7-in-10 speech-watchers say trump boosted optimism

He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....

If he moves to embrace the immigrants, stops the massive DOD budget, rebuilds the infrastructure without deficit spending, I am all for that.

Trump certainly is no conservative, alt or otherwise.

We all "embrace" immigrants, it's the illegal ones that need to go.
Trump has changed his mind, again, on that.

When was he ever gunning for legal immigrants? He may have issues with the H1B Visa program, but that falls into his concern over American Jobs. H1B was supposed to be fill ins for technical jobs the US had issues filling, not a method of replacement for jobs that already have people working in them.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.
"Knocked it out of the park" is not how I'd describe the speech. Having now read it, I'd describe it as "grossly lacking specifics." The man's been on about all these great ideas of his for two years. Two years is long enough to have some specifics, especially about the really big stuff and his signature campaign points.

Did he deliver an optimistic tone? Sure, he did. To what end?
  • Does feeling good tell me how immigration will be modified?
  • Does it tell me what aspects of NAFTA will be changed or scrapped?
  • Does it tell me how Mexico is going to pony up money for a wall it doesn't want?
  • Does it tell me how ISIS/Al Qaeda will be squashed?
  • Does it tell me how O-care will be changed and how we'll pay for it?
  • Does it tell me how he's going to finance more defense spending, lower taxes and a trillion in infrastructure spending, while leaving Social Security and Medicare alone?
I'll feel good when I know what those details are. I may not like the details, but I'll still feel good because I'll then know what to do to minimize the negative impacts on me and maximize the positive aspects. That's what I need to feel good.

"Everything's coming up roses. It's all going to be fixed" That's essentially the tone of his speech. I've said that to my children when they scraped their knees or scored poorly on a quiz or something. I'm grown. I don't need to be palliated. I just need details on what's coming down the pike. I'm good with that.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?
No president deported immigrants more than Obama. Fact.

If the border is tightened, e-verify is instituted, death penalty for business that violate the law knowingly and repeatedly, and a pathway to normalization for immigrants not committing violent acts, yes, I am on Board with Trump.
There already is a clear pathway for legal immigration.....why did Obama ignore it?
He did not, you have, and maybe Trump is wising up.

No Alt Right need to apply on designing this program, because it won't be accepted.
He really knocked it out of the park.

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first address to Congress received largely positive reviews from viewers, with 57% who tuned in saying they had a very positive reaction to the speech, according to a new CNN/ORC poll of speech-watchers.

Nearly 7-in-10 who watched said the President's proposed policies would move the country in the right direction and almost two-thirds said the president has the right priorities for the country. Overall, about 7-in-10 said the speech made them feel more optimistic about the direction of the country.

7 in 10 Speech-Watchers Say Trump Boosted Optimism - CNNPolitics.com

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.
He really knocked it out of the park.


You mean he managed to sound LESS crazy for 90 minutes?

Because they kept him on his teleprompter and they didn't let him use inflammetory words like "Carnage".

But I do find it amusing that he promised 1 Trillion in Infrastructure spending (Remember when you all freaked out when the Black Guy Did It) or paid Family Leave, and you guys are totally cool with that.
He really knocked it out of the park.


You mean he managed to sound LESS crazy for 90 minutes?

Because they kept him on his teleprompter and they didn't let him use inflammetory words like "Carnage".

But I do find it amusing that he promised 1 Trillion in Infrastructure spending (Remember when you all freaked out when the Black Guy Did It) or paid Family Leave, and you guys are totally cool with that.

A totally sensible speech, full of things that won't be achieved, but make people feel good, and he didn't insult anyone.

I bet the Trumpettes are feeling quite bored right now.

7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.
"Knocked it out of the park" is not how I'd describe the speech. Having now read it, I'd describe it as "grossly lacking specifics." The man's been on about all these great ideas of his for two years. Two years is long enough to have some specifics, especially about the really big stuff and his signature campaign points.

Did he deliver an optimistic tone? Sure, he did. To what end?
  • Does feeling good tell me how immigration will be modified?
  • Does it tell me what aspects of NAFTA will be changed or scrapped?
  • Does it tell me how Mexico is going to pony up money for a wall it doesn't want?
  • Does it tell me how ISIS/Al Qaeda will be squashed?
  • Does it tell me how O-care will be changed and how we'll pay for it?
  • Does it tell me how he's going to finance more defense spending, lower taxes and a trillion in infrastructure spending, while leaving Social Security and Medicare alone?
I'll feel good when I know what those details are. I may not like the details, but I'll still feel good because I'll then know what to do to minimize the negative impacts on me and maximize the positive aspects. That's what I need to feel good.

"Everything's coming up roses. It's all going to be fixed" That's essentially the tone of his speech. I've said that to my children when they scraped their knees or scored poorly on a quiz or something. I'm grown. I don't need to be palliated. I just need details on what's coming down the pike. I'm good with that.
How many presidents accomplished their goals in the first 30 days of their administration? Be real.
7 in 10 Americans are as gullible as [insert the most gullible person you know].

Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.
"Knocked it out of the park" is not how I'd describe the speech. Having now read it, I'd describe it as "grossly lacking specifics." The man's been on about all these great ideas of his for two years. Two years is long enough to have some specifics, especially about the really big stuff and his signature campaign points.

Did he deliver an optimistic tone? Sure, he did. To what end?
  • Does feeling good tell me how immigration will be modified?
  • Does it tell me what aspects of NAFTA will be changed or scrapped?
  • Does it tell me how Mexico is going to pony up money for a wall it doesn't want?
  • Does it tell me how ISIS/Al Qaeda will be squashed?
  • Does it tell me how O-care will be changed and how we'll pay for it?
  • Does it tell me how he's going to finance more defense spending, lower taxes and a trillion in infrastructure spending, while leaving Social Security and Medicare alone?
I'll feel good when I know what those details are. I may not like the details, but I'll still feel good because I'll then know what to do to minimize the negative impacts on me and maximize the positive aspects. That's what I need to feel good.

"Everything's coming up roses. It's all going to be fixed" That's essentially the tone of his speech. I've said that to my children when they scraped their knees or scored poorly on a quiz or something. I'm grown. I don't need to be palliated. I just need details on what's coming down the pike. I'm good with that.
How many presidents accomplished their goals in the first 30 days of their administration? Be real.

How many claimed they're accomplish everything in 30 days? Only Trump right?
Because insulting the intelligence of your fellow citizens, some of who may disagree with you politically, is the best way to win them over....


Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?
It's refreshing to not hear my President whining about climate change, girls that think they are boys, one percenters. Finally, an adult.
Sure, people like to blame others. They don't like to be blamed. They like to hear hope, no matter how ridiculous it is, how unachievable.

Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.
Kind of like Obama claiming his presidency will start the beginning of the Oceans receding?

Obama was a very good politicians because he could smooth talk, promise the unachievable etc.

And it looks like Trump is learning on the Job.

Not really, this is Trump doing what he's always done. Obama was smooth, he just sounded like a good guy. Trump is rougher than a bad prostitute, he says the nice praise, but it always comes out like you know he's doing it, mainly because he's contradicted himself from a week before. In business people wouldn't notice, in politics there's a record of everything.

So you are saying Obama was the better liar?

Sure. He's a politician, most successful politicians lie quite a lie, or distort the truth, or do something which could quite easily be seen as being dishonest or lying.

Exactly. Then why are progressives so hot and bothered about Trump's Lies like they are something brand spanking new?

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