7-in-10 speech-watchers say trump boosted optimism

INSTANT POLL: Trump gets some of his highest marks yet for his first big speech to Congress

(President Donald Trump after his speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night.Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Image via AP)
A majority of people who watched President Donald Trump's congressional speech approved of Trump's message, according to an instant CNN/ORC poll Tuesday night.

The survey, conducted by phone with people who had planned to watch Trump's remarks and agreed to be surveyed afterward, found that 57% of viewers had a "very positive" reaction. Nearly seven out of 10 viewers said Trump's proposals would move the US in the right direction, CNN reported.

INSTANT POLL: Trump gets some of his highest marks yet for his first big speech to Congress
Trump's an actor. He's a member of the screen actor's guild. He read his script someone wrote for him last night.

There are two Trump's.
TelePrompTer Trump and unhinged Trump, someone that lashes out out the press, judges, our intelligence agencies and blames generals for his failures.

" knocked it out of the park"


I guess there are people this gullable in the world.
One headline knocked it out of the park:
He really knocked it out of the park.
That's the best news to come out of the speech. Psychology is terribly important right now.

I'm looking forward to being proven (really) wrong about him. Here's hoping.

I hope so as well. I wasn't an early supporter of him, but never hesitated once he became the nominee.
What won you over to Trump? When he bragged about sexually assaulting women?
His week long twitter rage against a former Miss Universe Contestant?
His slandering a Gold Star family?
His daily incessant lying?
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].
Why because they don't believe the same as you ? Ta da you just found a reason why Clinton lost.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com
Finally CNN is saying something nice.

I guess they got the message after being kicked out of the press briefings indefinitely.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Feeling down this morning are you? :laugh:

Not at all.

I saw part of the speech and I've made my thoughts known on a different thread about it. What he's said he'll do is almost impossible, and totally impossible without raising taxes.
It's called promising the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.

BHO was good at this too but BHO kept it more vague all the time.

DJT was very specific.

DJT did not call for a tax hike. He wants corporate tax cuts.

The deficit and the national debt are both going to go through the roof however.
"Knocked it out of the park" is not how I'd describe the speech. Having now read it, I'd describe it as "grossly lacking specifics." The man's been on about all these great ideas of his for two years. Two years is long enough to have some specifics, especially about the really big stuff and his signature campaign points.

Did he deliver an optimistic tone? Sure, he did. To what end?
  • Does feeling good tell me how immigration will be modified?
  • Does it tell me what aspects of NAFTA will be changed or scrapped?
  • Does it tell me how Mexico is going to pony up money for a wall it doesn't want?
  • Does it tell me how ISIS/Al Qaeda will be squashed?
  • Does it tell me how O-care will be changed and how we'll pay for it?
  • Does it tell me how he's going to finance more defense spending, lower taxes and a trillion in infrastructure spending, while leaving Social Security and Medicare alone?
I'll feel good when I know what those details are. I may not like the details, but I'll still feel good because I'll then know what to do to minimize the negative impacts on me and maximize the positive aspects. That's what I need to feel good.

"Everything's coming up roses. It's all going to be fixed" That's essentially the tone of his speech. I've said that to my children when they scraped their knees or scored poorly on a quiz or something. I'm grown. I don't need to be palliated. I just need details on what's coming down the pike. I'm good with that.
How many presidents accomplished their goals in the first 30 days of their administration? Be real.

I'm looking for details that explain how he intends to achieve the things he wants to achieve going forward. That's all I'm asking for, and seeing as he's been talking about the same ones for two years now, last night was high time for him to have shared some details.

I was part of the plans (temporal schedule and tactical approach) team for two huge projects (~$300M for one and $350M for the other) -- one for NASA and one for the Dept. of Agriculture -- that each, from inception, spanned five years to start. How long did it take to put the preliminary plan together for them? It took a team of six people -- two from my firm (I was one) and four from the firm with which we partnered -- three months.

Trump been thinking in earnest about running for POTUS roughly ~2012, and 2014 scuttlbutt in my circles was that he had by then decided to run, so he should have had details to share during the campaign, yet he didn't have any then either. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take three years to come up with a viable outline of how/what one is going to do and that is well researched/well developed enough that one can share it with voters.
"Knocked it out of the park" is not how I'd describe the speech. Having now read it, I'd describe it as "grossly lacking specifics." The man's been on about all these great ideas of his for two years. Two years is long enough to have some specifics, especially about the really big stuff and his signature campaign points.

Did he deliver an optimistic tone? Sure, he did. To what end?
  • Does feeling good tell me how immigration will be modified?
  • Does it tell me what aspects of NAFTA will be changed or scrapped?
  • Does it tell me how Mexico is going to pony up money for a wall it doesn't want?
  • Does it tell me how ISIS/Al Qaeda will be squashed?
  • Does it tell me how O-care will be changed and how we'll pay for it?
  • Does it tell me how he's going to finance more defense spending, lower taxes and a trillion in infrastructure spending, while leaving Social Security and Medicare alone?
I'll feel good when I know what those details are. I may not like the details, but I'll still feel good because I'll then know what to do to minimize the negative impacts on me and maximize the positive aspects. That's what I need to feel good.

"Everything's coming up roses. It's all going to be fixed" That's essentially the tone of his speech. I've said that to my children when they scraped their knees or scored poorly on a quiz or something. I'm grown. I don't need to be palliated. I just need details on what's coming down the pike. I'm good with that.
How many presidents accomplished their goals in the first 30 days of their administration? Be real.

I'm looking for details that explain how he intends to achieve the things he wants to achieve going forward. That's all I'm asking for, and seeing as he's been talking about the same ones for two years now, last night was high time for him to have shared some details.

I was part of the plans (temporal schedule and tactical approach) team for two huge projects (~$300M for one and $350M for the other) -- one for NASA and one for the Dept. of Agriculture -- that each, from inception, spanned five years to start. How long did it take to put the preliminary plan together for them? It took a team of six people -- two from my firm (I was one) and four from the firm with which we partnered -- three months.

Trump been thinking in earnest about running for POTUS roughly ~2012, and 2014 scuttlbutt in my circles was that he had by then decided to run, so he should have had details to share during the campaign, yet he didn't have any then either. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take three years to come up with a viable outline of how/what one is going to do and that is well researched/well developed enough that one can share it with voters.

You'll come around soon, it's inevitable.
The best way to describe Trump's speech last night.

Your Crazy Uncle you have blocked on Facebook because he kept going on about how 9/11 was an inside job shows up at Thanksgiving and actually manages to behave himself because the rest of the family told him to behave himself. So you got through the evening with little incident.

But compared to a SOTU by Obama or Clinton or Reagan or fuck, even Dubya, it was in the "Dog walking on its hind legs"... It's not that he can do it well, it's that he can do it at all.
He clearly surprised and terrified Democrats. They truly thought he would fall on his face. He's not well known for the scripted teleprompter stuff. He's definitely at his best when he's unscripted. But he delivered a strong speech.

And the Democrats clearly don't know how to deal with that. Throwing more loony hissy-fits ain't gonna cut it. Trump's upped the ante bigtime. He showed he can be strong leader. And that truly does terrify Democrats.
Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.

Exactly. Then why are progressives so hot and bothered about Trump's Lies like they are something brand spanking new?

For some it's because it's part of the game. You pretend your side can't do any wrong and the other side is the big evil, while the other does the same thing.

For others it's probably just that Trump is so open about it. People don't like to be told they're wrong, so the politicians do it subtly, and try and hide their lies, or dress them up as legitimate, or do things vaguely so people can't hit them with it. But Trump is just coming out with stuff that shouldn't be said, and making promises that are going to bite him in the ass. It's why successful politicians end up being president, because they know how to manipulate in this arena, Trump doesn't.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].
Why because they don't believe the same as you ? Ta da you just found a reason why Clinton lost.


The reason they're gullible is because they believe what Trump says.

Trump is making out he's going to fix inner cities, sort out the drug problem, make shiny roads, increase military spending. . He's also said he's going to reduce taxes.

He's also said a lot of other contradictory things. Like on the military, he wants more nukes and wants to stop warring around the world. Okay, if you stop warring then why do you need a larger military? Who's going to pay for his larger military?

How much is the wall going to cost? The larger military? The new "gleaming" infrastructure? Money doesn't grow on trees you know.

Gullible because people with their sad little lives listening to politicians' shouting of "hope". Obama did it, Trump did it, they got elected and they haven't really given any hope at all. It's still the same system with the same politicians on the take, healthcare is still massively corrupt, the govt is still going around making people angry so they want to kill Americans and so on.

Gullible because they have no idea how much they're being dupped.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Feeling down this morning are you? :laugh:

Not at all.

I saw part of the speech and I've made my thoughts known on a different thread about it. What he's said he'll do is almost impossible, and totally impossible without raising taxes.
It's called promising the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.

BHO was good at this too but BHO kept it more vague all the time.

DJT was very specific.

DJT did not call for a tax hike. He wants corporate tax cuts.

The deficit and the national debt are both going to go through the roof however.

Trump was quite vague about things too. Some things were specific, but other things were like "we're just going to do something".
And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.

Exactly. Then why are progressives so hot and bothered about Trump's Lies like they are something brand spanking new?

For some it's because it's part of the game. You pretend your side can't do any wrong and the other side is the big evil, while the other does the same thing.

For others it's probably just that Trump is so open about it. People don't like to be told they're wrong, so the politicians do it subtly, and try and hide their lies, or dress them up as legitimate, or do things vaguely so people can't hit them with it. But Trump is just coming out with stuff that shouldn't be said, and making promises that are going to bite him in the ass. It's why successful politicians end up being president, because they know how to manipulate in this arena, Trump doesn't.

Maybe that's why we are in the state we are now. Whatever Trump is doing seems to resonate with enough people in the right places that he is in the Oval office, and a more "polished" liar is wondering what the hell happened to her from her home office.
Maybe that's why we are in the state we are now. Whatever Trump is doing seems to resonate with enough people in the right places that he is in the Oval office, and a more "polished" liar is wondering what the hell happened to her from her home office.

54% of the country is wondering what the fuck went wrong.

46% of the country isn't willing to admit how badly they fucked this up because a bad system invented by slave-raping assholes 200 years ago made their nasty protest votes into a reality.
Maybe that's why we are in the state we are now. Whatever Trump is doing seems to resonate with enough people in the right places that he is in the Oval office, and a more "polished" liar is wondering what the hell happened to her from her home office.

54% of the country is wondering what the fuck went wrong.

46% of the country isn't willing to admit how badly they fucked this up because a bad system invented by slave-raping assholes 200 years ago made their nasty protest votes into a reality.

It's a lot less actually because you are assuming everyone voted. Trump is winning people over, and you idiots can't deal with that.]

And your usual disdain for the Constitution and our Founders is noted, you Mormon Hating fucktard poseur.
Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.

Exactly. Then why are progressives so hot and bothered about Trump's Lies like they are something brand spanking new?

For some it's because it's part of the game. You pretend your side can't do any wrong and the other side is the big evil, while the other does the same thing.

For others it's probably just that Trump is so open about it. People don't like to be told they're wrong, so the politicians do it subtly, and try and hide their lies, or dress them up as legitimate, or do things vaguely so people can't hit them with it. But Trump is just coming out with stuff that shouldn't be said, and making promises that are going to bite him in the ass. It's why successful politicians end up being president, because they know how to manipulate in this arena, Trump doesn't.

Maybe that's why we are in the state we are now. Whatever Trump is doing seems to resonate with enough people in the right places that he is in the Oval office, and a more "polished" liar is wondering what the hell happened to her from her home office.

Or maybe in the world of instant entertainment, he's more entertaining than others. But it's like employing a clown as CEO of your company because he pulled down his pants and farted in the interview.....
So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.

Exactly. Then why are progressives so hot and bothered about Trump's Lies like they are something brand spanking new?

For some it's because it's part of the game. You pretend your side can't do any wrong and the other side is the big evil, while the other does the same thing.

For others it's probably just that Trump is so open about it. People don't like to be told they're wrong, so the politicians do it subtly, and try and hide their lies, or dress them up as legitimate, or do things vaguely so people can't hit them with it. But Trump is just coming out with stuff that shouldn't be said, and making promises that are going to bite him in the ass. It's why successful politicians end up being president, because they know how to manipulate in this arena, Trump doesn't.

Maybe that's why we are in the state we are now. Whatever Trump is doing seems to resonate with enough people in the right places that he is in the Oval office, and a more "polished" liar is wondering what the hell happened to her from her home office.

Or maybe in the world of instant entertainment, he's more entertaining than others. But it's like employing a clown as CEO of your company because he pulled down his pants and farted in the interview.....

Maybe that's how it appears to the pinkies up crowd, but his mannerisms resonate with the proles, and that's why he won.
It's a lot less actually because you are assuming everyone voted. Trump is winning people over, and you idiots can't deal with that.]

And your usual disdain for the Constitution and our Founders is noted, you Mormon Hating fucktard poseur.

His approval rating is 37%. That he gave one speech where he didn't sound like the Crazy Uncle isn't impressive.

My contempt for the Founders is that they talked a lot of smack about "Freedom" and "All men are created equal" and then they went right home and whipped their slaves for not working hard enough to keep them in a comfortable lifestyle. They then created a system for electing presidents to keep the slave-rapists happy for as long as possible.

For some reason, we didn't chuck this awful system the same time we chucked slavery.

Mostly because until recently, it didn't matter. We had enough people who took voting seriously that when a major political party nominated a complete fucking buffoon (Goldwater, McGovern) enough people crossed party lines to vote for the other guy, even if was a bit shifty.

Unfortunately, now we are back to default settings, where the most regressive part of the country is voting against the majority and inflicting truly bad presidents on us.

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