26 of the Dems who staged anti-gun sit-in are GUNOWNERS!!! HAHAHA

I do not claim to be a libertarian, and I'm not even pissed off. LOL Never been to a tea party type rally either.

You fail, again. Story of your pathetic life.
naw, you just wish that were true.
you're the poster child for perpetually pissed of white guys .
as to pathetic the best day of your life is a steaming pile of shit compared to my worst day.
your endless false assumptions are humorous.

LOL Daws, you're an idiot. There really is no other explanation.

"You think both parties suck, you're a partisan"

:rofl: someone should have used a coat hanger on you when you were a fetus.
major tantrum and making derogatory statements about family .
fail .

I made ZERO remarks about your family, derogatory or otherwise.

Why do you feel the need to continually lie DAWS?
it not me whos is lying ...."someone should have used a coat hanger on you when you were a fetus." if that's not a not so subtle shot at family then there are none .
own up and admit it ...

What the fuck? Report it then Sparky, see how far that gets you.
Reid allowed votes after Sandy Hook....Republicans blocked it

It was those kill Obamacare bills that never saw the light of day
Oh. OK. You admit Harry Reid is an obstructionist?
no more than the house and senate republicans since Obama was elected.
Then none of us have anything to complain about.

Either you support obstructionists from both parties or you reject doing it.

I reject all of them and want them all in prison and replaced.
nothing is that black and white ...
It may not be black and white. Either these bills get voted on or they don't.

There should be no obstructions. From either party.

To me they are all one and the same. Democrat and Republican.

Equally corrupt.
naw, you just wish that were true.
you're the poster child for perpetually pissed of white guys .
as to pathetic the best day of your life is a steaming pile of shit compared to my worst day.
your endless false assumptions are humorous.

LOL Daws, you're an idiot. There really is no other explanation.

"You think both parties suck, you're a partisan"

:rofl: someone should have used a coat hanger on you when you were a fetus.
major tantrum and making derogatory statements about family .
fail .

I made ZERO remarks about your family, derogatory or otherwise.

Why do you feel the need to continually lie DAWS?
it not me whos is lying ...."someone should have used a coat hanger on you when you were a fetus." if that's not a not so subtle shot at family then there are none .
own up and admit it ...

What the fuck? Report it then Sparky, see how far that gets you.
done and done.
Oh. OK. You admit Harry Reid is an obstructionist?
no more than the house and senate republicans since Obama was elected.
Then none of us have anything to complain about.

Either you support obstructionists from both parties or you reject doing it.

I reject all of them and want them all in prison and replaced.
nothing is that black and white ...
It may not be black and white. Either these bills get voted on or they don't.

There should be no obstructions. From either party.

To me they are all one and the same. Democrat and Republican.

Equally corrupt.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!
was there?
no more than the house and senate republicans since Obama was elected.
Then none of us have anything to complain about.

Either you support obstructionists from both parties or you reject doing it.

I reject all of them and want them all in prison and replaced.
nothing is that black and white ...
It may not be black and white. Either these bills get voted on or they don't.

There should be no obstructions. From either party.

To me they are all one and the same. Democrat and Republican.

Equally corrupt.
I asked you first.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.
Well considering this wasn't about taking away anyone's guns, just reasonable controls to keep guns out of the hands of the insane and the terrorists, what's the problem?
Don't bother telling me. Just be aware you need to do a little reading on what this fuss is all about.
wow, sane people can go insane, do you have a special device that can tell when someone will go off? I mean, the stupid of this is obviously with you.

bTW, what do you know about no fly lists?
We already have background checks.
in theory ...

I just didn't walk in and walk out with a firearm.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.

I'm more inclined to think they prefer confiscation.

I'm already a firearm owner. How many times should I have to have a background check?
Clearly, Republicans don't understand the difference between a normal American with a gun and a terror suspect with a gun.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. What does that tell you?
I would say that honor belongs to demoncats. Do you most terrorists aren't terrorists until after they buy their tools? That's what makes it a trojan horse. They comply up to the point they want to take folks out. It's really simple, and you all should learn how that works. I know that means educating one self, but a blind squirrel you know?
in theory ...

I just didn't walk in and walk out with a firearm.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.

I'm more inclined to think they prefer confiscation.

I'm already a firearm owner. How many times should I have to have a background check?
everytime. Why would they not? what if you used an already purchased gun and now your name is listed. No, as much of a gun lover as I am, background checks are needed for every purchase.

I just didn't walk in and walk out with a firearm.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.

I'm more inclined to think they prefer confiscation.

I'm already a firearm owner. How many times should I have to have a background check?
everytime. Why would they not? what if you used an already purchased gun and now your name is listed. No, as much of a gun lover as I am, background checks are needed for every purchase.

Retype that in English and I'll dispute it correctly.
Clearly, Republicans don't understand the difference between a normal American with a gun and a terror suspect with a gun.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. What does that tell you?

Dean stop lying, I worked for an agency that had a very strong desire to find Bin Laden from 2003 forward and I can assure you that there was never an order to stop looking for the guy,
I own a pump action 12 gauge shotgun.

But I don't own a weapon designed for a battlefield. I own a weapon designed for sport.

I want to keep the weapons used most commonly in mass shootings off the street, i.e. the semi automatic firing system and high capacity ammunition clips. Weapons used in drive by shootings, terrorist attacks, lunatics in school yards and movie theaters have no place on our streets.

And I own a gun.

I don't want to take away your guns. I just want to make sure that the most dangerous among us can't get one.
the award for the most amazingly ignorant thread goes to....

The board notes you evaded the issue and stooped to personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
false everything I've posted proves other wise
The 'no-fly' and 'selectee' lists
On Tuesday, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, and North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat, unveiled a compromise bill that would ban gun sales to potential buyers on the "no-fly list" and its lesser known sibling, the "selectee list."
Their "no-fly, no-buy" legislation is a narrower version of Feinstein's defeated amendment and would, according to Collins, affect an estimated 109,000 people.
"Essentially, we believe that if you are too dangerous to fly on an airplane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun," she said a news conference on Capitol Hill.
The "no-fly" list does about what you'd expect, barring "known or suspected terrorists" from boarding commercial aircraft inside or bound for the U.S. The "selectee list" contains a smaller group not barred from air travel but subject to more intensive pre-flight screening
you still don't know what a no fly list does do you?
who gives a shit? Americans are also overwhelmingly stupid and we're a representative democracy, not a direct democracy.
We send every fucking legislator, congress and senate alike, to Washington by majority vote. That is why it matters that our lawmakers pay attention to what the overwhelming majority of us want them to do. We, 92% of us, want to close the background check loopholes and prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns. Our lawmakers will not pass this legislation. The folks my state elected are actually leaders in the effort to get something done. The rest of you should be looking to the ballot box to remedy the situation in November.

And there is the problem in a nut shell. Everyone thinks "their" elected representative is doing a good job.

Newsflash, no they aren't.

Further newsflash, you can't usurp rights with laws. A Constitutional amendment certainly could do so though. The 4 bills presented were stupid, and almost certainly wouldn't have passed anyway. They were stupid measures dreamed of by stupid representatives.

If Dems were TRULY concerned with gun violence they would start with the negroes in Chicago, THE END. And yes, the Republicans are just as big of pieces of shit for not doing something about that terrible situation.
Susan Collins, Angus King, Chellie Pingree. They're workin' on it. I didn't say they ALWAYS do a good job, but they're pushing to get some sort of gun control passed. Because WE WANT IT. You don't want it, but you are in the wee minority.

I just didn't walk in and walk out with a firearm.
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.

I'm more inclined to think they prefer confiscation.

I'm already a firearm owner. How many times should I have to have a background check?
everytime. Why would they not? what if you used an already purchased gun and now your name is listed. No, as much of a gun lover as I am, background checks are needed for every purchase.
I have no problem with the checks. I buy my firearms from the same place. We laugh about it and we go through the motions and fulfill the requirements.

My point is that many think you walk in and walk out with a firearm on the same day without a background check.
I own a pump action 12 gauge shotgun.

But I don't own a weapon designed for a battlefield. I own a weapon designed for sport.

I want to keep the weapons used most commonly in mass shootings off the street, i.e. the semi automatic firing system and high capacity ammunition clips. Weapons used in drive by shootings, terrorist attacks, lunatics in school yards and movie theaters have no place on our streets.

And I own a gun.

I don't want to take away your guns. I just want to make sure that the most dangerous among us can't get one.
but it isn't what I think. So why do you supposed your think means more than mine?
close enough.
Close enough for what?

There was a background check. Every single time!

And there shouldn't be.

EVERY person in America who wants to own a firearm should have to undergo a very thorough background check performed by the FBI, including a physche eval.

If you pass that background check, you're free to buy and weapon you wish, all you have to do is present whatever form of ID is chosen to show you have had the background check.

Included in this system is a system where authorities can add flags and temporary halts on your right to own firearms if the need arises.

This way instead of the "everyone is guilty until they prove they are innocent" method the no fly list uses, your rights would not be affected unless authorities had good solid reason to do so, and you would know because you would have been arrested, or interviewed by LEOs or something, not some secretive list that you have no idea if you are on it or not.

If you get caught with a weapon and no background check, 10 years in prison per weapon on top of any other charges.

Done and done, IF people really wanted to enact sensible gun owner control.

I'm more inclined to think they prefer confiscation.

I'm already a firearm owner. How many times should I have to have a background check?
everytime. Why would they not? what if you used an already purchased gun and now your name is listed. No, as much of a gun lover as I am, background checks are needed for every purchase.
I have no problem with the checks. I buy my firearms from the same place. We laugh about it and we go through the motions and fulfill the requirements.

My point is that many think you walk in and walk out with a firearm on the same day without a background check.
yep, the naive, like those mentioned in this thread. They have no idea what the real issue is. none of these libs do. It's hilarious how uniformed they really are.

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