be robbed by it, locked out from lawful observation of the counting, had to watch vote switching live in front of their eyes like I did when I stayed up late in to the wee hours of the morning, and had to watch the dead rise from the grave to vote for China Joe on voting machines delivered by George Soros with vote stealing software on them owned by Clinton and Feinstein.

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77M don't.
Pedofornia and it's 10 million Joe Hitler voters left the Union a long time ago, and God left them. That and a few million dead and make believe fantasy land people, and you got your fake popular vote edge, which makes ZERO difference in an election that uses the electoral college.
Trump didn't win there either.

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