2016 the movie is a must for many in America before they vote..


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
It will be a real eye opener for many, but it is not surprising to me because I have known all of this from the very start somehow it seems. A pretty good judge of character I am I guess, then came the evidence and it keeps on coming..

The American people have possibly been duped and duped badly by what they have allowed to be President within the White House for this nation, and especially without the proper vetting as it were, but everyone got caught up in the moment I guess, and was ready for a change, but they just don't know or realize the kinds of change this cat is capable of, as could be found within his ideology and character, and that is embedded within him or by what he can give them in suffering if they are not careful in such a situation. The last 4 years may be just a short preview..

The movie is a good analogy of what we need to know possibly, and for what many didn't know about Barack Obama's character or ideologies in which he has within himself, and also of his dreams that are not of his father, but instead are from his father as a gift in which he honors.

This really makes one think back and now wonder what this man meant by CHANGE HAS FINALLY COME TO AMERICA or when his wife said THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT I AM TRULY PROUD OF MY COUNTRY. I ask where have these two people been(?), because America has been very good for many American races, along with the poor, the middle, the wealthy, the sickly and/or the immigrants for quite a long time now. I mean look at where Barack Obama's family came from in Kenya, and then look at where Barack Obama is today all because of America.

The breaking up of the American family over the years, has finally created enough weakness within, where as the wolves can finally get the full run of the chicken coup, even bringing it down as we saw happen before our eyes on 9-11-2001.

I can only imagine how abandoned, empty and lost the victims familes feel in America now, especially in the situation that happened out there in Fort Hood (workplace what?) (Bengazi because of a video what?), and on and on it all goes while the excuses are made for it all, and sadly to no ones liking in the end.

Wake Up America ! Barack and crew has some serious explaining to do.......................
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Darn you figured it all out? We were trying to keep it under wraps until after the election. Sarcasm off.
Darn you figured it all out? We were trying to keep it under wraps until after the election. Sarcasm off.
No I had it figured out before the movie, and before the first election, but just couldn't understand why so many others in the nation couldn't figure it out.

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