2020 Read the Bible Challenge

Do you accept the challenge?

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Will you accept the challenge to read the entire Bible cover to cover between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020?

This poll closes on January 1, 2020.
Will you accept the challenge to read the entire Bible cover to cover between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020?

This poll closes on January 1, 2020.
I read it once, OT & NT, and that was enough. I got more out of reading what scholars said about it than the actual reading.
alang1216 said:
I read it once, OT & NT, and that was enough. I got more out of reading what scholars said about it than the actual reading.

That is alright. If enough people agree to the challenge, we might discuss what we read. You can give us some insight.
back in the days of jesus, there was a system working just like today. Jesus was dangerous because he was changing the system. the romans nailed this revolutionary to the cross. but he lived on, and got up out of the grave to bear witness to us today.

proclaim liberation to the captives, preach sight to the blind and go into the world and tell men who are bound spiritually and mentally and physically: THE LIBERATOR HAS COME!
back in the days of jesus, there was a system working just like today. Jesus was dangerous because he was changing the system. the romans nailed this revolutionary to the cross. but he lived on, and got up out of the grave to bear witness to us today.

proclaim liberation to the captives, preach sight to the blind and go into the world and tell men who are bound spiritually and mentally and physically: THE LIBERATOR HAS COME!
Nope. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world and he did not come to liberate anyone from the Romans.
I will drink some beers and discuss the most metal parts of Revelations if you like
I can't read the bible like that...it wont do me any good.

It's all about what I take away from what I read...If I just read it cover to cover it wont have the same meaning to me.

For instance what really stuck with me from the book of Job was how he had 3 friends who stayed with him thru his misery. They didn't even need to speak...just be there.

Job even asked them to leave & they replied "we've been thru the good times with you...we will be here for the bad times as well".

I would have missed that point had I just read it like a book.

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