2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?

Keep watching the news.

The liberal news media may avoid this story like the plague but more conservative news outlets like the New York Post will cover it. Durham is closing in on the Clinton campaign. I doubt if Hillary Clinton is in any danger but those close to her may be.

I do know this much — I would hate to have this man investigating me.

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Yeah, I've already read it. Sounds like that guy is fucked. Maybe he'll get a pardon from Biden though. Still has nothing to do with you making up shit about Hillary's involvement with Steele.
You libs would certainly know that since you practice it daily.
Great post, Peewee.

Highest death count on the planet. That's all on Trump.
Oh gawd..the stupidity on so many levels. China released the virus--they killed all those people around world. AND FYI, more people are dead from the covid this year than last------you know when Biden was supposedly in charge.
Yeah, I've already read it. Sounds like that guy is fucked. Maybe he'll get a pardon from Biden though. Still has nothing to do with you making up shit about Hillary's involvement with Steele.
What is there to make up with Hilary's involvement with Steele---they were involved.
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
The Loser's enduring inability to accept the democratic verdict - disgustingly encapsulated in his January 6 goon attack on Congress - seems to have some prominent Republicans concluding that the Party can run better if unimpeded by the hefty pantload, reinforced by the loser's relentless losing streak.

Wallowing in self-pity and lies, spewing personal grievances, fantasizing about an imaginary "Landslide!" portends a bleak future for the GOP that they obviously hope to avoid.

Politics isn't the weird worship of one Cry Baby Loser.

David Gergen Slams GOP’s ‘Descent Into Madness, Says ‘It’s Committing Hara-Kiri’
"These people are mad. And they're so denigrating to our politics."
During a discussion about Rep. Paul Gosar’s (R-AZ) utterly bizarre tweet featuring an anime video depicting him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the former adviser to several presidents said today’s Republican Party has lost the plot.
“I think they’ll continue their descent into madness,” he said. “They now think maybe after this recent election that they found a magic formula. Stick with Trump up to a point, but then put out a few new things. But I think it’s still on the fringes. These people are mad. And they’re so denigrating to our politics. I just can’t tell you, the drop in quality from what you and I were used to, what we grew up with, to what now represents the Republican Party. It’s just so sad. It’s so tragic and it’s really dangerous.”
Why are you asking me? You're the one who said lawyering up is an admission of guilt. Thanks for your one moment of honesty in admitting Trump was guilty.
There is no such thing as was guilty. You either are or you are not. Try harder to be less stupid.

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