5 Way the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed!


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
5 Ways the Middle Class Is Getting Screwed - John Hawkins - Page full

The article is written by a conservative, however he sees it as both parties selling the middle class out.

1. Obamacare
2. College Loans
3. Immigration
4. Free Trade
5. Exploding Debt

I have been saying this for a long time, the two parties keep us fighting, so the real issues are ignored. The middle class needs to start demanding more from the government.
We need MORE government to help the middle class....just ask any D or liberal.
How is "free trade" screwing anyone? Free trade provides not only cheaper goods for consumers but also new jobs in transportation, sales, service adn the like.
How is "free trade" screwing anyone? Free trade provides not only cheaper goods for consumers but also new jobs in transportation, sales, service adn the like.

In the article, he points out the lack of reciprocity is the issue. We allow goods in from countries which will not allow our products. There should be a complete embargo of Japanese goods until American beef, rice, and wheat are openly allowed in their markets.

China is even worse.
We need MORE government to help the middle class....just ask any D or liberal.

Actually we need less government, that's how we get more. Get rid of a health care program that is a burden to the middle class.

Government needs to stop funding college waste programs.

Government needs to enforce immigration laws.

If we can't trade freely with other countries, then we stop allowing those countries access to our consumers.

The debt... Government needs to stop spending, start cutting, stop printing, raise taxes on a temp basis.

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O-Care is NOT screwing anyone, and the transparent competition and preventive care it sets up will only improve costs and care- when Pubs and insurer cronies stop screwing things up.. The rest are all thanks to the GOP. Protecting their banker cronies, No good ID card, No training and education programs for good jobs going begging, and debt caused by the corrupt Booshie meltdown and obstruction of the recovery until recently- STILL no jobs infrastructure act at this perfect time...
We need MORE government to help the middle class....just ask any D or liberal.

Actually we need less government, that's how we get more. Get rid of a health care program that is a burden to the middle class.

Government needs to stop funding college waste programs.

Government needs to enforce immigration laws.

If we can't trade freely with other countries, then we stop allowing those countries access to our consumers.

The debt... Government needs to stop spending, start cutting, stop printing, raise taxes on a temp basis.

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So who's blocking higher taxes on the bloated rich and giant corporations paying nothing?
Demand more from the Government. :lol:
I demand that all governmental officials work for under $50,000 a year. I demand that all government officials go on Obama care. I demand that all government officials live within our means and not according to THEIR fantasy
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I demand that all governmental officials work for under $50,000 a year. I demand that all government officials go on Obama care. I demand that all government officials live within our means.

I demand that all elected officials leave office with no more than the accrued sum of the wages paid them in office.

What has Obama racked up, $300 million or so, on a $250K salary?
We need MORE government to help the middle class....just ask any D or liberal.

Actually we need less government, that's how we get more. Get rid of a health care program that is a burden to the middle class.

Government needs to stop funding college waste programs.

Government needs to enforce immigration laws.

If we can't trade freely with other countries, then we stop allowing those countries access to our consumers.

The debt... Government needs to stop spending, start cutting, stop printing, raise taxes on a temp basis.

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So who's blocking higher taxes on the bloated rich and giant corporations paying nothing?

So you didn't read the article. Shock! Shock!

I think both parties share the blame for the problems with the middle class. The Republicans and Democrat really like people like you. You are a part a partisan nutjob, you are a two party systems dream idiot. You only blame one side so nothing gets done. They BOTH love you.
O-Care is NOT screwing anyone, and the transparent competition and preventive care it sets up will only improve costs and care- when Pubs and insurer cronies stop screwing things up.. The rest are all thanks to the GOP. Protecting their banker cronies, No good ID card, No training and education programs for good jobs going begging, and debt caused by the corrupt Booshie meltdown and obstruction of the recovery until recently- STILL no jobs infrastructure act at this perfect time...

How many more years are you going to continue to blame Bush for a health care program that Obama and his Congress created?

The latest CBO says that each person will pay $50,000 extra over the next 10 years for Obama care.

I thought we were supposed to save money and keep our insurance and doctor? Those are now known to be lies. Our premiums were supposed to be lower, those are now lies. New taxes, new tax penalties, it has increased Americans costs for health care not lowered them and it won't lower them. Add to that how it has taken money from Medicare, how much more do you think needs to be inflicted on the middle class.
O-Care is NOT screwing anyone, and the transparent competition and preventive care it sets up will only improve costs and care- when Pubs and insurer cronies stop screwing things up..

The rest of the list are all thanks to the GOP: Protecting their banker cronies, No good ID card, No training and education programs for good jobs going begging, and debt caused by the corrupt Booshie meltdown and obstruction of the recovery until recently- STILL no jobs infrastructure act at this perfect time...
O-Care is NOT screwing anyone, and the transparent competition and preventive care it sets up will only improve costs and care- when Pubs and insurer cronies stop screwing things up..

The rest of the list are all thanks to the GOP: Protecting their banker cronies, No good ID card, No training and education programs for good jobs going begging, and debt caused by the corrupt Booshie meltdown and obstruction of the recovery until recently- STILL no jobs infrastructure act at this perfect time...

Good little democrat, republicans love you.
No argument as always, just trolling...
You don't read the article, you give a dumb answer that is all opinion based with no facts and you call me a troll?

What a tool you are for the two party system. I think the Republicans and Democrats have screwed us over. You believe what makes you feel all warm and fuzzy at night.

The CBO's data is fact. No ability to keep your insurance or doctors are now fact. ACA costs going up are a fact.

That you are a dishonest troll is a fact.
How is "free trade" screwing anyone? Free trade provides not only cheaper goods for consumers but also new jobs in transportation, sales, service adn the like.
I was wondering the same thing? The OP was sounding like a ignorant democrat in that one
How is "free trade" screwing anyone? Free trade provides not only cheaper goods for consumers but also new jobs in transportation, sales, service adn the like.
I was wondering the same thing? The OP was sounding like a ignorant democrat in that one

I'm all for free trade but I want it reciprocating not where we take product from one country and they won't sell our product in the other country.

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