2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

No one believes that Senator Shits His Pants is more popular than Obama. The Semi Trucks with Chinese printed counterfeit ballots, and confiscated Chinese counterfeit IDs to register hoards of fake voters prove that China Joe is as illegitimate as Hitler. At least Hitler made his own decisions. Joe can't figure out what pudding he had yesterday.

New and improved Joe Biden:

Now with half the brains of Hitler and two times more Satan.
Oh blow it out your ass. No one thought the audit would prove anything. All it proved was that the count was accurate. It didn't prove the validity of the ballots. Perhaps it will. Perhaps it won't.

Nothing would change the outcome and everyone knows it. Bidung is POTUS and will be POTUS for the next three years. You should be hoping the country can survive another three years of the Bidung/Kameltoe shit show. He's already made more messes that a kindergarten kid. That's what you should be addressing. Not an audit that proves nothing. Good Lord.
Oh blow it out your ass. No one thought the audit would prove anything. All it proved was that the count was accurate. It didn't prove the validity of the ballots. Perhaps it will. Perhaps it won't.

Nothing would change the outcome and everyone knows it. Bidung is POTUS and will be POTUS for the next three years. You should be hoping the country can survive another three years of the Bidung/Kameltoe shit show. He's already made more messes that a kindergarten kid. That's what you should be addressing. Not an audit that proves nothing. Good Lord.
So this is what you're going to try???


trump's ego

Whats to try.

They are valid points.

You seem to like the mess Bidung has made. You don't care about another million illegals in our country. You don't care that they cost we tax payer billions every year. You don't care that the border is open. You don't care that many of these illegals carry the Chinese virus. You don't care that gas is now at 3.00 a gallon and rising. You don't seem to care about anything except a gottcha moment in an audit no one thought would do anything.

Congrats. You win. Pat yourself on the back. Dumbass.
Nope. I never thought the audit would prove much. All it did prove is that the numbers were correct. It didn't prove the validity of the ballots nor will it.

Bidung is the POTUS and will be for the next three years. What you should be asking yourself is how the country can survive the messes Bidung has made and will continue to make. You voted for that moron.

Pat yourself on the back. Congrats.
How many times have they and Trump lost now? One would think they would get tired of losing by now
The dozens of judges, including Trump appointees, who laughed all the baseless, frivolous challenges out of court merely drove the Cry Baby Loser and his zealots to the realm of the paranormal.

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