37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie

That's a pretty good analogy.

So if a patient has bacterial meningitis and the fever is controlled by chaining ibuprofen and acetaminophen together is the patient improving?

Nope. The cause of the fever is still there and it is still killing the patient.
Fair point. But going beyond what I was talking about. I was limiting my analogy to claims that less than full recovery is no improvement at all. Those who say things aren't getting better are using pre-recession numbers, not depth of recession.

It's not any improvement if things are still worse than before new policies were enacted. The argument of "it was worse than we thought" or "it takes time" are no longer valid. This administration hasn't solved the actual problems behind the last recession and aren't improving the economic climate. Improvements above the lowest benchmarks are generally those that happened due to market forces.

There's a reason the initial stages of the latest decline coincided with the election of that group of Democrats to a House and Senate majority, then accelerated with the assumption that this Democrat was going to be President. The reason is that the role of government was going to change, and government was going to massively intrude into the marketplace. That's not saying that the structural problems that existed (and still exist) are all caused by Democrats, because that just isn't true. Too much government with too little government oversight cause these problems.
Overall, is the economy better or worse than 2009?
Fair point. But going beyond what I was talking about. I was limiting my analogy to claims that less than full recovery is no improvement at all. Those who say things aren't getting better are using pre-recession numbers, not depth of recession.

It's not any improvement if things are still worse than before new policies were enacted. The argument of "it was worse than we thought" or "it takes time" are no longer valid. This administration hasn't solved the actual problems behind the last recession and aren't improving the economic climate. Improvements above the lowest benchmarks are generally those that happened due to market forces.

There's a reason the initial stages of the latest decline coincided with the election of that group of Democrats to a House and Senate majority, then accelerated with the assumption that this Democrat was going to be President. The reason is that the role of government was going to change, and government was going to massively intrude into the marketplace. That's not saying that the structural problems that existed (and still exist) are all caused by Democrats, because that just isn't true. Too much government with too little government oversight cause these problems.
Overall, is the economy better or worse than 2009?


The economy is being propped up by debt, Federal Reserve QE, and a bubble of government promises that have unknown costs. Sustained unemployment is now common, government assistance is now a safety hammock instead of a safety net, and the red tape to start a business is much more burdensome. Small business lending by local banks is much lower by design due to the FDIC policies (bias in the "stress test"), and crony capitalism is alive and well.

All recessions in recent history have had significant innovations fuelling a boom in recovery except this one. Ever wonder why?

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