62 percent of American voters believe that President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump were still in office instead of Mr Biden

Well, Joe Biden sold his influence all over the world using his son Hunter as the bagman. The term “paid stooge” fits him well.

Just more "Whataboutisms?" The tactic of those running away from the issue. Plain and simple.
1st post
Just more "Whataboutisms?" The tactic of those running away from the issue. Plain and simple.
Yes, the media is running away from the subject of the Bidens profiting from selling Joe’s influence for years. Now if they had the same evidence that the Trump family engaged in the same disgusting behavior they would be pushing that story 24/7/365.

Yes, the media is running away from the subject of the Bidens profiting from selling Joe’s influence for years. Now if they had the same evidence that the Trump family engaged in the same disgusting behavior they would be pushing that story 24/7/365.

You can bet that Trump did that many times. With Putin, Saudis,Turkey, etc. Hey! If the GOP can prove Biden is involved in crimes I hope they put him under the jail. I'm sick of all of them. But right now we have got to have a united front while the shit in Ukraine is ongoing.
You can bet that Trump did that many times. With Putin, Saudis,Turkey, etc. Hey! If the GOP can prove Biden is involved in crimes I hope they put him under the jail. I'm sick of all of them. But right now we have got to have a united front while the shit in Ukraine is ongoing.
If the Trump family ever did anything like the Biden family has done I can guarantee you would know about it. Trump is likely the MOST investigated person in the history of the United States.

The problem we have with the Ukraine the way I see it is we have Joe Biden, an elderly, corrupt President in the early stages of dementia and Russian has as President, Vlad Putin, an exKGB officer who may or many not be sane.

Add the fact that Joe doesn’t like the nuclear football anywhere near him. Putin might decide he can launch a first strike and Biden will not launch our missiles for retaliation.

Trump seems to agree with a majority of those polled. Trump spoke about the relationship he had with Putin while he was in the White House on the Buck Sexton show

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.’ But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length,”

“Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened,”

Thats strikes me as odd when putin is his bum buddy.
Even if he were there he has to abide by nato. If he went rambo and s nuke was dropped, Trump would cop the blame entirely.
Ask those 60 % if they like that scenario.

Trump is a ratbag and it is precisely those features why he was chucked out.
Even loyal republicans changed to get rid of.

Anyone can belch what he would have done but its hypothetical now.
5th post
If the Trump family ever did anything like the Biden family has done I can guarantee you would know about it. Trump is likely the MOST investigated person in the history of the United States.

The problem we have with the Ukraine the way I see it is we have Joe Biden, an elderly, corrupt President in the early stages of dementia and Russian has as President, Vlad Putin, an exKGB officer who may or many not be sane.

Add the fact that Joe doesn’t like the nuclear football anywhere near him. Putin might decide he can launch a first strike and Biden will not launch our missiles for retaliation.

Trump did far worse and that will come out. As far as the rest, pure conjecture.
Trump did far worse and that will come out. As far as the rest, pure conjecture.
Trump has been investigated and investigated and investigated. So far nothing big has come out. In fact some of the investigations were if not illegal, improperly conducted.

Biden has not been investigated yet. Perhaps at some time in the future he will be. A Special Council will have a field day investigating Joe Biden but of course Obama might also be implicated. We can never do that to our first black President. Investigating him would be considered racist.
Trump has been investigated and investigated and investigated. So far nothing big has come out. In fact some of the investigations were if not illegal, improperly conducted.

Biden has not been investigated yet. Perhaps at some time in the future he will be. A Special Council will have a field day investigating Joe Biden but of course Obama might also be implicated. We can never do that to our first black President. Investigating him would be considered racist.
What a bunch of horse hooey! Congress attempted to investigate Trump but was met with unwilling witnesses, delay tactics and outright ignoring of subpoenas many times at the insistence of the Pres himself. That was laid out in the Mueller Report in Vol 2. Those facts were blurred intentionally by ATTY Gen William Barr in his disgraceful bending of the truth via his so-called Summary. Secondly, The GOP investigated Obama for years, You didn't notice? LOL Tried everything to get something to stick. And YES the whole "is he a citizen" Crappolla was racially motivated. So, take your hogwash and go wash a hog.
What a bunch of horse hooey! Congress attempted to investigate Trump but was met with unwilling witnesses, delay tactics and outright ignoring of subpoenas many times at the insistence of the Pres himself. That was laid out in the Mueller Report in Vol 2. Those facts were blurred intentionally by ATTY Gen William Barr in his disgraceful bending of the truth via his so-called Summary. Secondly, The GOP investigated Obama for years, You didn't notice? LOL Tried everything to get something to stick. And YES the whole "is he a citizen" Crappolla was racially motivated. So, take your hogwash and go wash a hog.
So it looks like you still believe Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary and he hired prostitutes to pee on a bed in a Moscow Hotel because Obama and Michelle had once slept on it.

And of course you will argue that everything the FBI did was entirely kosher.

Well it wasn’t. Far from it.

The FBI has rung up a striking record of falsehoods and misleading testimony during the bureau’s Russia investigation of Donald Trump, according to a public records examination.

The stakes on FBI misconduct hit a new high last week when Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, denounced the agency. He said a bureau witness told senators a “bunch of lies” in 2018 by bucking up the credibility of the infamous Steele dossier.

That closed-door testimony was heard a year after the dossier’s main source secretly told agents that his anti-Trump claims were basically secondhand anecdotes from Moscow friends.

“Somebody needs to go to jail for this,” Mr. Graham told Fox News.

From the top down, FBI officials have misinformed judges, independent investigators and Congress. The pattern of duplicity is revealed in investigative reports, court files and a steady stream of declassified documents turned over to Republican lawmakers by the Trump administration’s Justice Department and the Director of National Intelligence.

So it looks like you still believe Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary and he hired prostitutes to pee on a bed in a Moscow Hotel because Obama and Michelle had once slept on it.

And of course you will argue that everything the FBI did was entirely kosher.

Well it wasn’t. Far from it.

The FBI has rung up a striking record of falsehoods and misleading testimony during the bureau’s Russia investigation of Donald Trump, according to a public records examination.

The stakes on FBI misconduct hit a new high last week when Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, denounced the agency. He said a bureau witness told senators a “bunch of lies” in 2018 by bucking up the credibility of the infamous Steele dossier.

That closed-door testimony was heard a year after the dossier’s main source secretly told agents that his anti-Trump claims were basically secondhand anecdotes from Moscow friends.

“Somebody needs to go to jail for this,” Mr. Graham told Fox News.

From the top down, FBI officials have misinformed judges, independent investigators and Congress. The pattern of duplicity is revealed in investigative reports, court files and a steady stream of declassified documents turned over to Republican lawmakers by the Trump administration’s Justice Department and the Director of National Intelligence.

You're assuming a lot of things about me. That's okay. Just shows your ignorance. And you come at me with Lyndsey Graham and Fox News? What? Am I supposed to take anything of value from either of those two sources? Fox is pure propaganda and Graham is like a windsock that blows anywhere the politics of the moment favor him personally. John McCaine must be spinning. And finally BTW the Steele Dossier has never been debunked. Just to return the favor let me ask you this. What is your opinion of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert and Gomert? Should they be in congress?
10th post
IYou're assuming a lot of things about me. That's okay. Just shows your ignorance. And you come at me with Lyndsey Graham and Fox News? What? Am I supposed to take anything of value from either of those two sources? Fox is pure propaganda and Graham is like a windsock that blows anywhere the politics of the moment favor him personally. John McCaine must be spinning. And finally BTW the Steele Dossier has never been debunked. Just to return the favor let me ask you this. What is your opinion of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert and Gomert? Should they be in congress?
Of course you will insist that CNN and MSNBC have the highest standards of journalism imaginable.

Fox News told me right off the allegations that there was collusion between Trump and Putin were totally false and guess what — Fox News was right. Fox News also told me that cloth masks were basically useless and once again that was correct.

I could go on and on but for what purpose. You are like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand.

Of course you will insist that CNN and MSNBC have the highest standards of journalism imaginable.

Fox News told me right off the allegations that there was collusion between Trump and Putin were totally false and guess what — Fox News was right. Fox News also told me that cloth masks were basically useless and once again that was correct.

I could go on and on but for what purpose. You are like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand.

Again with the assumptions. Unlike you, I'm not married to any news source. But to even call Fox a news organization is just plain crazy. No collusion? LOL Masks are useless? LOL Man, you're completely in their propaganda grasp. You're being suckered. Big Bird....Out!
Again with the assumptions. Unlike you, I'm not married to any news source. But to even call Fox a news organization is just plain crazy. No collusion? LOL Masks are useless? LOL Man, you're completely in their propaganda grasp. You're being suckered. Big Bird....Out!
Fox News told me back when the pandemic first started what the CDC finally admitted. Note the last link I provided below involves the views of a CNN medical expert, Dr Leana Wen.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that cloth masks have never been effective. For over two years, the CDC has been forcing both children and adults to cover their faces to participate in an altered version of society. Rand Paul has previously said that these mandates are intended to teach the public to comply with government authority, and he was right.

The CDC’s announcement comes shortly after CNN’s Leana Wen admitted that “cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic.” So for over 22 months, the public has been walking around with a useless piece of fabric over their faces to blindly comply with a completely useless mandate. The CDC previously stated that surgical N95 masks were appropriate “when supplies are available,” but has since updated that guidance to say “wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently.”

I will not blindly follow a new mandate and allow N95 masks to become a part of our “new norm” for a virus with an extremely low death rate. The CDC knew cloth masks were ineffective but hid that information from the public because governments did not have the resources to provide N95 masks. They also likely knew people would be less willing to comply if they had to wear an even less comfortable mask. In fact, they did not even have enough N95 masks to provide to health care workers. Governments do not want to lose the power this virus has provided them. As I reported, Democratic lawmakers are proposing a $5 billion bill to distribute N95 masks to every American household as they assume we will comply indefinitely.

Neither surgical nor cotton masks are effective at stopping the new coronavirus from spreading when a person coughs, a study suggests. The authors of the paper, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, said more research is needed to determine whether such masks prevent the bug that causes COVID-19 from being passed on.

CNN’s medical analyst Dr Leana Wen has said that cloth masks are useless in the fight against the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, instead encouraging viewers to wear three-layer medical masks.
Trump, it seems, is a man of intelligent diplomacy so it isn't so much what Putin would have/could have done but the treacherous intimidation by the US government (without Trump) that has prevented Democratic principles to run a clean course.

Donald J Trump fooled GLASNOST too., Trump was a bigger warmonger than Obama and Biden combined.

“[Russia] is in much deeper than they thought, to a certain extent because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well … amazing,” he said.
Donald J Trump fooled GLASNOST too., Trump was a bigger warmonger than Obama and Biden combined.

“[Russia] is in much deeper than they thought, to a certain extent because of the weapons that I gave, and that the Ukrainians used so well … amazing,” he said.​
Despite my first impression Trump turned out to be the best president the US has had in a very long time. He wasn't merely "the better of two evils" as I initially thought. Today, when I look back at most of his speeches I realize that the US was damned lucky to have him although I have no doubt that the Military-Industrial Complex will do a better job of railroading him next time ..... if there will be a "next time".
Despite my first impression Trump turned out to be the best president the US has had in a very long time. He wasn't merely "the better of two evils" as I initially thought. Today, when I look back at most of his speeches I realize that the US was damned lucky to have him although I have no doubt that the Military-Industrial Complex will do a better job of railroading him next time ..... if there will be a "next time".
Heaven forbid! This country can't take another Trump Presidency.
15th post
Trump seems to agree with a majority of those polled. Trump spoke about the relationship he had with Putin while he was in the White House on the Buck Sexton show

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.’ But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length,”

“Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened,”

Until this Russian invasion of Ukraine, Trump put more sanctions on Russia than any previous president, yet the Marxist left still likes to lie about him, even though he hasn't been president for over a year.
Until this Russian invasion of Ukraine, Trump put more sanctions on Russia than any previous president,

NFBW :2: wrote: Very strangely Putin misread his KGB-istic instincts and his highly educated understanding in analyzing the US phenomenon of Trumpism and the political winds of the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is America’s dominate white Christian Party and as such it is America’s most aggressive political party when it comes to support of military offense - projecting power around the world etc.,

The multicultural Democratic Party is more keen on supporting the Pentagon / US military industrial complex as a military only be used in the defense of Democracy, Freedom and Human rights because our multicultural array of Democrats understand the importance of human rights and the need to fight those who oppress them.

Trump Never truly converted his cult to be hundred percent isolationist. Maybe about half but that is a very small minority in the United States population.

Putin saw 120 days of American riots in the summer of 2020 through Trump’s and Fox News hyperbolic white vs blacks white grievance eyes, not as a massive peaceful protest for human and civil rights by the real multicultural American majority who voted for Biden.

The first huge mistake was America’s internal racial discord that was aggravated by his Trump crony convinced Putin that America could care less about Ukraine.

The second huge mistake was Biden was the first Black President’s VP when Obama’s White House and the West doled out minuscule punishment for Putin’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. Putin miscalculated that as Biden’s weakness.

The reality is Biden actually won the 2020 election as a backlash to the Russian provoked advancement of white grievance in America through Trump. And that united white liberal Americans with Americans of color in a stand for human and civil rights and In defense of our democracy. Something very lacking in Putin and Trump’s Russia. We don’t fucking want it here.

Where Putin went wrong with regard to his annexation of Crimea in 2014 is that political operation appeared to all Americans to be much more like a move for defending Crimean democracy because Putin didn’t order a blitzkrieg invasion destroying property and killing innocent civilians to take Crimea in the way that he is now trying to take Kyiv.

Just because liberal Americans are united in multiculturalism and protection of human rights and do not believe in military offense in the same way as conservatives do, we are not weak when it comes to opposing tyranny and oppression outside of our borders.

We understand the world. The same story goes for Europe. Putin‘s massive buildup and then invasion into Ukraine jarred the world into instantly remembering what we’ve learned in history about the Nazi invasion of Poland in the aftermath of what that started. So no world citizen alive should ever forget and why a tyrant Vladimir Putin needs to be stopped if he sends his tanks across an internationally recognized border no matter his reason for the purpose of destroying killing maiming and displacing and subjugating the entire population to his will. 22MAR10-POST#0279
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