Man shot dead in robbery in Britain, criminals said they forgot to turn in their guns…sorry….


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
Thousands of DGUs (according to you) happened just yesterday. And you have to go to GB to find your "story".

Why was that?

Why not just link to.a couple dozen stops.of.crime by gun owners here in the USA?
I want to read about those people.
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?
Thousands of DGUs (according to you) happened just yesterday. And you have to go to GB to find your "story".

Why was that?

Why not just link to.a couple dozen stops.of.crime by gun owners here in the USA?
I want to read about those people.

I go to Britain to burst the bubble of gun control stopping gun crime. It doesn't stop gun crime in Britain, a country that confiscated guns from people who did not use them to commit crimes. Criminals in Britain simply murder each other less than our criminals do… has nothing to do with their gun control laws, and I want to point that out.
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

And as I keep pointing out…British criminals commit murder a lot less often against each other over there…since the majority of our gun murders are criminals murdering other criminals….

And why is it that Britain is arming more of it's police officers?

Met police's decision to arm a further 600 officers is no game-changer

It has been a long-held belief in British policing that the unarmed British officer is among the safest in the world. As an often-quoted American police chief once put it: “If a New York cop was on duty in London, he would be in jail within a week, and if the British bobby was on duty in New York, he would be dead within a week.”
Criminals in Britain simply murder each other less than our criminals do… has nothing to do with their gun control laws, and I want

That's nice. But I don't live in GB.
I want to read about at least 300 DGUs that you claim happened YESTERDAY.

Should be a piece of cake seeing as how you claim there is thousands of.DGUs every day.

Where is the evidence of your claims?
Criminals in Britain simply murder each other less than our criminals do… has nothing to do with their gun control laws, and I want

That's nice. But I don't live in GB.
I want to read about at least 300 DGUs that you claim happened YESTERDAY.

Should be a piece of cake seeing as how you claim there is thousands of.DGUs every day.

Where is the evidence of your claims?

Actually, I didn't make the claim……40 years of research makes the claim…and bill clinton and barak obama…..

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Criminals in Britain simply murder each other less than our criminals do… has nothing to do with their gun control laws, and I want

That's nice. But I don't live in GB.
I want to read about at least 300 DGUs that you claim happened YESTERDAY.

Should be a piece of cake seeing as how you claim there is thousands of.DGUs every day.

Where is the evidence of your claims?

And keep in mind…..most defensive gun uses occur without any shots being fired…the criminal sees that the victim has a gun and runs away…..not exactly a big news story. Also, the criminal who is taken into custody by the victim and held for police…not exciting news material….

The ones that make the news most often…..dead criminals…..and we post those the most because those get the most coverage…….
Dude. In case you missed it, yesterday was Feb.3. 2016.

How many years did you go back? And for what?

You claim those DGUs happen each and every day.
But you never have any proof of what you claim.
Why is that?
And keep in mind…..most defensive gun uses occur without any shots being fired…the criminal sees that the victim has a gun and runs away…..not

Sure dude. Just some more.bullshit you can't substantiate.

But it sounds good doesn't it.
Dude. In case you missed it, yesterday was Feb.3. 2016.

How many years did you go back? And for what?

You claim those DGUs happen each and every day.
But you never have any proof of what you claim.
Why is that?

I cite the actual research. Research conducted by professional researchers into the topic of defensive gun use…and obama's CDC research was conducted in 2013…they evaluated all of the research on guns that has come out.

I am not Professor Xavier…I cannot locate people with my mind and see what they are doing…so when someone uses a gun to scare off a robber and doesn't report it to police….I won't be able to post about it. If someone holds a criminal for police in a small town, and the small town paper puts it in the police blotter, but no where else..I can't post about it…..

But…when a victim puts a thug in the hospital or the morgue…I can usually find those stories...
And keep in mind…..most defensive gun uses occur without any shots being fired…the criminal sees that the victim has a gun and runs away…..not

Sure dude. Just some more.bullshit you can't substantiate.

But it sounds good doesn't it.

Yeah….again…40 years of research…..I know, I know…you are a democrat so facts, the truth and reality can't be processed by your child like brain…..but trust the grown ups……guns are used for self defense quite often…..
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
What percentage of homicides involve firearmes over there vs. over here?
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
What percentage of homicides involve firearmes over there vs. over here?

The same number as there were before they confiscated their guns. In fact, just after they confiscated their guns their was a huge spike in gun crimes…and then it settled back to where it had been before….so they disarmed all of their normal people…the people who did not use any guns to commit any crimes…and their criminals kept committing crimes with guns.

British criminals are more violent than American criminals but for some reason they just don't murder each other as often as our criminals do….
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
What percentage of homicides involve firearmes over there vs. over here?

Oh…and while their gun crime numbers stayed the same… more Americans have now bought, own and carry guns…our gun murder rate has gone down….

Now, though, with the Ferguson effect, our police are not doing the proactive police work they used to do…so our gun murder rate in our democrat controlled cities is going up….

But that is criminals murdering other criminals…our normal gun owners aren't shooting anyone….
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

Here you go…

After shooting tragedies, Britain went after guns

A 1988 ban after the Hungerford massacre outlawed semiautomatic weapons and limited sales of some types of shotguns, a move that experts say was partly symbolic because such weapons in Britain were exceedingly rare.

Crime statistics from the late 1980s and 1990s indicate the measure failed to have a significant impact on firearm-related crime.


After Britain’s sweeping handgun ban was imposed in 1997, for instance, tens of thousands of weapons were collected from legal owners in exchange for fair market value, cutting off supplies of stolen handguns that ended up in criminal hands and largely forbidding their sale by gun dealers in Britain.

Nevertheless, statistics show that gun violence in Britain increased for the next several years.

And now the gun crime rate is back where it was before the confiscation….and of course…as you can read in the article…Britian didn't have many mass shootings before the confiscation….again, their gun confiscation of the guns of normal gun owners…didn't do anything
So you got nothing eh?
At least a couple dozen of these stops should be reported. Out of the thousands you say happens every day.

Can you find ONE DGU from yesterday?.
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
What percentage of homicides involve firearmes over there vs. over here?

The same number as there were before they confiscated their guns. In fact, just after they confiscated their guns their was a huge spike in gun crimes…and then it settled back to where it had been before….so they disarmed all of their normal people…the people who did not use any guns to commit any crimes…and their criminals kept committing crimes with guns.

British criminals are more violent than American criminals but for some reason they just don't murder each other as often as our criminals do….
Less than 10 percent of homicides in the UK involve guns. In the U.S. almost 70
Yes….criminals still get guns in Britain even after normal gun owners were forced to turn in their own guns.

Man shot dead by masked raiders in Birmingham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was shot dead by masked men during an attempted robbery of a warehouse in Birmingham.

Police officers were called to a building in Digbeth, near Birmingham city centre, at 6.40pm on Wednesday over reports that several masked men were robbing the premises.

Officers found a man with a gunshot wound. He was rushed to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. Police later named the victim as Akhtar Javeed, 56.
What's the murder rate over there again?

You are right…we need to trade British criminals for American criminals…they each get guns, it is just that American criminals murder each other more often than British ones do.
What percentage of homicides involve firearmes over there vs. over here?

The same number as there were before they confiscated their guns. In fact, just after they confiscated their guns their was a huge spike in gun crimes…and then it settled back to where it had been before….so they disarmed all of their normal people…the people who did not use any guns to commit any crimes…and their criminals kept committing crimes with guns.

British criminals are more violent than American criminals but for some reason they just don't murder each other as often as our criminals do….
The UK has a higher violent crime rate than the US, and a far lower homicide rate. 6% of homicides in the UK involve guns, almost 70% in the U.S. do. Do the math.

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