23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

Um . . . you are dead wrong. The mainstream GOP and middle America is sick of the far right's absolute refusal to accept the 21st century that it is going to stomp the nonsense out.

Neo-corporatist fascism is the enemy of all Americans.

Far right religio-fascisim is the enemy of all Americans.

Neo-conservatism is the enemy of all Americans.

Those fringes need to be eliminated.

It's funny watching two socialists, you and JoeB, argue over who is the better Republican.....

Um . . . it's funny you run around as a mainstream American when you are a far, far right wack.

Uncensored, you are not now and never have been what made America great.
Uncensored, you are a fascist, pure and simple. You have much in common with the authoritarians in North Korea. You are so far out of the mainstream a fascist looks good to you.
Uncensored, you are a fascist, pure and simple.

fakey jake, you're an ignorant, feral baboon. You have no clue what fascism is. Fascism supports a command economy, with the state controlling the means of production, just as you advocate.

What differentiates fascism from other forms of socialism is the merger of state and corporate power structures.

Think "Obamacare" - not that you actually can think...

You have much in common with the authoritarians in North Korea. You are so far out of the mainstream a fascist looks good to you.

You're an idiot of Truthmatters proportions.

In fact, the comparison may be unfair to TM.
Most of our presidents have been mainstream protestants. Mormonism is about as outside the mainstream as you are going to get.

On the heels of Barry Obama, he looks pretty mainstream. For most of America, Mormonism is preferable to Marxism.

Anyone who uses the words "Marxism" and "Obama" in the same argument doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

Because for a Marxist, Obama's done pretty good for Corporate America. He's essentially continued most of Bush's economic policies, his ACA was a big wet sloppy kiss for the Insurance industry...
Anyone who uses the words "Marxism" and "Obama" in the same argument doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

Damn, and here being taken seriously by a troll was so important to me....

Because for a Marxist, Obama's done pretty good for Corporate America. He's essentially continued most of Bush's economic policies, his ACA was a big wet sloppy kiss for the Insurance industry...

Barry be a fascist - in the whole Mussolini meaning of the word.
Anyone who uses the words "Marxism" and "Obama" in the same argument doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

Damn, and here being taken seriously by a troll was so important to me....

Because for a Marxist, Obama's done pretty good for Corporate America. He's essentially continued most of Bush's economic policies, his ACA was a big wet sloppy kiss for the Insurance industry...

Barry be a fascist - in the whole Mussolini meaning of the word.

Oh, now he's a "fascist".

Hey, maybe he's a phrenologist... you never can tell.
Oh, now he's a "fascist".

Tell me sparky, what do they call a command economy where governmental and corporate power structures are merged in your little corner of ThinkProgress?

{Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini}

Read more: Benito Mussolini Quotes - BrainyQuote

Hey, maybe he's a phrenologist... you never can tell.

Maybe you're just another leftist troll? Might explain the freaky big head....
Oh, now he's a "fascist".

Tell me sparky, what do they call a command economy where governmental and corporate power structures are merged in your little corner of ThinkProgress?

Actually, I call that "how most of the world does business."

The German Car companies work very closely with the German government, the Japanese Car companies do.

We're the only one who let the egos larger than life run amok with their 8 figure salaries and their bad decision making.
Uncensored, you are a fascist, pure and simple.

fakey jake, you're an ignorant, feral baboon. You have no clue what fascism is. Fascism supports a command economy, with the state controlling the means of production, just as you advocate.

What differentiates fascism from other forms of socialism is the merger of state and corporate power structures.

Think "Obamacare" - not that you actually can think...

You have much in common with the authoritarians in North Korea. You are so far out of the mainstream a fascist looks good to you.

You're an idiot of Truthmatters proportions.

In fact, the comparison may be unfair to TM.

You are describing socialism, where the government commands and owns the the means and distribution of production as well as pays the workers. .

um . . . fascism is a corporate-government arrangement where both get certain rewards at the expense of the working class.

You will lose every time you try to redefine historical and traditional terms, Uncensored, like you just lost here.
You are describing socialism, where the government commands and owns the the means and distribution of production as well as pays the workers. .

Is that right, idiot?

Can you point to a socialist country that pays all workers directly from the public treasury? You're a fucking moron jake, an ideologue with virtually no education nor knowledge.

"Controls the means of production," try to memorize that phrase. Centrally planned economies, like socialism and the variant of socialism known and Fascism, generally use companies to produce good. The USSR had thousands of companies that had payrolls and supervisors. The party owned the stock, but the companies still operated as businesses.

You don't know this because you are an ignorant fool who is here only to promote the DNC.

Fascism is the brainchild of Benito Mussolini. What you don't know, because you are an ignorant cretin, is that Mussolini was head of the Italian Bolshevik party until a falling out with Lenin after his imprisonment in Switzerland where Mussolini had attempted to organize a general strike. The reality of the situation was that megalomaniacs clash - Benito wanted to be boss, not another lackey of Vlad's.

Mussolini was smarter than Lenin, which wasn't hard to do. He understood the allure of the profit motive. He designed a centrally planned economy, where the state controlled the means of production, yet industry still had the ability to earn a profit. He virtually merged corporations into government agencies, the way Obama has done with Blue Cross and Kaiser.

um . . . fascism is a corporate-government arrangement where both get certain rewards at the expense of the working class.

Da Komrade, Workers of the world unite!

ROFL - you're such a doofus.

You will lose every time you try to redefine historical and traditional terms, Uncensored,


Yeah sparky, no doubt....

like you just lost here.

Yeah fakey jake, you're


Actually, I call that "how most of the world does business."

Ah, so your little tin Messiah® is just catching us up to the rest of the world?

The German Car companies work very closely with the German government, the Japanese Car companies do.

So Germany and Japan set production goals, determine what models will be sold in what markets, what prices will be charged, etc.?

What interesting "facts" you make up....

We're the only one who let the egos larger than life run amok with their 8 figure salaries and their bad decision making.

You'll put an end to that, eh comrade?
Uncensored either (1) is against a socialist country now in existence but (2) says there is no such country in existence.

I suspect the fool truly believes that a social democracy (the USA or France or Italy) is a socialist economy.
Uncensored does not know that our cities operate as little socialist governments for running and maintaining police, fire, sewage, water, library, utilities, street cleaning, and many so many other functions.

What a meat head?
Actually, I call that "how most of the world does business."

Ah, so your little tin Messiah® is just catching us up to the rest of the world?

The German Car companies work very closely with the German government, the Japanese Car companies do.

So Germany and Japan set production goals, determine what models will be sold in what markets, what prices will be charged, etc.?

What interesting "facts" you make up....

We're the only one who let the egos larger than life run amok with their 8 figure salaries and their bad decision making.

You'll put an end to that, eh comrade?

Honestly, why not? I don't see why the CEO of GM needed to make 12 million a year when his company LOST money and required a government bailout. His German counterpart never would have gotten away with that and his Japanese counterpart would have been expected to commit ritual suicide.
Honestly, why not?

Why not? Because of concepts you have no hope of ever grasping. Why DO you think the Soviet system failed? Why DO you think China has abandoned the system you advocate for ever greater market driven policies? Is there even an inkling in the back of your alleged mind that perhaps Marx didn't really have all the answers? Or do you even grasp that the concepts you promote are based on Marx? (Stupidity being the foundation of leftism and all.)

I don't see why the CEO of GM needed to make 12 million a year when his company LOST money and required a government bailout.

Then vote against anyone who supported bailouts. Of course the bailout was for the UAW. Personally, I will never buy a GM product in my life. I would have included Chrysler, but they redeemed themselves with more honorable actions - despite my distaste for Fiat, at least Chrysler behaved responsibly. Ford is the company that deserves US customers.

His German counterpart never would have gotten away with that and his Japanese counterpart would have been expected to commit ritual suicide.

Then buy German or Japanese.

Of course you're full of shit, as leftists tend to be - creating a mythos for anything that isn't American. Foreign companies engage in sleaze that American groups only dream of.

{As Chung Mong Koo, chairman of the Hyundai Automotive Group, was indicted Tuesday on charges of establishing an enormous slush fund to bribe officials, and then of embezzling funds to beef up his son's shares, corporate loyalists and critics debated the implications for the conglomerates, known as chaebol.}

Korea targets corruption at automaker Hyundai / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
Anyone who considers our government or business regulation is anything remotely resembling the Soviet Union is a fool, period.
Honestly, why not?

Why not? Because of concepts you have no hope of ever grasping. Why DO you think the Soviet system failed? Why DO you think China has abandoned the system you advocate for ever greater market driven policies? Is there even an inkling in the back of your alleged mind that perhaps Marx didn't really have all the answers? Or do you even grasp that the concepts you promote are based on Marx? (Stupidity being the foundation of leftism and all.)

Why do I get the feeling you are someone who doesn't even have a passport, don't speak any language by your own (barely) and really think the rest of the world is full of "Marxists".

It's not "Marxist" to think that there should be a FAIR distribution of the results of an enterprise. the sheer stupidity that you begrudge an Auto worker $28.00 an hour and think an 8 figure salary (have you figured out how much 8 figures is yet, dummy?) for a failed CEO is acceptable is part of the problem.

In Japan. Would never happen. Or in Germany. And they aren't "Marxists"

Not sure why you brought up a KOREAN automaker when I praised Germany and Japan.

Kind of like saying I enjoy apples and oranges, and you say bananas suck." Okay. Whatever, doooode.
Why do I get the feeling you are someone who doesn't even have a passport,

Because you "feel" rather than think. You get "feelings' and draw conclusions. Rational people examine facts to glean insight into situations.

What a passport has to do with the intellectual examination of ideas is beyond me. I suspect, based on the body of posts offered by you in this forum, that you possess neither a high school diploma nor a GED.

don't speak any language by your own (barely)

Bitte für uns Liste alle Sprachen sind Sie der Meister von.

You make a fool of yourself, given your abysmal grammatical skills, criticizing others use of the language.

I understand that you think yourself clever in your use of insult, yet you display your dull wit in the irony of the subject therein.

and really think the rest of the world is full of "Marxists".

Regardless of the number of Marxists in the world, this forum is full of cretins.

It's not "Marxist" to think that there should be a FAIR distribution of the results of an enterprise.

How would you know? You've never read Marx. You recite the idiocy from ThinkProgress and the other hate sites as dogma. You have no clue what the underlying principles that they are based upon are.

In fact, the redistribution of assets based on need rather than value is the fundamental concept underpinning Marx.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter One

the sheer stupidity that you begrudge an Auto worker $28.00 an hour and think an 8 figure salary (have you figured out how much 8 figures is yet, dummy?) for a failed CEO is acceptable is part of the problem.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc,

You are ever the dull witted cretin.

In Japan. Would never happen. Or in Germany. And they aren't "Marxists"

You have no clue what does or does not happen in Japan or Germany.

Not sure why you brought up a KOREAN automaker when I praised Germany and Japan.

Of course you don't - this surprises no one.

Kind of like saying I enjoy apples and oranges, and you say bananas suck." Okay. Whatever, doooode.

I take it you failed to heed advice not to run with scissors as a child, and lobotomized yourself.....

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