26 of the Dems who staged anti-gun sit-in are GUNOWNERS!!! HAHAHA

How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Obtaining a gun without a background check in the United States (and much of the world) is a fairly easy process, and is becoming easier all the time. Here are some of the common methods of obtaining a gun without a background check.

1. Have someone who can pass the background check buy it for you. This is illegal to do for someone who is forbidden from possessing guns. It is known as a straw purchase. The BATFE says that it is the most common method for criminals to obtain guns. In most states it is not illegal to buy a gun for someone who may legally possess one, as a gift.

2. Steal it. This is a common method for criminals to obtain guns. If you are of the persuasion that thinks more government is the answer to every problem, you might want to make it illegal for people to have their guns stolen, or to require that guns be locked up in vaults, making them harder to steal.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is unconstitutional to require people to have their guns locked up. People have a right to have loaded handguns (the type most commonly used in crime) unlocked in their home as ruled in the Heller decision. This ruling was extended to the states in McDonald. The Newtown shooter stole the guns he used, and murdered his mother in order to do so.

3. Buy it from someone who stole it. Another very common source for criminals. Stealing immediately breaks the ability to "trace" the firearm, rendering "tracing" nearly useless for solving crimes. It can be used for demonizing the original victim the gun was stolen from, though. Guns that are used in crime in tight gun control states, that come from states that have greater freedom in obtaining guns (often with lower crime rates), were purchased an average of 11 years before. With over 300 million firearms in the United States, methods two and three are a large and uncontrollable source of guns for criminals. Tens of millions of these guns were made before 1968, have no serial number, and cannot be traced.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check
I prefer not to violate the law.

Maryland law requires an HQL and a 7 day waiting period.

I'm legal. I can wait.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Obtaining a gun without a background check in the United States (and much of the world) is a fairly easy process, and is becoming easier all the time. Here are some of the common methods of obtaining a gun without a background check.

1. Have someone who can pass the background check buy it for you. This is illegal to do for someone who is forbidden from possessing guns. It is known as a straw purchase. The BATFE says that it is the most common method for criminals to obtain guns. In most states it is not illegal to buy a gun for someone who may legally possess one, as a gift.

2. Steal it. This is a common method for criminals to obtain guns. If you are of the persuasion that thinks more government is the answer to every problem, you might want to make it illegal for people to have their guns stolen, or to require that guns be locked up in vaults, making them harder to steal.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is unconstitutional to require people to have their guns locked up. People have a right to have loaded handguns (the type most commonly used in crime) unlocked in their home as ruled in the Heller decision. This ruling was extended to the states in McDonald. The Newtown shooter stole the guns he used, and murdered his mother in order to do so.

3. Buy it from someone who stole it. Another very common source for criminals. Stealing immediately breaks the ability to "trace" the firearm, rendering "tracing" nearly useless for solving crimes. It can be used for demonizing the original victim the gun was stolen from, though. Guns that are used in crime in tight gun control states, that come from states that have greater freedom in obtaining guns (often with lower crime rates), were purchased an average of 11 years before. With over 300 million firearms in the United States, methods two and three are a large and uncontrollable source of guns for criminals. Tens of millions of these guns were made before 1968, have no serial number, and cannot be traced.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check
I prefer not to violate the law.

Maryland law requires an HQL and a 7 day waiting period.

I'm legal. I can wait.
that was not my point ,
I was pointing out the flaws in gun laws .
who gives a shit? Americans are also overwhelmingly stupid and we're a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
We send every fucking legislator, congress and senate alike, to Washington by majority vote. That is why it matters that our lawmakers pay attention to what the overwhelming majority of us want them to do. We, 92% of us, want to close the background check loopholes and prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. Our lawmakers will not pass this legislation. The folks my state elected are actually leaders in the effort to get something done. The rest of you should be looking to the ballot box to remedy the situation in November.
and when your party wins back congress go after it. That's how majority rule works. wow.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Obtaining a gun without a background check in the United States (and much of the world) is a fairly easy process, and is becoming easier all the time. Here are some of the common methods of obtaining a gun without a background check.

1. Have someone who can pass the background check buy it for you. This is illegal to do for someone who is forbidden from possessing guns. It is known as a straw purchase. The BATFE says that it is the most common method for criminals to obtain guns. In most states it is not illegal to buy a gun for someone who may legally possess one, as a gift.

2. Steal it. This is a common method for criminals to obtain guns. If you are of the persuasion that thinks more government is the answer to every problem, you might want to make it illegal for people to have their guns stolen, or to require that guns be locked up in vaults, making them harder to steal.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is unconstitutional to require people to have their guns locked up. People have a right to have loaded handguns (the type most commonly used in crime) unlocked in their home as ruled in the Heller decision. This ruling was extended to the states in McDonald. The Newtown shooter stole the guns he used, and murdered his mother in order to do so.

3. Buy it from someone who stole it. Another very common source for criminals. Stealing immediately breaks the ability to "trace" the firearm, rendering "tracing" nearly useless for solving crimes. It can be used for demonizing the original victim the gun was stolen from, though. Guns that are used in crime in tight gun control states, that come from states that have greater freedom in obtaining guns (often with lower crime rates), were purchased an average of 11 years before. With over 300 million firearms in the United States, methods two and three are a large and uncontrollable source of guns for criminals. Tens of millions of these guns were made before 1968, have no serial number, and cannot be traced.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check
I prefer not to violate the law.

Maryland law requires an HQL and a 7 day waiting period.

I'm legal. I can wait.
that was not my point ,
I was pointing out the flaws in gun laws .
I wouldn't consider it a flaw in the gun laws.

I could drive to Baltimore and load up on as many illegal firearms as I want.

I just prefer not to. It is... how do you Americans say?

Remember when Reid allowed no votes? You loved it then didn't you hypocrite?

Reid allowed votes after Sandy Hook....Republicans blocked it

It was those kill Obamacare bills that never saw the light of day
Oh. OK. You admit Harry Reid is an obstructionist?
no more than the house and senate republicans since Obama was elected.
Then none of us have anything to complain about.

Either you support obstructionists from both parties or you reject doing it.

I reject all of them and want them all in prison and replaced.
nothing is that black and white ...
that's why you should read about no fly lists and who is actually on them. But why would you do that, you're not interested in facts. just parrots.
meaning what exactly? ever go purchase a gun? Just saying you have no idea what happens. Someone parroted something and you now repeat it. funny. Polly need a ..
false, you just wish that ...
in theory
  1. used in describing what is supposed to happen or be possible, usually with the implication that it does not in fact happen:
    "in theory, things can only get better; in practice, they may well become a lot worse"
battling ignorance one post at a time.
Reid allowed votes after Sandy Hook....Republicans blocked it

It was those kill Obamacare bills that never saw the light of day
Oh. OK. You admit Harry Reid is an obstructionist?
no more than the house and senate republicans since Obama was elected.
Then none of us have anything to complain about.

Either you support obstructionists from both parties or you reject doing it.

I reject all of them and want them all in prison and replaced.
nothing is that black and white ...
that's why you should read about no fly lists and who is actually on them. But why would you do that, you're not interested in facts. just parrots.
I have read them and even better i understand them.

I just didn't walk in and walk out with a firearm.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.
What makes you think the authorities don't already have a good solid reason for the people on the terror watch lists? Just because they don't share it with you? And what would constitute 'good solid reasons" for red flagging someone with a gun permit? The problem is, a 'suspected' terrorist by definition has not acted yet. Must they act in order to raise a flag? Too late. Except for that, actually, your suggestion is the best one I've heard so far as far as compromise goes. Therefore, I'm sure it would be immediately shot down.

The problem is a 'suspected' terrorist by definition has not acted yet

Yes, known 'suspected' terrorists like Cat Stevens, Teddy Kennedy, and hundreds of others.
Since 2014, there has been a remedy for being on the list in error. Actually, I'd be okay for keeping a gun away from Teddy.
hey BTW, didn't the FBI interview the dude in orlando three times? Why didn't they just throw him in jail? I mean wtf Obummer
I own a pump action 12 gauge shotgun.

But I don't own a weapon designed for a battlefield. I own a weapon designed for sport.

I want to keep the weapons used most commonly in mass shootings off the street, i.e. the semi automatic firing system and high capacity ammunition clips. Weapons used in drive by shootings, terrorist attacks, lunatics in school yards and movie theaters have no place on our streets.

And I own a gun.

I don't want to take away your guns. I just want to make sure that the most dangerous among us can't get one.
but it isn't what I think. So why do you supposed your think means more than mine?
My think?

My think looks at the problem of gun violence and considers solutions.

I'm speculating that your think ignores gun violence and focuses on fears of the feds raiding your house and confiscating your arsenal.
so what is the problem after your think? Is it the gun or the person that has a problem?
who gives a shit? Americans are also overwhelmingly stupid and we're a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
We send every fucking legislator, congress and senate alike, to Washington by majority vote. That is why it matters that our lawmakers pay attention to what the overwhelming majority of us want them to do. We, 92% of us, want to close the background check loopholes and prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. Our lawmakers will not pass this legislation. The folks my state elected are actually leaders in the effort to get something done. The rest of you should be looking to the ballot box to remedy the situation in November.
and when your party wins back congress go after it. That's how majority rule works. wow.
I don't actually have a party. The President and the democrats seriously disappointed me on that issue when they had the chance and didn't have the balls to take it. But if they're willing to push it now, I'll take it.
hey BTW, didn't the FBI interview the dude in orlando three times? Why didn't they just throw him in jail? I mean wtf Obummer
He didn't meet the criteria everyone is saying doesn't exist for being watched.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Obtaining a gun without a background check in the United States (and much of the world) is a fairly easy process, and is becoming easier all the time. Here are some of the common methods of obtaining a gun without a background check.

1. Have someone who can pass the background check buy it for you. This is illegal to do for someone who is forbidden from possessing guns. It is known as a straw purchase. The BATFE says that it is the most common method for criminals to obtain guns. In most states it is not illegal to buy a gun for someone who may legally possess one, as a gift.

2. Steal it. This is a common method for criminals to obtain guns. If you are of the persuasion that thinks more government is the answer to every problem, you might want to make it illegal for people to have their guns stolen, or to require that guns be locked up in vaults, making them harder to steal.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is unconstitutional to require people to have their guns locked up. People have a right to have loaded handguns (the type most commonly used in crime) unlocked in their home as ruled in the Heller decision. This ruling was extended to the states in McDonald. The Newtown shooter stole the guns he used, and murdered his mother in order to do so.

3. Buy it from someone who stole it. Another very common source for criminals. Stealing immediately breaks the ability to "trace" the firearm, rendering "tracing" nearly useless for solving crimes. It can be used for demonizing the original victim the gun was stolen from, though. Guns that are used in crime in tight gun control states, that come from states that have greater freedom in obtaining guns (often with lower crime rates), were purchased an average of 11 years before. With over 300 million firearms in the United States, methods two and three are a large and uncontrollable source of guns for criminals. Tens of millions of these guns were made before 1968, have no serial number, and cannot be traced.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Now, of the 4 proposals not voted on by the House, which of those do you suppose would have prevented the Orlando shooting?
who gives a shit? Americans are also overwhelmingly stupid and we're a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
We send every fucking legislator, congress and senate alike, to Washington by majority vote. That is why it matters that our lawmakers pay attention to what the overwhelming majority of us want them to do. We, 92% of us, want to close the background check loopholes and prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. Our lawmakers will not pass this legislation. The folks my state elected are actually leaders in the effort to get something done. The rest of you should be looking to the ballot box to remedy the situation in November.
and when your party wins back congress go after it. That's how majority rule works. wow.
I don't actually have a party. The President and the democrats seriously disappointed me on that issue when they had the chance and didn't have the balls to take it. But if they're willing to push it now, I'll take it.

You're in the Anti-America party, then. The "I hate America and everything she stands for" party.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check

Obtaining a gun without a background check in the United States (and much of the world) is a fairly easy process, and is becoming easier all the time. Here are some of the common methods of obtaining a gun without a background check.

1. Have someone who can pass the background check buy it for you. This is illegal to do for someone who is forbidden from possessing guns. It is known as a straw purchase. The BATFE says that it is the most common method for criminals to obtain guns. In most states it is not illegal to buy a gun for someone who may legally possess one, as a gift.

2. Steal it. This is a common method for criminals to obtain guns. If you are of the persuasion that thinks more government is the answer to every problem, you might want to make it illegal for people to have their guns stolen, or to require that guns be locked up in vaults, making them harder to steal.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is unconstitutional to require people to have their guns locked up. People have a right to have loaded handguns (the type most commonly used in crime) unlocked in their home as ruled in the Heller decision. This ruling was extended to the states in McDonald. The Newtown shooter stole the guns he used, and murdered his mother in order to do so.

3. Buy it from someone who stole it. Another very common source for criminals. Stealing immediately breaks the ability to "trace" the firearm, rendering "tracing" nearly useless for solving crimes. It can be used for demonizing the original victim the gun was stolen from, though. Guns that are used in crime in tight gun control states, that come from states that have greater freedom in obtaining guns (often with lower crime rates), were purchased an average of 11 years before. With over 300 million firearms in the United States, methods two and three are a large and uncontrollable source of guns for criminals. Tens of millions of these guns were made before 1968, have no serial number, and cannot be traced.
How to get a gun Without a Background Check
yep, ever been to the south side of Chicago? This is exactly how most of the guns there are purchased. Stop that first and then let's talk about citizens who abide by the laws.
More liberal "thinking"

" we don't need to scrutinize Middle East refugees"
"Why aren't we scrutinizing gun owners?"

You people are stupid.
Remember when Reid allowed no votes? You loved it then didn't you hypocrite?

Reid allowed votes after Sandy Hook....Republicans blocked it

It was those kill Obamacare bills that never saw the light of day
Oh. OK. You admit Harry Reid is an obstructionist?

What was he obstructing? Even when the repubs control congress they do nothing.
352 bills sat on his desk. 55 from Democrats. Some for up to 6 years.

I reject obstructionists from both parties.
so you see no other reason for why that happened ?
nope explain.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.
What makes you think the authorities don't already have a good solid reason for the people on the terror watch lists? Just because they don't share it with you? And what would constitute 'good solid reasons" for red flagging someone with a gun permit? The problem is, a 'suspected' terrorist by definition has not acted yet. Must they act in order to raise a flag? Too late. Except for that, actually, your suggestion is the best one I've heard so far as far as compromise goes. Therefore, I'm sure it would be immediately shot down.

The problem is a 'suspected' terrorist by definition has not acted yet

Yes, known 'suspected' terrorists like Cat Stevens, Teddy Kennedy, and hundreds of others.
Since 2014, there has been a remedy for being on the list in error. Actually, I'd be okay for keeping a gun away from Teddy.

Who gives a shit about the remedy? The list itself is unconstitutional. DO YOU FUCKING GET THAT?? The no fly list assigns a penalty without even alerting the person who they have found guilty, let alone any charges or a trial.

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