60 Minutes Is Destroying The Liberal Perception Of Iraq & Isis

This thread isn't about the 80's Joe. Nice to see you're incapable of having a discussion about modern geo political issues without pointing at a Republican from the past. Typical shallow no responsibility democrat
context matters and to understand the overall you need to understand the history.
Nonsense. The only purpose for the supposed context os to shift blame.

No, it's asking a valid question. Who are our allies there, and what are we willing to give them.

If you want to shift blame, back in WWI, we thought that the Autocrats were awful, so we let the forces of revolution topple the Hapsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Romanovs and Ottomans and broke up their empires.

And that resulted in Fascism spreading across the world. And we all thought Fascism was bad, so we made an alliance with Communism to beat that.

And then the Communists had us wetting our beds, so then we started throwing in with various Jihadists, and made policy not really knowing what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was.

Now we have two sides.

ISIL- which is being backed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan... our supposed friends who nevertheless funded these assholes because they didn't want to see the Shi'ites gain the upper hand.

On the other side, the Shi'ites. The regime in Baghdad, combined with their friends in Iran and the Allawite rulers in Syria.

Okay, I've filled out the scorecard for you, bud. Who are our friends who aren't going to stab us in the back in 10 years?
That's all your boy wanted to hear...so your boy left...declaring that peace and democracy were assured. The boy has no balls. If Panetta was recommending a residual force, that means there was negotiating room. But your boy has no balls.
and yet Obama negotiated anyways and when our troops would not be protected from immunity he bailed out.
You would have rather had troops stay and be under Iraqi Law. I see where your allegiance lies. Disgusting
As if those were the only possibilities.
You're so dense sunlight could never reflect off that thick skull of yours.

Obama is a disaster. His decisions are uniformly the very worst ever made, no matter the topic. That some people still make excuses for him is testament to their stupidity.
cool story....
Remind me what you're doing in this thread.
watching you go full retard as usual.
Translation: I have nothing to add but I want to getback at you for making look stupid every time I post.
and yet Obama negotiated anyways and when our troops would not be protected from immunity he bailed out.
You would have rather had troops stay and be under Iraqi Law. I see where your allegiance lies. Disgusting
As if those were the only possibilities.
You're so dense sunlight could never reflect off that thick skull of yours.

Obama is a disaster. His decisions are uniformly the very worst ever made, no matter the topic. That some people still make excuses for him is testament to their stupidity.
cool story....
Remind me what you're doing in this thread.
watching you go full retard as usual.
Translation: I have nothing to add but I want to getback at you for making look stupid every time I post.
true you do have nothing to add. glad you figured out how useless you are
So what's your solution to a radical Islamic regime threatening to take over the area, send fighters to other places, and cause mayhem? Study it? Ask the UN? Do nothing?

My solution-

1) Stop getting involved in their fights. And, yes, that means stop supporting Israel, which is why 99% of them hate us.

2) Secure our own country.

3) Stop pretending that the interests of Oil Companies mean the interests of America.
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Again, the problem there was, what constitutes a "Moderate" Syrian rebel?

You mean like Abu Sakkar of the Independent Omar al-Farouq Brigade? The guy who was caught on Video cutting out the heart of a Syrian government soldier and eating it?

No, i'm not posting a link to that. Look it up yourself!
I haven't been able to get a single nutter to tell me exactly what our course of action regarding ISIS should be. How the fuck can you have an "I told you so" moment?

Running around saying that ISIS is a threat or " this is serious, we need to do something" is not a plan of action.

Where are the detailed proposals from GOP leaders? Lindsay Graham shitting his pants is not a proposal.

Polling says Obama's handling of this crisis is not popular. But when the actual policies that he is enacting are polled individually, most of this nation agrees with what he's doing.

Time for you to drop the bullshit and support the POTUS a little.
I posted MONTHS ago, long before Obama got a clue, what we should be doing to ISIS. If I remember correctly YOU along with 99% of the left on this board said I was stupid. NOW, and only now, Obama has caught on to what the rest of us knew MONTHS if not YEARS ago knew.

Stick your head back in the sand you insufferable twat

Nope. You didn't give us any specifics. You expressed fear and aggression. Not a plan. The. POTUS' words matter. Yours don't. You can spout off till time ends and no harm will be done. Think about that fir a minute. The fucking POTUS needs to be a diplomat. Shithead.

You are stupid....so I'm sure many did say you were. I'm saying it again. All you really care about is the "I told you so moment". Obama has been doing what the nation wants him to do. And it really doesn't differ from what you suggest. Two dead journalists don't equal a national security threat to "the homeland". ISIS is a problem......it isn't a reason to invade someplace.
he already is a Shithead Diplomat.., actually he would make a better doormat
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I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Again, the problem there was, what constitutes a "Moderate" Syrian rebel?

You mean like Abu Sakkar of the Independent Omar al-Farouq Brigade? The guy who was caught on Video cutting out the heart of a Syrian government soldier and eating it?

No, i'm not posting a link to that. Look it up yourself!

You tell me joe.
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Ah he thought he was going to get a two for. That was his game..In his Chicago mind he was going to take out Maliki and Assad by playing deaf and dumb.

He almost pulled it off but he did not realize Baghdadi was going to be a rock star better than him.

Whoopsies. He really never got it that some one could up stage him.
Turn it on and get a clue. If you're on the right, turn it on and join me in an "I told you so" moment




I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

He OWNS it, he should have quit after one term blamed it all on Bush and lived happily ever after but now he owns it and by that I mean this and every other mess he has created out of incompetence.
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Is that a surprise? Remember this:

Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”​
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Is that a surprise? Remember this:

Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”​

Tell me that guy doesn't have serious mental health issues wow. Name one successful executive with an attitude like that.
So what's your solution to a radical Islamic regime threatening to take over the area, send fighters to other places, and cause mayhem? Study it? Ask the UN? Do nothing?

My solution-

1) Stop getting involved in their fights. And, yes, that means stop supporting Israel, which is why 99% of them hate us.

2) Secure our own country.

3) Stop pretending that the interests of Oil Companies mean the interests of America.
Wow, who knew you were a Ron Paul supporter?
Of course your simplistic solutions are guaranteed failures.
I was really astonished that Leon Panetta would so openly reveal that the entire security council Warned Obama, and they told him to arm more moderate Syrian rebels that would preclude the growth of ISIL WACKOS, and he refused.

What an Arrogant Prick. He has all the credentials of a Community Organizer to be CINC, and he ignores the advise of the ENTIRE SECURITY COUNCIL!!!

Is that a surprise? Remember this:

Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”​

Tell me that guy doesn't have serious mental health issues wow. Name one successful executive with an attitude like that.
Successful executives know their limitations and surround themselves with people smarter than they are. That's what Henry Ford II did.
Obama, like most tin pot dictators, surrounds himself with people chosen on the basis of loyalty over competence.

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