5000 people have died from the flu this week. The press needs to shut up

Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.

More lethal to who???? In communist China, yes.....but here, there's only been 1 death
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.

More lethal to who???? In communist China, yes.....but here, there's only been 1 death
More lethal to humans and there have been 2 deaths now.
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.

More lethal to who???? In communist China, yes.....but here, there's only been 1 death
More lethal to humans and there have been 2 deaths now.

In a population of 350,000,000??

Usually flu season (October thru February) can kill up to 35,000. Those that do die from it, and the 2 from this one all have compromised immune systems and/or underlying health problems to begin with.

It's good to practice precautions, wash your hands, cover your sneezes & coughs and don't stand in the way of someone who does. That's just common sense at any time, with or without a virus.

It's not panic worthy until thousands of otherwise healthy people start dropping like flies.
The flu has been around for centuries
Corona virus has been around for months
And what liberal trump haters dont know about this new threat to humanity scares the living shit out of them

but at least you can forget the old scare of global warming for a while till the new scare goes away
..the MSM has been doing crap like this for years--making mountains out of mole hills
Trump will handle this - or should I say our health professionals - will handle this effectively and contained the threat of widespread infection just like our health professionals did under Obama with the ebola virus....

and yes....the media overhyped that one too....as did Trump.....
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.

The flu has killed 15000 people in this country this year. Corona beer virus has killed 2.

Me thinks even YOUR hatred of Trump couldn't justify you saying Trump is wrong saying the flu is more deadly. Last time I checked 15000>2 but those black schools you went to, who knows what you were taught.

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