2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?

Kennedy did not lose all three states. Check Snopes for dopes.
Drools the raving lunatic who hallucinate Biden didn't win the 2020 election fairly.

Drools the raving lunatic who hallucinate Biden didn't win the 2020 election fairly.

He didn't. You are lying saying he did. Why keep lying when it is not working?
You are a liar. Period.
Nope. I even posted a link to the Encyclopedia Britannica proving Nixon won Iowa, Ohio and Florida.

This is the face you make when you learn Trump lost the 2020 election...

Nope. I even posted a link to the Encyclopedia Britannica proving Nixon won Iowa, Ohio and Florida.

This is the face you make when you learn Trump lost the 2020 election...

Cannot learn what did not happen. Your lie will never be the truth. No matter how many times you say it. You should have figured that out by now. The lie has fallen flat.
Cannot learn what did not happen. Your lie will never be the truth. No matter how many times you say it. You should have figured that out by now. The lie has fallen flat.

And yet most believe Biden won.
sure Hillary will walk away from this because she did nothing wrong on this subject.

and the dossier has no relevance to the findings that russia meddled in our 2016 election. Mueller never used the dossier. The republican senate released an intelligence report that simultaneously showed the steele dossier was bunk, and that russia meddled in our election.
Time will tell.

Hillary put this nation through hell for four years because she paid for the Steele Dossier and kept insisting Trump colluded with Putin to beat her.

Trump didn’t collude with Putin but of course Russia meddled in our election just as we meddle in their affairs. It’s all a big game and we are not the good guys in white hats when it comes to interfering in other nations.

In December 2011, Vladimir Putin came closer than he’s ever been to losing his hold on power. His decision that year to run for a third term as Russia’s President had inspired a massive protest movement against him. Demonstrations calling for him to resign were attracting hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Some of his closest allies had defected to the opposition, causing a split in the Kremlin elites, and Russian state media had begun to warn of a revolution in the making.

At a crisis meeting with his advisers on Dec. 8 of that year, the Russian leader chose to lay the blame on one meddling foreign diplomat: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“She set the tone for certain actors inside the country; she gave the signal,” Putin said of Clinton at the time, accusing her of ordering the opposition movement into action like some kind of revolutionary sleeper cell. “They heard this signal and, with the support of the U.S. State Department, started actively doing their work.”

Five years later, the U.S. presidential elections may have given Putin his chance for getting even. According to Clinton’s campaign staff and a number of cyber-security experts, Russian hackers in the service of the Kremlin were behind last week’s leak of emails from the Democratic National Committee. The hacked messages appeared to show DNC officials, who are meant to remain neutral during the Democratic Party’s primary race, favoring Clinton over her then-rival, Senator Bernie Sanders.


One thing is certain, however: meddling in elections is nothing new. And Russia is not the only country to have been accused of it.

The west – and particularly the US – have a long history of rigging polls, supporting military coups, channeling funds and spreading political propaganda in other countries.

One in nine elections’​

Dov Levin, an academic from the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie Mellon University, has calculated the vast scale of election interventions by both the US and Russia.

According to his research, there were 117 “partisan electoral interventions” between 1946 and 2000. That’s around one of every nine competitive elections held since Second World War.

The majority of these – almost 70 per cent – were cases of US interference.

And these are not all from the Cold War era; 21 such interventions took place between 1990 and 2000, of which 18 were by the US.


When a con says, "you can bet on it," everything that follows is bullshit.
I get a laugh out of democrats who make claims like you just did after believing for five years the Hillary created myth that Trump colluded with Putin and the number of other fake news stories the liberal media published about Trump.

It seems that during the Trump years it was the democrats that were full of bullshit.

I get a laugh out of democrats who make claims like you just did after believing for five years the Hillary created myth that Trump colluded with Putin and the number of other fake news stories the liberal media published about Trump.

It seems that during the Trump years it was the democrats that were full of bullshit.

Try facing reality -- if you had actual proof Hillary was involved with hiring Steele, you'd post it. But saying shit like, "you can bet on it," in lieu of posting proof does nothing other than reveal you're making up your claims about her involvement.

This is the look on your face when you realize your bullshit's been exposed...

Try facing reality -- if you had actual proof Hillary was involved with hiring Steele, you'd post it. But saying shit like, "you can bet on it," in lieu of posting proof does nothing other than reveal you're making up your claims about her involvement.

This is the look on your face when you realize your bullshit's been exposed...

Keep watching the news.

The liberal news media may avoid this story like the plague but more conservative news outlets like the New York Post will cover it. Durham is closing in on the Clinton campaign. I doubt if Hillary Clinton is in any danger but those close to her may be.

I do know this much — I would hate to have this man investigating me.


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