62 percent of American voters believe that President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump were still in office instead of Mr Biden

What's your point? For the WHOLE TIME Trump was President, the Russians were armed the Ukrainian rebels, they were providing soldiers and they were hacking the Ukrainian government.

What did Trump do?
I stated a fact, No point beyond that. We cannot know what would of happened if Trump had a second term because it didn't happen,
How many of those do you think would be able to write a paper on why Putin was able to invade Russia?

I'm guessing around 0%.

Just because people have "opinions", doesn't mean they have a clue what's going on around them.
Historical facts get in the way of your stupid opinion?

Bill said the US would protect Ukraine

Bush Jr protected them

Obama did not

Trump protected them

Biden did not

Trump seems to agree with a majority of those polled. Trump spoke about the relationship he had with Putin while he was in the White House on the Buck Sexton show

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.’ But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length,”

“Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened,”

Absolutely true. Putin saw an opportunity when weak democrats stole the government
The invasion of the Ukraine would have been unnecessary had diplomatic agreements been the rule of the day. Trump, it seems, is a man of intelligent diplomacy so it isn't so much what Putin would have/could have done but the treacherous intimidation by the US government (without Trump) that has prevented Democratic principles to run a clean course. The leadership of Ukraine today is just another example of CIA puppetry along with the Shah, Batista, Perón, Diem, Pinochet and many many others.

So yes, I think I can agree with those who "believe that President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump were still in office".
Russia supposedly cheated to cause Trump to get elected. Russia supposedly put bounties on our troops. Hunter's laptop was supposedly "Russian misinformation." Russia, Russia, Russia. One should not understate how such a pernicious campaign of dishonesty can damage relations. Why should Russia behave when it will be accused of wrongdoing anyway
Russia supposedly cheated to cause Trump to get elected. Russia supposedly put bounties on our troops. Hunter's laptop was supposedly "Russian misinformation." Russia, Russia, Russia. One should not understate how such a pernicious campaign of dishonesty can damage relations. Why should Russia behave when it will be accused of wrongdoing anyway
I agree a thousand per cent. It is to Putin's credit that he endured US/NATO presure so long trying to achieve a peaceful agreement.
Trump seems to agree with a majority of those polled. Trump spoke about the relationship he had with Putin while he was in the White House on the Buck Sexton show

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.’ But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length,”

“Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened,”

They are wrong. Trump would not have objected to Putin's invasion.. he has a hard on to punish Ukraine because he was impeached for his attempted extortion.
Rightly or wrongly, presidents get credit for.....and are blamed for what happens under their watch.
That's why Putin is so admirable. He doesn't answer questions with a prompter stuck in his ear. One gets the impression that he really is the leader of his country. In the case of American politicians, they cannot answer any question without being told what to say and even then ... they make no sense. Putin gives you answers to your questions while Washington just repeats clichees, such as "Everybody knows" and "You are either with us or against us". It is fairly obvious that they aren't making any decisions at all. But to reply to your comment ...... what president should get credit or blame for decisions made?
No, I'm referring to Syria.

And Trump saying he'd do something is very, very different from doing something.

The whole time Trump was president, the Russians were effectively in the Ukraine. Guess what Trump did....
Ok I will bite, what is wrong with Trump telling the Russians he was going to bomb an airfield. Sounds like Trump didn't want them using the Airfield but didn't want to start a war so he basically told them to get the fuck off it as he destroyed it.

Disclaimer (we are on the wrong side in Syria)------which includes Trump.
Maybe it doesn't help you.

Doesn't help anyone.

You're either making a case for something or you're just here fucking around.

Now, I think you're making a case for something. Probably trying to do the typical partisan nonsense of "It's always the democrats' fault" without much understanding of what has actually happened in the last 32 years.
Trump seems to agree with a majority of those polled. Trump spoke about the relationship he had with Putin while he was in the White House on the Buck Sexton show

“I knew that he always wanted Ukraine. I used to talk to him about it. I said, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not gonna do it.’ But I could see that he wanted it. I used to ask him. We used to talk about it at length,”

“Had I been in office, not even thinkable. This would never have happened,”

Dude, I thought Biden only gives out one free Crack Pipe. Or is it unlimited?

Doesn't help anyone.

You're either making a case for something or you're just here fucking around.

Now, I think you're making a case for something. Probably trying to do the typical partisan nonsense of "It's always the democrats' fault" without much understanding of what has actually happened in the last 32 years.
It will help a lot of people decide how to vote in 2022 and 2024. I stated some facts and I'm leaving it up to the reader to decide how to use them.
It will help a lot of people decide how to vote in 2022 and 2024. I stated some facts and I'm leaving it up to the reader to decide how to use them.

Yes, that's the problem here, right?

You're trying to persuade people, not with reality, but with isolated facts that you think present a picture that simply isn't true.
Yes, that's the problem here, right?

You're trying to persuade people, not with reality, but with isolated facts that you think present a picture that simply isn't true.
So it isn't true that Putin (Russia) didn't invade Ukraine under Trump's watch? That isn't reality? Beyond that fact, I am not trying to persuade people of anything. Like you, they will make up their own minds regarding the importance of that fact.
So it isn't true that Putin (Russia) didn't invade Ukraine under Trump's watch? That isn't reality? Beyond that fact, I am not trying to persuade people of anything. Like you, they will make up their own minds regarding the importance of that fact.

The problem here is whether Biden just happened to be US President while this happened, or this happened because Biden was US president?

The reality is you've present the fact with other stuff that suggests that it's Biden's fault.

You've ignored the fact that Russian might not have been ready to invade the Ukraine. That Russia was conducting operations in Syria the whole time Trump was president and therefore Putin had his attention somewhere else, and hoped the Ukrainian insurgency would be successful.

No, all you've done is present a few facts in a manner which is suggesting and ignored a whole host of facts.

It ignores the fact that Putin has been targeting the Ukraine for DECADES. It ignores the fact that in 2018 the Russians went to the UK and tried to kill a former FSB officer with Novichok and Trump did nothing. It ignores that the insurgency has been happening the whole time Trump was President and Trump did nothing.

Simple facts never show the whole picture. But as you said, you're trying to influence ignorant people into accepting your FALSE claims that it was Biden's fault.

Were it the other way round you'd say it was only Putin's fault, as he's the one who pulled the trigger.

62 percent of American voters believe that President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump were still in office instead of Mr Biden​

Funny fake news I hope.

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