7.62 x 54r Upgrade And Build


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
It's nice when you can take something from WW2 and upgrade it to be more modern and more functional. There were a few drawbacks to the Mosin one being it's use of a stripper clip and another being ammo held. We will change that from being a top fed to a lower fed in one upgrade.

Another was how long and heavy it is. With the use of the same kit we will move the system BACK in the stock and lighten the stock. You can get these rifles easy for under 200 dollars and the kit is about 100 dollars. I build and sell these at gun shows and private for 425 to 450 dollars and at 15 minutes to do this upgrade it pays quite well.

First our WW2 donor..

This rifle was used by Russians to kill Nazis and SOME even came chambered in 06. If you have on of those that is worth some big money. Those chambered 06 will have a Springfield Armory stamp on it.

The "kit" is a simple Arch Angel kit which can be shipped to your door. The ammo can be had 100 dollars plus shipping for 440 rounds. It will say "corrosive ammo" but shooting it only requires one extra step in cleaning. One pass with your brush one pass with a swab using Windex and one pass with another swab
using regular gun oil.

A 'corrosive" round contains more salt for the round to keep longer is all.
Okay, now the build.

A solid rifle that can be bought and upgraded cheap and one "spam can" of ammo hunts/protects for you and the family for about 400 dollars total.
Other then the net I do bench builds on firearms. This is a good one and makes money.

Give it a try!
I have had an awful lot of enjoyment shooting and/or hunting with ex-military rifles usually "sporterized" to one extent or another. I've fiddled around with Moisen-Nagants (sp?), '95 and '98 Mausers, '03 Springfields, 1917 Enfields, 30-40 Kraigs, and M-1 Garands. At one time there was a glut of surplus WWII/Korea rifles that sold for under $50 and until Oswald did his thing could be bought mail order. Fajun, Bishop, and others sold simi-enletted walnut and other wood stocks, along with replacement triggers, safeties, etc.
If I remember correctly you can use M-14 stripper (for loading M-14 mags) clips with your rifle or load the mag. one at a time from the top. Pretty good rifles.

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