$22.62 minimum wage!

Because he's worth it.

Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder
Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder

And you simply are a simpleton. No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices. What I'm saying is that the minimum wage should be set to at least a level that is above the poverty level.

$10 per hour is at poverty level.
No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices.[\QUOTE]

So, increasing the cost of labor doesn't increase costs? Are you sure?

Now, the ONLY way raising wages will not raise prices is if you decrease labor costs by laying people off. So, we're either going to have another recession because prices increase or because unemployment will rise.
That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder

And you simply are a simpleton. No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices. What I'm saying is that the minimum wage should be set to at least a level that is above the poverty level.

$10 per hour is at poverty level.

Simpleton? A simpleton believes that increasing the cost of production does not impact the cost of said product, that is unless you, at the same time increase productivity. Do you propose a law demanding higher productivity?

I thought not
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

The left has only envy and greed to sell. Do the poor in America have more than any poor in any place or any time in history? Well yes, but the rich have even more - NO FAIR....

You seethe with jealousy and greed, never thankful for what you have, only boiling with hatred that others have more than you.

Such is the left.
If instead the federal minimum wage had grown at the same rate as one-percenter earnings, it would sit at $22.62 per hour today — 212 percent higher than the current wage floor.

More like $23.50/hr.

Where The Minimum Wage Would Be If The Top One Percent Didn't Leave Workers Behind

I heard once (no link) that the stock market investors are mostly the wealthy, yet Democrats tout the stock market as an Obama success.. It would follow then that Obama/Democrats support the wealthy yet are in denial or being, you know, hypocritical..

So that would make conservatives, what?



Sounds like Adam Smith.



The lies you leftists tell.

{"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least neglect persons of poor and mean conditions, though necessary both to establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, is, at the same time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments."}

This is the quote that Communists claim to show that Smith was one of them. As usual, you commies are lying.
Who said this?

"We stand for a living wage. Wages are subnormal if they fail to provide a living for those who devote their time and energy to industrial occupations. The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit of reasonable saving for old age."

Theodore Roosevelt
"Raising the cost of production..." is a strawman argument because the cost of production was ARTIFICIALLY reduced by off-shoring production to an Authoritarian nation.
Who said this?

"We stand for a living wage. Wages are subnormal if they fail to provide a living for those who devote their time and energy to industrial occupations. The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit of reasonable saving for old age."

Theodore Roosevelt

Wasn't that the guy who inherited enormous wealth, kept servants in dire poverty, was an adherent of Marx, yet never gave a dime of his own money to the redistribution schemes he advocated?

Sounds like a Progressive to me....
"Raising the cost of production..." is a strawman argument because the cost of production was ARTIFICIALLY reduced by off-shoring production to an Authoritarian nation.

What crap...and you're not even ashamed of it. When the cost of production was raised to the point that it was cheaper to manufacture somewhere else and transport it here, THAT'S when jobs were off-shored.
Why would anyone pay that amount for laborers with no skill and who are available by the tens of thousands?

You should move to Venezuela.

Just call it a subsidy and/or make food stamps available to them.

That seems to be pretty popular with our current AAMIC.
You are simply inflating everyone's wages by doing so, then costs follow and soon your minimum wage is substandard again. That is unless you believe that someone making $15 per hour now for harder jobs will be satisfied to earn a wage equal to a burger flipper.

Of course they won't, they will either demand the same increase or take the easier job for the equivalent pay. Inflation simply eats up the workers increase or they lose their jobs to those that have worked harder

And you simply are a simpleton. No, raising peoples wage will not necessarily raise prices. What I'm saying is that the minimum wage should be set to at least a level that is above the poverty level.

$10 per hour is at poverty level.

Simpleton? A simpleton believes that increasing the cost of production does not impact the cost of said product, that is unless you, at the same time increase productivity. Do you propose a law demanding higher productivity?

I thought not

Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.
Sure, but how much?

Let's do the numbers!

An employee making $10.00/hr + 32% or $3.20/hr + healthcare $3.00/hr = $16.20/hr. Since this figure is 100% subsidized, after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.

Look, I realize that shitting on police cars is your one and only talent, still let us dissect the idiocy you posted...

An employee making $10.00/hr


+ 32% or $3.20/hr

32% for what? Where did you dream up this number?

+ healthcare $3.00/hr

Where the fuck did you come up with this fiction?

ACA compliant health insurance STARTS at $624 a month for insured + dependents, and goes WAY up from there.

Since this figure is 100% subsidized,

It is?

after deductions is about 30%, or $4.86/hr which is the net cost of the employee.

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

Stick to shitting on police cars, it's your only talent.

True story.
Minimum wage....$23.50 per hour...
I propose someone make a poll asking who believes this should be true...and then everyone can just put anyone who said "yes" on their ignore list. The IQ level of this board would rise substantially as not skewed by such simple stupidity.
Because he's worth it.

Many CEOs make nothing or a dollar a year. Would the janitor work for that? No.

That's about the most naïve statement ever made on these boards!! Minimum wage should be somewhere between 12 & 15 an hour in order for the working class to get off income assistance programs.

1) This is the United States of America. There are no classes.

2) Even if there were classes, there isn't a working and non-working class. Everyone works.
"Raising the cost of production..." is a strawman argument because the cost of production was ARTIFICIALLY reduced by off-shoring production to an Authoritarian nation.

What crap...and you're not even ashamed of it. When the cost of production was raised to the point that it was cheaper to manufacture somewhere else and transport it here, THAT'S when jobs were off-shored.

The benefits of off-shoring...
No health or other benefits.
Low wage; about $1.25 in US currency.
24/7 availability.

Tim Cook of Apple stated last year that the cost of an iPhone 4S would be about $125.00 more if every part was manufactured in the US; and the iPhone's got a LOT of parts.
I would be than willing to pay an extra $125.00 for an iPhone since I already buy most of my electronics from Germany or Japan, two Socialist nations than produce superior quality products.

Most MBAs whom I have worked with on Wall Street are all ego and want the maximum bonus for themselves regardless of the inferiority of the final product or service.

It is NOT the responsibility of companies to be concerned with the US economy.
That concern lies with those who represent the US, and since Reagan they have failed miserably in their job.

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