60 Minutes sells out: "obesity is a brain disease and not your fault and can't be fixed.", then 60 minutes becomes a big drug commercial.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021

So this "dr" that I question is even a true doctor goes on 60 minutes to say it's genetics that cause obesity and goes into it all. But then it doesn't take long before she starts talking about a drug to fix obesity, which also happens from a company that advertises on CBS, and I would wager that very same company paid this so called "Dr" to go on the show.

I thought 60 minutes was supposed to be a news show, not a hour long commercial.

But here is this guy that actually seems to know what he is talking about criticizing the 60 minutes piece.

I was assured by pals in the medical profession many years ago that around 95% of Fatties are food pigs .

Oinkers , as I call them.

A decent invention that has gone badly wrong, takes up too much space ad looks tacky nasty.
This guy begs to differ about it being fixable, and he also recognizes the mental aspect of severe obesity.

The Today Show had a piece on negative repercussions to taking drugs for rapid weight loss.

They did note in the end that if you are rich there are medical ways to address the negative aspects. LOL
The obesity epidemic is a good illustration of the difference between SIMPLE and EASY. Losing weight is simple - just eat less, but not easy - because you can't deny yourself the pleasure of stuffing your face.

Paying money for a weight loss program is so stupid it is on a par with paying for bottled water, or sending kids to college.
The brain disease of the couch potato. Overstimulated by yummy food commercials, it's no wonder they over consume, which is the point of the advertising.....
Is not hypercholesterolemia genetic? Recently, Rodishi and others have mentioned nattokinase that cleans the plumbing. We then linked it to the co-author of the Chinese psychopath that first sequenced SARS2. Nattokinase is the result of the evolution of plant resistance to fungal pathogens, and worthy of further study. duh
60 Minutes has been a fertilizer factory for years.

Stopped watching it I don't even know how long ago. Used to be a decent show, but is more often than not absurd at this point.

So this "dr" that I question is even a true doctor goes on 60 minutes to say it's genetics that cause obesity and goes into it all. But then it doesn't take long before she starts talking about a drug to fix obesity, which also happens from a company that advertises on CBS, and I would wager that very same company paid this so called "Dr" to go on the show.

I thought 60 minutes was supposed to be a news show, not a hour CBSlong commercial.

But here is this guy that actually seems to know what he is talking about criticizing the 60 minutes piece.

CBS 60 Minutes is Left Wing garbage.

So this "dr" that I question is even a true doctor goes on 60 minutes to say it's genetics that cause obesity and goes into it all. But then it doesn't take long before she starts talking about a drug to fix obesity, which also happens from a company that advertises on CBS, and I would wager that very same company paid this so called "Dr" to go on the show.

I thought 60 minutes was supposed to be a news show, not a hour long commercial.

But here is this guy that actually seems to know what he is talking about criticizing the 60 minutes piece.

There are people who are genetically predisposed to gain weight. That in NO WAY means they have to be fat. Watch the 600 pounder TV show. There's often a sibling who is also big but nowhere near 600 pounds. It's primarily excess calories loaded with sugar and fat that leads to obesity.

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