23% of business owners get no salary this year

The unemployment rate doubled under obama. Is that a clue?

No it didn't your ignorant twit. It was 7.8% when Obama took office and it was 8.2% in May. 8.2%/7.8% is not 2.00 shit for brains.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Do you honestly believe the lies you spew? Where the fuck do you get this crap? Hannity? O'Reilly? Limbomb? Drudge? Do you EVER bother to check any of it out to see if its true?

Forgetting of course the people who's UE benefits ran out... They don't get counted. We all know that ruse.

That's not even true.

Who does the government count as 'employed'? - Business - Answer Desk - msnbc.com
Does Solyndra come to mind?

So, now Solyndra is to blame for increased building materails costs????? What are you smoking?

Ummm I thought you were smarter than that. If a Green company can't survive in this economy how is green building going to make it??

What are you snorting???

Let's see....total sqft of LEED and Green buildings now stands at almost 2 billion. Solyndra made solar panels, which by themselves are still rather pricey. But, LEED and green initiatives do not rely solely on solar energy, so THAT is how...try doing some homework, will ya?
Here is the simple hypocrisy being demonstrated by the UnConservatives today:

Obama is blamed for everything. Soley. Alone. His name is invoked whether it is gas prices, unemployment, rain on a parade, or someone gets mugged in Peoria, it's all on him. "The buck stops here" you say.

Okay. Fine.

That's the bar YOU have set yourselves. Everything is on the guy in the White House.

And yet when reminded of the astronomical craptacular crash of just a few short years ago, out come all the deflector shields for Bush. Not one of you "buck stops here" hypocritical cowards has ever put Bush through the meat grinder for being possibly the worst president in our history.

Not one of you holds him accountable. Ever.


Just remember when a boss can't pay himself, Bush got him in that spot. Bush put him there.

Yeah, Obama isn't getting him out.

But Bush put him there.

But... Bush was almost 4 years ago! That was so long ago. Why can't we talk about now?

Because no one has any credibility on their attacks on Obama for gas prices and unemployment and so forth, unless they completely and unambiguously disavow George W. Bush for getting us into this mess to begin with.

You can't place blame on one when you make excuses for the other.

One came before the other. We didn't arrive here in a vacuum without cause.
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For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.
For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

I love your generalities. If you run your business with as much insight as youve shown here, I can certainly understand why you are hurting. I thought your righties were all about personal responsibility?
The economy has been growing since June of 2009.

Anemic. WE are #159 in growth...why is that? Do your readily accept mediocrity?



One word:


No asswipe...YOU missed the point...



Yes you...MEDIOCRITY. Growth since 2009 my ass.​

For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

I love your generalities. If you run your business with as much insight as youve shown here, I can certainly understand why you are hurting. I thought your righties were all about personal responsibility?

So how about you tell us how long you've been a business owner. I'm sure with your insight you are rocking and rolling in this economy.
For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

Bwahh bwahh bwahh. Take some personal responsibility. Just maybe, you should stop playing the blame game and look in the mirror if you want to know the source of your failures.
For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

I love your generalities. If you run your business with as much insight as youve shown here, I can certainly understand why you are hurting. I thought your righties were all about personal responsibility?
Personal responsibility applies to business only when they are making a profit. When they are in the red its OBAMA'S fault.
For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

Bwahh bwahh bwahh. Take some personal responsibility. Just maybe, you should stop playing the blame game and look in the mirror if you want to know the source of your failures.

I can't wait til nov. it will be fun watching these arrogant assholes known as liberals eat some shit.
For the past 3 yrs our small business has been losing money. We've made payroll, but have had to dig into savings. Fortunately, we had some great years (during Bush) so we did not go belly up. If the redistributors had their way, our nest egg would be taken, and our employees would be out of work today. They don't get it.

Hang in there.. Time is getting short now.
Does Solyndra come to mind?

So, now Solyndra is to blame for increased building materails costs????? What are you smoking?

Dude, environmentalism has increased the cost of business a ton.
Gov‘t Backed ’Green’ Light Bulb Meant to be Affordable Costs $50 | TheBlaze.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKgWuBa_xpM]Energy Secretary Says Of Course No One Can Afford A $60 Light Bulb - YouTube[/ame]

And if they're in you will do they count towards the death tax?

Look at it from a democrat perspective.

The light bulb was originally estimated to cost $75.00 so only $50.00 is a signficant drop. Over the course of the light bulb's lifetime, the consumer will save 43 cents over the cost of incandescent light bulbs.

It's the same thing as a Volt car. It will take 27 years for the car to break even, but on the 28th year, you'll be saving money.

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