5 Years In Prison For Using Pellet Gun On Movie Set???


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Simply holding an air soft pellet gun can lead to a five-year prison sentence in New Jersey. Actor and commedian Carlo Bellario discovered this the hard way when he was arrested for using such a gun as a prop in a movie scene.


nder a New Jersey law called the Graves Act, it is a second-degree felony to possess any weapon, even a BB or pellet gun, without a special permit, attorney Tim Farrow told PIX 11.

“The producer didn’t have a permit to film,” Bellario said. “Didn’t have a permit for that gun which turned out to be a [pellet] gun.”

Actor Faces 5 Years In Prison For Using Pellet Gun On Movie Set | Off The Grid News
This is how ridiculous things have gotten in the Northeast.
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Penalties for Unlawful Possession of a BB Gun, Pellet Gun or Air Soft Gun Can Be Severe Under New Jersey Law

June 7, 2012 by John Marshall

The site of a crossman bb gun used to be commonplace in the homes of my friends when I was growing up. Once and a while, you would also come across a friend or his older brother that had a pellet gun. These days, the classic bb gun seems to have been replaced by what are commonly referred to as airsoft guns or even paintball guns. These items are often purchased by innocent children or adults who have absolutely no idea of the potential penalties and consequences of unlicensed possession under New Jersey Law.

As a New Jersey Gun Lawyer, I witness the havoc that an unlawful possession of a firearm charge can have on an individual possessing an airsoft, bb, or pellet gun without a license. The reason why this crops up stems from the fact that the definition of “firearm” under NJ Law includes a handgun or rifle whose projectile is fueled by air or an air cartridge. Accordingly, what is often viewed as a toy, is actually a gun under the law. See State v. Mieles, 199 N.J.Super. 29 (App.Div.), certif. denied 101 N.J. 265 (1985)(BB gun is a “firearm” under NJ law). This opens up a entire host of problems when someone is found in possession without a valid gun license and this can even include a charge of unlawful possession of a handgun with its mandatory parole ineligibility requirements.

Penalties for Unlawful Possession of a BB Gun, Pellet Gun or Air Soft Gun Can Be Severe Under New Jersey Law - New Jersey Criminal Defense Law Blog


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