6 unvaccinated Florida church members die of Covid within 10 days, pastor says

It takes a real asshole to order troops to take a vaccine that hasn't been approved by the FDA, doesn't it?

It is almost like the Chinese want their man in the White house to be an asshole to our troops, isn't it?

Hey .. So yo ClownPants - approval will come by end of August and then what will your excuse be?
Four of them were under the age of 35. Delta ain't your Granny's COVID kiddos.

Six members of a church in Florida, all of whom were unvaccinated, died of Covid-19 in less than two weeks, a pastor said.​
The Rev. George Davis of the Impact Church in Jacksonville mourned the victims Sunday in a church service livestream.​
"We've had now six members of our church over the course of a couple weeks now that have passed away from Covid," Davis said. "It has just absolutely ripped our hearts apart."​

I want their full medical history before I can make a judgment call.

Otherwise, fuck your panic porn.
Beast workers calling themselves preacher, friend of God, etc. churches partnering for covid vaccine - Google Search

That old serpent.PNG
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Negroes are the largest group of unvaccinated in the country.

They should have done what their Democrat slave masters advised them to do.
That’s not true. Far more Trump Humpers than blacks ( using the word negroe is your poor attempt to “almost” use that N word you would prefer) are lacking vaccinations and blacks are getting vaccinated at high rates now. Not so much for Trump Humpers
That’s not true. Far more Trump Humpers than blacks ( using the word negroe is your poor attempt to “almost” use that N word you would prefer) are lacking vaccinations and blacks are getting vaccinated at high rates now. Not so much for Trump Humpers

You are confused Moon Bat. Math isn't your strong suit, is it? Whites have the greater numbers because they are dominate race in the US.

Percentage wise more Negroes haven't got the vaccine.

Do you understand the difference?

Probably not.

In pure numbers there are far more Republicans than blacks who refuse the vaccine. You don’t even dispute that.

By per cent age blacks are already vaccinated at a higher rate ( 60% as opposed to 52% of Republicans) and the CURRENT rate of vaccination is far higher among blacks than Republicans
You are confused Moon Bat. Math isn't your strong suit, is it? Whites have the greater numbers because they are dominate race in the US.

Percentage wise more Negroes haven't got the vaccine.

Do you understand the difference?

Probably not.

Fucking idiot ^ Hope you’re alive to see it! :lol:

Four of them were under the age of 35. Delta ain't your Granny's COVID kiddos.

Six members of a church in Florida, all of whom were unvaccinated, died of Covid-19 in less than two weeks, a pastor said.​
The Rev. George Davis of the Impact Church in Jacksonville mourned the victims Sunday in a church service livestream.​
"We've had now six members of our church over the course of a couple weeks now that have passed away from Covid," Davis said. "It has just absolutely ripped our hearts apart."​

When will we get the revised numbers?

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