3,700,000 AR-15s in private hands...and now the current stock just sold out...

Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects. My point was relevant to the debate.
Only as irrational as your need for a gun....

So if you can question the 'need' for a gun, what if someone wanted to question your 'need' to breathe? How far do you want to take this 'need' thing which is a subjective term?

I don't recall saying gun grabbers had an irrational fear of guns please quote me if you can.

So in your opinion people buy life insurance because they are afraid of dying and it has nothing to do with the fact that it is a responsible adult thing to do so if in the case of your untimely death your family is not left destitute?

How is that any different from having the option to defend yourself, your wife, family and property from those who might do you harm?

Acknowledging reality is not fear

Ignoring reality and then possibly being helpless at the hands of another is imprudent at best.

My bad, it was a generic 'you' as in gun lovers in general, not you in particular.

So your reality is that the US is a very violent place and you need to protect yourself?

No….only tiny areas, mainly in the inner city and most of those being killed are criminals murdered by other criminals…and it is about time more people pointed this out.

And before you sit there being smug….Australia and Europe are becoming more and more violent and are experiencing increases in gun crime…after gun confiscation, and with extreme gun control laws.
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects. My point was relevant to the debate.
Only as irrational as your need for a gun....

So if you can question the 'need' for a gun, what if someone wanted to question your 'need' to breathe? How far do you want to take this 'need' thing which is a subjective term?


How about need for a car? Humans lived a hundred thousand years without cars. Need for a house? We can live in a cave. The only things we need are food, clothing and some kind of shelter. However, we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A gun provides us a means to preserve our life, so a gun then becomes a need.
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects.
Doesn't change the fact that you offered a red herring, and that you agree that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
I have one of each. If society collapsed and I could only head to the hills with 1....no question it's the AK47. Never breaks. Never needs cleaning. Fires a 2x larger bullet. And...it eats the cheapest steel cased ammo you can buy... $4 for 20 rounds...and loves it. I can by 100 rounds for $15 in bulk packs every time I'm in the store and never hurts the budget. Have a great supply stocked up now. About 8 spare mags. Give me the AK any day over the AR.

I bet you're just gagging for it - the break down of society. So you can fulfil your wet dream of being a weekend warrior....
ya, and you just fulfilled yours by finding a gun owner to attack
It's not a POV. It is a fact. The USA enjoys a murder rate higher than Australia purely because of the third world people that have emigrated here. Most of whom are illegal. The Hispanic culture is all about machismo. I suggest you look it up. Saturday Night Live even did a skit based on it.

Not disagreeing with Hispanics being macho. Your murder rate was well above Australia's and other western countries long before immigrants from third-world countries started arriving.

Actually it wasn't. I suggest you do some research on the subject before you make another mistake like that.
I can reload an AR for about 23 cents.
.23 cents a round maybe.
A reasonable price.

Anyone need an AK…..try Europe….They really like fully auto weapons over there….

Running guns to the heart of Europe: 'Need a Kalashnikov in Belgium? No problem'

But for all the new resolve of the European Union to tighten borders and close loopholes in laws that already effectively ban private ownership of rapid-fire assault weapons, Nemac, Milan and a jaded Serbian policeman doubt it can end the trade.

The Serbian police officer, who is involved in counter-trafficking operations, said investigators uncovered maybe a third of shipments at best. The problem was the sheer volume of weapons, he explained, recounting a tale of a man who told customs officers at Serbia's border with the EU that he was a musician and had nothing to declare but his old accordion.


Indeed, there is some irony that Brussels, self-styled "capital" of the European Union and also home to the NATO military alliance, has become a marketplace for such hardware.

"If you have 500 to 1,000 euros you can get a military weapon within half an hour," said Bilal Benyaich, an expert on Islamist radicals at the city's Itinera Institute think-tank.


The sums Benyaich cites, up to 1,000 euros in Brussels for a Kalashnikov, represent only a 50- to 100-percent mark-up on the asking price at source, suggestive of the ease at which illicit guns are crossing Europe's borders despite the risks if caught.
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects.
Doesn't change the fact that you offered a red herring, and that you agree that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.

I've done no such thing. I'm about irrational as you are about your need for a peashooter.
I have one of each. If society collapsed and I could only head to the hills with 1....no question it's the AK47. Never breaks. Never needs cleaning. Fires a 2x larger bullet. And...it eats the cheapest steel cased ammo you can buy... $4 for 20 rounds...and loves it. I can by 100 rounds for $15 in bulk packs every time I'm in the store and never hurts the budget. Have a great supply stocked up now. About 8 spare mags. Give me the AK any day over the AR.

I bet you're just gagging for it - the break down of society. So you can fulfil your wet dream of being a weekend warrior....
ya, and you just fulfilled yours by finding a gun owner to attack

Attacking gun owners is not a wet dream. As for attacking them, I've been doing it for years..
Actually it wasn't. I suggest you do some research on the subject before you make another mistake like that.

With the exception of a spike in the 1990s-2000s looks like it's been trending downwards. That aside, you've had third world immigration from the get-go. Hispanics have been in the US since Europeans first started arriving on its shores.
Actually it wasn't. I suggest you do some research on the subject before you make another mistake like that.

With the exception of a spike in the 1990s-2000s looks like it's been trending downwards. That aside, you've had third world immigration from the get-go. Hispanics have been in the US since Europeans first started arriving on its shores.

Of CASTILLIAN SPANISH descent. Look them up.
I have one of each. If society collapsed and I could only head to the hills with 1....no question it's the AK47. Never breaks. Never needs cleaning. Fires a 2x larger bullet. And...it eats the cheapest steel cased ammo you can buy... $4 for 20 rounds...and loves it. I can by 100 rounds for $15 in bulk packs every time I'm in the store and never hurts the budget. Have a great supply stocked up now. About 8 spare mags. Give me the AK any day over the AR.

I bet you're just gagging for it - the break down of society. So you can fulfil your wet dream of being a weekend warrior....
ya, and you just fulfilled yours by finding a gun owner to attack

Attacking gun owners is not a wet dream. As for attacking them, I've been doing it for years..
Words on an anonymous message board hardly count as an attack
No worries.......millions more being made as we speak. For those bummed they cant get an AR, take a look at a Saiga Sporter IZ132 ( Russian-made AK47).....better weapon imo because the reliability is unmatched......currently about $600 per unit. You can buy 1,000 rounds of 7.62 - 39 for about $240, maybe less. Cant beat it.

Grab one before this bozo president pulls some stunt on "assault" weapons and you cant get one.:2up:
Yes, red herring,. You tried to move the conversation away from the point being made.
Good to see you can admit that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
Debates move and morph as people introduce different aspects.
Doesn't change the fact that you offered a red herring, and that you agree that worrying about getting shot up at the movies is irrational.
I've done no such thing.
In offering your red herring, you did exactly that.

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