2020 Election


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2018
If Trump wins and the Progs retain the House in November will they try to impeach Trump again?
If Trump wins and the Progs retain the House in November will they try to impeach Trump again?

They absolutely will...and it will make for more awesome entertainment when they fail miserably...AGAIN
Probably no one will care about the 2020 election if this shutdown persists much longer.
They'll be too busy worrying about food, shelter, and clothes.
Democrats are pushing to keep things shut down another 2 months, which is a sure way to make The Great Depression look like a piker. Another week or 2 and it will be SHTF for real.

They're not that concerned with COVID-19, they want to scare people with it so they can crash the world economy harder than it's ever crashed before.
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If Trump wins and the Progs retain the House in November will they try to impeach Trump again?

There won't be a 2020 election. President Trump will have to suspend the election.
I don't think we need to worry about the marxist Dims having any power after Nov 3. They've overshot the runway on every one of these hoaxes especially with their treasonous effort to overturn a federal election.

Trump is virtually running unopposed in Nov. and we just need to turn some House seats. Pick a side.


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