37 Reasons Why "The Economic Recovery Of 2013" Is A Giant Lie

The people that think Obama is responsible for the collapse of this economy or that he has led it's recovery are both off the mark and don't understand how our economy works.

However, at least those in the first camp know something is seriously wrong with our economic system. The latter that defend this economic system are either uninformed lackeys for the system or scumbags making large amounts of money off of it.
Zero Hedge is a joke.

Yeah.. Did you see their latest update?


Tuesday (Un)Humor: Selfies At A Funeral

Tuesday (Un)Humor: Selfies At A Funeral | Zero Hedge

Probably the largest and most watched funeral (memorial service) of the modern era and it appears President Obama just could not resist a selfie with Denmark's leggy blond PM (oh and David Cameron)... as an aside, it seems FLOTUS was not amused.


Here's how much money you've lost over the past few years if you've followed Zero Hedge's ethos:

All of it.
Oh the horror of the thought. The unemployment rate actually dropping under President Obama. Consider what might be said if that number is at 5% in 2016? Quick, tell the Teabaggers in Congress to step up their efforts to destroy the US and world economy!

Old Rocks...a broken clock is right more often than you are.
Is the UE really dropping or are the people searching for jobs just giving up?
Are there less people in the labor market as there was in 2008?
Is the middle class making less now than in 2008?
Is there 47 million on food stamps now vs the 30 million in 2008?

Yeah, it's the TEA party, because it sure couldn't be Obama is a failure, huh?
Before you spew your BS, just a reminder for you....Obama has been our president for nearly 5 years. He owns it all at this point in time.

Why yes, you are certainly right. President Obama owns the present economy. When he took office, the market was in a nosedive, less than half the present value, and over 500,000 people a month were losing their jobs, thanks to the GOP economy.

At present, the market is breaking the upper records about once a month. The unemployment rate is slowly coming down, and, overall, the economy is recovering. After we experianced a near repeat of the Great Republican Depression, the Republicans are trying to blame President Obama for the effects of their foolishness. And it is not working. 6Nov12. The government shutdown that was supposed to bring out public support for the GOP and resulted in them running ki-yiinng like a kicked cur with its tail between it's legs.

What you people are so terribly afraid of is that the unemployment rate will be below 6% and the market at 17000 in 2016, and you will be trying to convince everybody how terrible things are.
Oh the horror of the thought. The unemployment rate actually dropping under President Obama. Consider what might be said if that number is at 5% in 2016? Quick, tell the Teabaggers in Congress to step up their efforts to destroy the US and world economy!

Old Rocks...a broken clock is right more often than you are.
Is the UE really dropping or are the people searching for jobs just giving up?
Are there less people in the labor market as there was in 2008?
Is the middle class making less now than in 2008?
Is there 47 million on food stamps now vs the 30 million in 2008?

Yeah, it's the TEA party, because it sure couldn't be Obama is a failure, huh?
Before you spew your BS, just a reminder for you....Obama has been our president for nearly 5 years. He owns it all at this point in time.

Why yes, you are certainly right. President Obama owns the present economy. When he took office, the market was in a nosedive, less than half the present value, and over 500,000 people a month were losing their jobs, thanks to the GOP economy.

At present, the market is breaking the upper records about once a month. The unemployment rate is slowly coming down, and, overall, the economy is recovering. After we experianced a near repeat of the Great Republican Depression, the Republicans are trying to blame President Obama for the effects of their foolishness. And it is not working. 6Nov12. The government shutdown that was supposed to bring out public support for the GOP and resulted in them running ki-yiinng like a kicked cur with its tail between it's legs.

What you people are so terribly afraid of is that the unemployment rate will be below 6% and the market at 17000 in 2016, and you will be trying to convince everybody how terrible things are.

I voted against Romney.
The formula for Unemployment is an illusion and there are a few reasons that require such an illusion.

Obama has done NOTHING in terms of Foreign Trade and creating a Fair Market (Comparative Advantage) as opposed to a Free Market.

Business visa rules from GW and continuing with Obama have inundated our shores with those who were laid off in the 2008 crash and now work at Walmart, etc...

Obama continues an ineffective illegal immigration policy.

Many Employers actually advertise they will not consider anyone unemployed for more than 3 months BECAUSE they want cheap labor.
Don't you just love the one percenters with something to sell?

LOL. Zero-Hedge, a conspiracy of the "one percent". As though the one percent is the problem. Someone making less than seven figures, making greater than or equal $500,000 is in the "1%", which is nothing compared to the billions and trillions of the .0001%.

Implying that the 1% share an agenda, that a man making 500,000 a year, and someone worth billions of dollars share an agenda is fucking stupid.
Don't you just love the one percenters with something to sell?

LOL. Zero-Hedge, a conspiracy of the "one percent". As though the one percent is the problem. Someone making less than seven figures, making greater than or equal $500,000 is in the "1%", which is nothing compared to the billions and trillions of the .0001%.

Implying that the 1% share an agenda, that a man making 500,000 a year, and someone worth billions of dollars share an agenda is fucking stupid.

I agree.
I don't believe in conspiracies.
I think they would swallow each other up at the first opportunity.
Don't you just love the one percenters with something to sell?

LOL. Zero-Hedge, a conspiracy of the "one percent". As though the one percent is the problem. Someone making less than seven figures, making greater than or equal $500,000 is in the "1%", which is nothing compared to the billions and trillions of the .0001%.

Implying that the 1% share an agenda, that a man making 500,000 a year, and someone worth billions of dollars share an agenda is fucking stupid.

I agree.
I don't believe in conspiracies.
I think they would swallow each other up at the first opportunity.
The billionaires are swallowing them up, while at the same time through their media conglomerates pegging the guy making 500 grand as the scapegoat, as though he isn't paying his "fair share". While they laugh all the way to the bank with their money off shore.
LOL. Zero-Hedge, a conspiracy of the "one percent". As though the one percent is the problem. Someone making less than seven figures, making greater than or equal $500,000 is in the "1%", which is nothing compared to the billions and trillions of the .0001%.

Implying that the 1% share an agenda, that a man making 500,000 a year, and someone worth billions of dollars share an agenda is fucking stupid.

I agree.
I don't believe in conspiracies.
I think they would swallow each other up at the first opportunity.
The billionaires are swallowing them up, while at the same time through their media conglomerates pegging the guy making 500 grand as the scapegoat, as though he isn't paying his "fair share". While they laugh all the way to the bank with their money off shore.

Hopefully with the Internet people will learn.
I agree.
I don't believe in conspiracies.
I think they would swallow each other up at the first opportunity.
The billionaires are swallowing them up, while at the same time through their media conglomerates pegging the guy making 500 grand as the scapegoat, as though he isn't paying his "fair share". While they laugh all the way to the bank with their money off shore.

Hopefully with the Internet people will learn.

You think they would have figured out by now. Oh well...
Oh the horror of the thought. The unemployment rate actually dropping under President Obama. Consider what might be said if that number is at 5% in 2016? Quick, tell the Teabaggers in Congress to step up their efforts to destroy the US and world economy!

Old Rocks...a broken clock is right more often than you are.
Is the UE really dropping or are the people searching for jobs just giving up?
Are there less people in the labor market as there was in 2008?
Is the middle class making less now than in 2008?
Is there 47 million on food stamps now vs the 30 million in 2008?

Yeah, it's the TEA party, because it sure couldn't be Obama is a failure, huh?
Before you spew your BS, just a reminder for you....Obama has been our president for nearly 5 years. He owns it all at this point in time.

Why yes, you are certainly right. President Obama owns the present economy. When he took office, the market was in a nosedive, less than half the present value, and over 500,000 people a month were losing their jobs, thanks to the GOP economy.

At present, the market is breaking the upper records about once a month. The unemployment rate is slowly coming down, and, overall, the economy is recovering. After we experianced a near repeat of the Great Republican Depression, the Republicans are trying to blame President Obama for the effects of their foolishness. And it is not working. 6Nov12. The government shutdown that was supposed to bring out public support for the GOP and resulted in them running ki-yiinng like a kicked cur with its tail between it's legs.

What you people are so terribly afraid of is that the unemployment rate will be below 6% and the market at 17000 in 2016, and you will be trying to convince everybody how terrible things are.

Hahahaha....the markets are doing better because of the fed pumping in money we don't have Rocks. Remember when the fed reserve state "it might" start easing the infusion of money into the market? Remember how the market tanked? You probably don't :eusa_whistle:
The middle class are making less now than in 2008, Rocks....they aren't getting the raises.
More part time jobs created than full time jobs.....you libs are now trying to get the "full time" job from 40 hours to 30 hours just for a fluffy look.
Job participation is at a low not seen since the great depression.
Go back to your Kool-Aid, Rocks, you have nothing.
The middle class are making less now than in 2008,
True, but more than 2009, 2010, or 2011 (latest data is 2012)

More part time jobs created than full time jobs.
That was true in June, but no longer. There was a big reversal in September. Full time went way up, part time went way down.

..you libs are now trying to get the "full time" job from 40 hours to 30 hours just for a fluffy look.
In the statistics, full time is 35 hours or more…always has been. 30 hours as full time is only for Obamacare…wouldn't change the labor force stats.
Job participation is at a low not seen since the great depression. .
Nope. Lowest since 1979, but higher than any time before, and it's been declining since 2000.
The middle class are making less now than in 2008,
True, but more than 2009, 2010, or 2011 (latest data is 2012)

More part time jobs created than full time jobs.
That was true in June, but no longer. There was a big reversal in September. Full time went way up, part time went way down.

..you libs are now trying to get the "full time" job from 40 hours to 30 hours just for a fluffy look.
In the statistics, full time is 35 hours or more…always has been. 30 hours as full time is only for Obamacare…wouldn't change the labor force stats.
Job participation is at a low not seen since the great depression. .
Nope. Lowest since 1979, but higher than any time before, and it's been declining since 2000.

Full time is 40 hours. Period.

You want to point some worthless federal statute that has been sequestered away in the federal register, you're not going to convince anyone that working less than 40 hours is all of the sudden full time. It's just as dishonest as discounting millions of long term unemployed just to claim employment is on the rise.

And the big change in September was mostly due to the opening of new public sector jobs. That's a simple thing to do. Open up some of those jobs Obama froze for the last 5 years.
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The GIANT LIE is that the economy was SWELL for the last twenty years.

No it was not. Not for most of us, at least

Most Americans survived by borrowing money in hopes of better times. Incomes (purchaing power) have been falling since 1972

Our government allowed our corporations to fuck us. Hell they gave them TAX CREDITS to fuck us, kiddies.

BOTH PARTIES did that.

BILL CLINTON ( the heroic Dem economically, remember?) did that, kiddies.

If you're leaning liberal, never forget who the DEMS really work for...its NOT YOU.

Yes they give you more welfare, but they're ALSO the ones who send your job off shore.

Wake up!
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So, if a man had a fever of 106, and it goes down to 102, is the patient getting better or not? By the logic of the OP, the patient is not getting better at all because it'ts not back to 98.6 and he's not completely recovered.

That's a pretty good analogy.

So if a patient has bacterial meningitis and the fever is controlled by chaining ibuprofen and acetaminophen together is the patient improving?

Nope. The cause of the fever is still there and it is still killing the patient.
The middle class are making less now than in 2008,
True, but more than 2009, 2010, or 2011 (latest data is 2012)

That was true in June, but no longer. There was a big reversal in September. Full time went way up, part time went way down.

In the statistics, full time is 35 hours or more…always has been. 30 hours as full time is only for Obamacare…wouldn't change the labor force stats.
Job participation is at a low not seen since the great depression. .
Nope. Lowest since 1979, but higher than any time before, and it's been declining since 2000.

Full time is 40 hours. Period.
and your source? Oh, you don't have one. Sorry, I never received the memo that appointed you to be in charge of that .

You want to point some worthless federal statute that has been sequestered away in the federal register, you're not going to convince anyone that working less than 40 hours is all of the sudden full time.
There's never been any legal definition for full time. It's always been up to the individual companies. There's no legal distinction.

It's just as dishonest as discounting millions of long term unemployed just to claim employment is on the rise.
That doesn't happen in this country. There's no max time to be unemployed.

And the big change in September was mostly due to the opening of new public sector jobs.
except the number of people employed in government dropped in September.
And just what has O done to resurrect the economic & fiscal infrastructure? Nothing.
Who wants to live off of other people's taxes? Not as many people as you may think.
So, if a man had a fever of 106, and it goes down to 102, is the patient getting better or not? By the logic of the OP, the patient is not getting better at all because it'ts not back to 98.6 and he's not completely recovered.

That's a pretty good analogy.

So if a patient has bacterial meningitis and the fever is controlled by chaining ibuprofen and acetaminophen together is the patient improving?

Nope. The cause of the fever is still there and it is still killing the patient.
Fair point. But going beyond what I was talking about. I was limiting my analogy to claims that less than full recovery is no improvement at all. Those who say things aren't getting better are using pre-recession numbers, not depth of recession.
So, if a man had a fever of 106, and it goes down to 102, is the patient getting better or not? By the logic of the OP, the patient is not getting better at all because it'ts not back to 98.6 and he's not completely recovered.

That's a pretty good analogy.

So if a patient has bacterial meningitis and the fever is controlled by chaining ibuprofen and acetaminophen together is the patient improving?

Nope. The cause of the fever is still there and it is still killing the patient.
Fair point. But going beyond what I was talking about. I was limiting my analogy to claims that less than full recovery is no improvement at all. Those who say things aren't getting better are using pre-recession numbers, not depth of recession.

It's not any improvement if things are still worse than before new policies were enacted. The argument of "it was worse than we thought" or "it takes time" are no longer valid. This administration hasn't solved the actual problems behind the last recession and aren't improving the economic climate. Improvements above the lowest benchmarks are generally those that happened due to market forces.

There's a reason the initial stages of the latest decline coincided with the election of that group of Democrats to a House and Senate majority, then accelerated with the assumption that this Democrat was going to be President. The reason is that the role of government was going to change, and government was going to massively intrude into the marketplace. That's not saying that the structural problems that existed (and still exist) are all caused by Democrats, because that just isn't true. Too much government with too little government oversight cause these problems.
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