3 million masks get tossed out every MINUTE and it's killing wildlife everywhere. Here are some photos of the damage.

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Now, to be clear: I'm not one to buy into the climate alarmist narrative every dang time there's an oil spill or some turtle gets plastic wrapped around its body.

With that being said, I'm also not a mask alarmist and I find the totalitarian edicts forcing people to wear them everywhere to be insane.

What I've noticed, however, is that people who are climate alarmists tend to also be mask alarmists.
Presented with evidence like this, what's it going to be? Save the planet, or save yourself from the Rona?

More dangerous lies at

Thats really a conundrum for you left wing morons ....taint it
What do medical facilities do with medical waste?

They burn it.
Mask are trash and is like any other trash that makes it way to the environment. It is people who do not care how they dispose of it that is the problem. Wearing masks is not an environmental problem. It is people and how they refuse to pick it up. Trash of all types is a problem and not just masks. The amount of trash that mask generates is small compared to all the other items that are not disposed of in a acceptable way. Yeah once that mask hits the ground, very few people are going to stop and pick it up. Like most other pieces of trash that miss the trash can.

No one forces people to wear mask as can be seen anywhere by those who do not. A store can have a policy and it is up to them to enforce it. You can take your business to another establishment that does not care.

A mask is something one wants to wear and if those who see others who do not wear one then that is just a reason not to wear one.
Fauci: "Wear two masks"

*giggle* I spell checked Fauci and my one result was fecal.

Speaking on that criminal Fauci here is some information and then below that, some information on masks. People just need to stop wearing them in the first place.

According to a January 2021 Forbes Magazine article, Fauci makes the most money a federal employee can make. As an appointed messenger for all things viruses and vaccines, he has a habit of writing one narrative in medical journals, while stating the exact opposite in the media. In this world of duality, double messages, and “BLM,” Fauci identifies as both black and white. It has been written that You Can’t Have it Both Ways, However, Fauci believes he can and so he does.

As an appointed authority, Fauci can write one thing in the medical journals and claim the opposite on the world stage, in the media. Why the mixed messages? Because only a few people will ever seek out and read the written message. Most people want their information fed to them, through a tube, directly to their brains. Hence, Tel-A-Vision is called the Boob Tube.

A recently released Fauci Dossier makes it clear that Fauci participated in crimes against humanity using COVID19 terrorism as part of a larger group of corporations and agencies to violate anti-trust laws. This scheme is part of a pattern of programming the masses going back well before the inflow of millions of dollars to NIAID, under Fauci, when HIV was “discovered” as a similar threat beffore it vanished from reality. But don’t expect that dossier to go anywhere, as it appears to be ‘soft disclosure.’

Read full article:

Mas-k Confusion:

The truth about masking for CoroNOvirus was published in the April 1, 2020, the April Fool’s edition, of the New England Journal of Medicine :

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. …. The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals.

Why is it recommended to wear a mask?

Symbolism. As a talisman. For a ‘perceived sense of safety , wellbeing, and trust…’

In the media, Fauci first recommended not wearing one mask. Then he recommended wearing one, as a symbol. Then, he recommended wearing two. Double the virtue? To play on people’s fears and obedience, the media is now endorsing the triple mask! Fauci now claims it is possible Americans will be wearing masks in 2022. Are you confused yet?

Who is this masked, twofaced, anti-science scientist, whose every wish is a command? Meanwhile, his original NEMJ publication on the farce of masking has not been retracted since publication.

Why are so many people convinced to wear a mask on the word of a masked messenger who has admitted there is no science to back it up? Does not masking the face refer to hiding something? Deception? Ritual? Loss of Identity?


Perception is everything. Changing perception is used by illusionists and magicians to stop people from critical thinking and seeing the truth.

There is no law to require anyone to wear a mask.

What are the chances that you will be sporting three oxygen-sucking devices on your face as the programming continues under the hypnotism of your Boob Tube Smart phone?

Should people just wear the whole box of masks and be done with it?

What happened to the original message from the esteemed Fauci and his team of Magis with a warning to mask wearers:

What is clear, however, is that universal masking alone is not a panacea. A mask will not protect providers caring for a patient with active Covid-19 if it’s not accompanied by meticulous hand hygiene, eye protection, gloves, and a gown. A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. Focusing on universal masking alone may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19 if it diverts attention from implementing more fundamental infection-control measures.

From the trail of evidence presented, Anthony Fauci purposely misleads the people into creating a false reality. Why?

Because people allow it.

People are pigs.

Actually that's an insult to pigs.

I take a trash bag with me when I walk in the state forests around me and usually have it almost half full when I finish my walks.
People are pigs.

Actually that's an insult to pigs.

I take a trash bag with me when I walk in the state forests around me and usually have it almost half full when I finish my walks.
That isn't the problem. 10 rivers, 2 in Africa, and 8 in Asia are responsible (or their residents) for over 90% of all ocean pollution and plastics.
People are pigs.

Actually that's an insult to pigs.

I take a trash bag with me when I walk in the state forests around me and usually have it almost half full when I finish my walks.
That isn't the problem. 10 rivers, 2 in Africa, and 8 in Asia are responsible (or their residents) for over 90% of all ocean pollution and plastics.
Like I said people are pigs.
These masks are based on petrochemical compounds and are as indestructible as other plastic compounds. Not everybody drinks out of a disposable water bottle that are generally recycled but virtually every American is responsible to have one or a dozen face masks. That adds up to a shit load of discarded petrochemical based junk that doesn't qualify to be recycled.

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