5 stages of grief


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
You've misread.

The guy sucks. He's not likely to improve. He's likely to face serious legal issues.

It's not grief. It's apprehension. The guy you are trying to excuse is the primary person who needs to start the healing. He's not capable.
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
They don't want the nation to function. They want it to NOT function and blame Trump.
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
Heal? Why would you think that anyone wants to? Satan invades your kid. How long before you "heal"?
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
They don't want the nation to function. They want it to NOT function and blame Trump.
Republicans say government doesn't work. Then they spend tons of cash to get elected and prove it.
Funny !!

The election was a mixed bag.

Hillary lost -- this was exhilarating !!

Trump won -- this was baffling.

I would not say there was grief other than for Hillary herself.

But she would not take Bill's advice to keep campaigning in the critical swing states. She was exhausted and wanted to quit early. She thought she had already won. Everyone was predicting it.

Poor stupid fool.

Trump has not done any damage yet.

He is a fine caretaker President so far.

He will probably accomplish nothing at the rate he is going.
I bought stock in Unilever the morning after the election.

It makes VASELINE.

Have enjoyed a nice ride up as Butt-Hurt Liberals buy it by the case.

Bolsheviks who were responsible for bankrupting and collapsing the old USSR were also known simply as REDS.

Our Democrat/Bolsheviks in America are now known as RED-ASSES. Expect the condition to last 4 to 8 years. And, as they own the New York Media (or it owns them), the bitching & whining will never cease for one single day during that time.

So, look for the Bull Market in Unilever to last for awhile.
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It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?

It never heals. So long as you have the Radical Left having any political voice in this country.

They hate Trump because they WANT to hate Trump.

They complain about everything he does because they WANT to complain about everything.

Every scandal is created by design, thought up by committee. The first salvo was the failed ridiculous claim that Trump was in cahoots with Russia to steal an election while ignoring that he had no more Russia ties than any other president and FAR LESS than Hillary and Obama! Where were they when as we fought Muslim terrorism, Obama had a White House full of Muslim's! Then there was the sexist and racist thing, the slavery thing, now the PINO is passed out as the latest talking point. None of it matters one watt.

The NYT and WAPO, CNN and MSNBC can spend millions and slam him till they are blue in the face. The voters aren't fooled by it. The GOP donations just keep POURING in.

They drag the guy down in every way possible then complain he hasn't done anything! Schumer has held back hundreds of appointments. Never mind what Trump's weak points are, the fact that he would be a good president and 10X better than he's been if the Democrats were even remotely reasonable and his own Senate people half way together matters not one bit. But things will get done anyway. Trump is a far tougher cookie than they can possibly realize. Remember, they were the ones that HOWLED when it was suggested he might even win!

Hard cheese now and just remember, in 4 or 8 years, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and payback's gonna be a bitch. If the Dems are unhappy now, the future only holds major disappointment for them. The People know Trump's far from perfect but they will take him any day over the kind of things the DNC offers, and the DNC will never change. We Are fed up with the strident Globalist Left and this nation is moving back to modern conservatism and nation building.
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?

It never heals. So long as you have the Radical Left having any political voice in this country.

They hate Trump because they WANT to hate Trump.

They complain about everything he does because they WANT to complain about everything.

Every scandal is created by design, thought up by committee. The first salvo was the failed ridiculous claim that Trump was in cahoots with Russia to steal an election while ignoring that he had no more Russia ties than any other president and FAR LESS than Hillary and Obama! Where were they when as we fought Muslim terrorism, Obama had a White House full of Muslim's! Then there was the sexist and racist thing, the slavery thing, now the PINO is passed out as the latest talking point. None of it matters one watt.

The NYT and WAPO, CNN and MSNBC can spend millions and slam him till they are blue in the face. The voters aren't fooled by it. The GOP donations just keep POURING in.

They drag the guy down in every way possible then complain he hasn't done anything! Schumer has held back hundreds of appointments. Never mind what Trump's weak points are, the fact that he would be a good president and 10X better than he's been if the Democrats were even remotely reasonable and his own Senate people half way together matters not one bit. But things will get done anyway. Trump is a far tougher cookie than they can possibly realize. Remember, they were the ones that HOWLED when it was suggested he might even win!

Hard cheese now and just remember, in 4 or 8 years, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and payback's gonna be a bitch. If the Dems are unhappy now, the future only holds major disappointment for them. The People know Trump's far from perfect but they will take him any day over the kind of things the DNC offers, and the DNC will never change. We Are fed up with the strident Globalist Left and this nation is moving back to modern conservatism and nation building.
They hate Trump because he's a blowhard, lying, know-nothing sexist racist pig, like his followers, and now soon to get even more kids killed in the war that cannot be won.

And the Democrats aren't blocking anything, they don't have the numbers to, it's the GOP that Trump keeps attacking that is blocking the giant ego.
those wmd's are behind the border wall ..

The butthurtness anti-Donald folks experience is not grief really. It seems more like a mental illness. They apparently think if they deny reality long enough, it will eventually conform to their delusion. There is probably a fancy psychological term for it, but basically it is a form of crazy.
The butthurtness anti-Donald folks experience is not grief really. It seems more like a mental illness. They apparently think if they deny reality long enough, it will eventually conform to their delusion. There is probably a fancy psychological term for it, but basically it is a form of crazy.

opposed to building a fantasy wall ?
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?

It never heals. So long as you have the Radical Left having any political voice in this country.

They hate Trump because they WANT to hate Trump.

They complain about everything he does because they WANT to complain about everything.

Every scandal is created by design, thought up by committee. The first salvo was the failed ridiculous claim that Trump was in cahoots with Russia to steal an election while ignoring that he had no more Russia ties than any other president and FAR LESS than Hillary and Obama! Where were they when as we fought Muslim terrorism, Obama had a White House full of Muslim's! Then there was the sexist and racist thing, the slavery thing, now the PINO is passed out as the latest talking point. None of it matters one watt.

The NYT and WAPO, CNN and MSNBC can spend millions and slam him till they are blue in the face. The voters aren't fooled by it. The GOP donations just keep POURING in.

They drag the guy down in every way possible then complain he hasn't done anything! Schumer has held back hundreds of appointments. Never mind what Trump's weak points are, the fact that he would be a good president and 10X better than he's been if the Democrats were even remotely reasonable and his own Senate people half way together matters not one bit. But things will get done anyway. Trump is a far tougher cookie than they can possibly realize. Remember, they were the ones that HOWLED when it was suggested he might even win!

Hard cheese now and just remember, in 4 or 8 years, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and payback's gonna be a bitch. If the Dems are unhappy now, the future only holds major disappointment for them. The People know Trump's far from perfect but they will take him any day over the kind of things the DNC offers, and the DNC will never change. We Are fed up with the strident Globalist Left and this nation is moving back to modern conservatism and nation building.
They hate Trump because he's a blowhard, lying, know-nothing sexist racist pig, like his followers, and now soon to get even more kids killed in the war that cannot be won.

And the Democrats aren't blocking anything, they don't have the numbers to, it's the GOP that Trump keeps attacking that is blocking the giant ego.

Clueless Derp. Lying Know-Nothing, Sexist, Racist Pigs are the IN thing now! They outnumber all you Lying, Know-Nothing, Blowharder, Fascist, Liberal, America-Hating, White-Hating, Gun-Hating, God-Hating Commies by exactly 74 Electoral College Votes!

That's as much as California and New York combined, and without those two states, all you would have in Chicago, Boston and Miami.
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You've misread.

The guy sucks. He's not likely to improve. He's likely to face serious legal issues.

It's not grief. It's apprehension. The guy you are trying to excuse is the primary person who needs to start the healing. He's not capable.

I disagree. I'm apprehensive. But I'm not angry or in denial that he is president.

Anger is a secondary emotion. It's almost always covering another emotion. Usually pain.

And this anger started election night. Before Trump implemented any policies so this pain is most likely from losing and less from any policy.
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  • #17
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
They don't want the nation to function. They want it to NOT function and blame Trump.

Some maybe. But I think most want a great nation.

I don't think we can make our nation great with policy alone. We need to heal ourselves and each other
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  • #18
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
Heal? Why would you think that anyone wants to? Satan invades your kid. How long before you "heal"?

As fast as we turn to God for healing.

And I think all of us want to heal. Even subconsciously. If not we have hardened our heart past feeling and have bigger problems
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  • #19
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?
They don't want the nation to function. They want it to NOT function and blame Trump.
Republicans say government doesn't work. Then they spend tons of cash to get elected and prove it.

The only government that works is self government.
It's been 9 months since the election. I know some are upset they Trump won. I get it. My choice lost to trump as well.

But despite 9 months passing it seems that a large segment of our nation is still in the first two stages of grief.

Just this week we have yet another attempt to deny the fact the President Trump is in deed President by calling him PINO. Before that it was blaming Russia for stealing the election. Before that wishing the electors would wide scale defect. Before that the pointless recounts when there was no chance they were wrong.

Add on top of that the anger. I mean last weekend people were so angry they counter protested free speech thinking somehow that will show nazis they mean business.

Where does this end? Every American needs to get to stage five or this nation cannot function properly and move on.

You don't have to like the fact that Trump is President. You don't have to like what he does or agree with him. Buy lets at least get to a place where we can all accept that he is the president, good or bad.

How else can our nation heal?

Kick the fucker out the door, that's how. Him and his whole family.
People didn't get on wooden boats 400 years ago and sail 3600 miles through rough seas just to "accept" someone as a leader when they fail to lead all.
We don't do monarchy on this side of the ocean.
He needs to be removed from office.

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