700 sworn affidavits and the press is still saying "no evidence of election fraud."

Well then. Take this "evidence" to the courts, which are the only institutions with the power to enforce penalties for perjury.

It is ridiculous to brand any judge by his/her support of a political party or nomination by a president of any political party. If we all did, there would be no judiciary; no courts at all. This idiots who make this argument, who usually are supporters of the Republican Party, don't realize that they are arguing to nullify the authority and decisions of every Republican judge there ever was.

For example, according to Ballotpedia:

As of September 2019, all nine judges on the court were either elected in partisan elections as a Republican or appointed by a Republican governor. Sue Bell Cobb, who retired in 2011, was the last Democrat to sit on the court.[2

Alabama Supreme Court - Ballotpedia

I guess these people wish to nullify all decisions handed down by the Alabama Supreme Court.

That is not entirely true. Some of these Republicans clearly are legislating from the bench or putting their personal beliefs above the Constitution. The 5th Circuit clearly is partisan. This case on the census is interesting because it is a Rorshach test. The Constitution clearly states that all persons shall be counted. You don't even have to be a lawyer the language is so plain. It should be a 9-0 Supreme Court decision against Trump but I will bet it will be a 5-4 decision.

Point well taken. There are judges legislating from the bench and putting their personal beliefs above the Constitution. The 5th Circuit has been clearly partisan for years. The 4th Circuit used to be predictably partisan, but has become less so over the years. I have heard, but cannot find a link to verify, that Abbott and Paxton have a pet court that is not located in Austin. Then there is the recent speech of Alito to the Federalist Society. I also read the transcript of oral argument in Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstadt, and the "conservatives" on the Court only asked the Texas Solicitor General procedural questions, but none ever asked him any question at all about the substance and application of the law he was defending, which could indicate bias.

But can we even have a judiciary if we only accept decisions made by judges who are appointed by someone of the particular political party that we support? I can't really come up with a way to ensure the neutrality of our judges, though. This will take a better mind than mine.
What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

An "Affidavit" is a document which is sworn under oath to be true. If you lie on an Affidavit, you can be charged with perjury. The judges in the initial cases complained that Trump's "evidence" consisted of emails and FaceBook posts - not an actual "Affidavit" among them.
And one misguided agenda driven ding bat cries rape and the media is all over it for months
What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

Judges aren't "the media".
If a judge thinks an affidavit is BS, the case is toast.

Yet you clowns have accepted the calls from various news agencies that have claimed that hiden has already won.

No claim to it. The votes are in. Your fruitcake lost. Get over it and allow America to heal.

If Hiden manages to steal the election?
You can forget about healing,ain't gonna happen.
What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

An "Affidavit" is a document which is sworn under oath to be true. If you lie on an Affidavit, you can be charged with perjury. The judges in the initial cases complained that Trump's "evidence" consisted of emails and FaceBook posts - not an actual "Affidavit" among them.

A affadavit still has to have corroboration. You cannot use a single affadavit as the basis for a verdict. The question is how likely are they to be prosecuted? I would say the odds are very low.
Set you reminders kids.

should be called; "lets take more money from these suckers(pussygrabber's cult followers) rally...

What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

Judges aren't "the media".
If a judge thinks an affidavit is BS, the case is toast.

Yet you clowns have accepted the calls from various news agencies that have claimed that hiden has already won.

No claim to it. The votes are in. Your fruitcake lost. Get over it and allow America to heal.

If Hiden manages to steal the election?
You can forget about healing,ain't gonna happen.

And you would rather Install Rump as Emperor which would end ALL Democracy and destroy the Federal Republic? If Rump gets his way, he won't need the piddly congress anymore. He will totally ignore them and just Rule the Land as he sees fit. And forget about the Supreme Court. Exactly what agency is going to say he can't? All the agencies that normally would defend against this type of action all are controlled by Rumps Criminal Gang. Congress can pass any bills they wish but with Moscow Mitch manning home plate Umpire, nothing gets through that Rump doesn't like. So Congress is dead. As for the Supreme Court, exactly who is going to enforce any of their rulings? The Enforcement Wings all work for Rump.

The Constitution of the United States and the United States of America is dead at that point.

What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

They'll say that the video doesn't show what you morons believe it shows. Trombies are the most gullible idiots to ever participate in American politics. You fall for every fucking lie.

An intervention of some kind is required.
You can get millions of sworn affidavits that Santa Claus or Loch Ness Monster are real, doesn't make any of them true.

"I saw a van and I swear it was full of fraudulent ballots even though I didn't get a good view" :rolleyes:
If this was about Trump cheating, these hearings would be live on every channel.

What am I hypocritical about exactly?

Can you maybe point to something I said about affidavits being proof of something?
What will they say now that there's video evidence ?

Wait...there's more.

Judges aren't "the media".
If a judge thinks an affidavit is BS, the case is toast.

Yet you clowns have accepted the calls from various news agencies that have claimed that hiden has already won.

No claim to it. The votes are in. Your fruitcake lost. Get over it and allow America to heal.

If Hiden manages to steal the election?
You can forget about healing,ain't gonna happen.

The illegitimate bastard won't be my President! Never evah!!

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