2016 Hopefulls: Who's pro-nuclear energy?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Energy Oil 2016 contenders views

Note lack of quotes. May have taken some creative liberties with names. Rest is accurate though.

Paul 'I'm Not A Tom Clancy Character, Honest' Ryan:
-Develop all American-made energy, including nuclear. (Apr 2012)

Mitt 'I Coulda Been A Contender' Romulan:
- Nuclear power is a win-win: no CO2 and no imports. (Mar 2010)
- Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (Oct 2007)
- No-regrets policy: biofuel, nuclear power, drill ANWR. (Jun 2007)

Rick 'I hate gays' Sanitarium:
- Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)

Rick 'I'm not stupid. See, I wear glasses!' Perry:
- Use federal funds for nuclear cleanup, with state input. (Sep 2001)

Rob 'What Dya Mean You've Never Heard Of Me?!' Portly Portman:
- Expanding nuclear energy is a safe and practical. (Dec 2009)

Condosleeze 'NO, I Never Had a Threesome With George and Jeb!' Rice:
- Increase refining capacity & domestic resources; use nuclear. (May 2008)
Energy Oil 2016 contenders views

Note lack of quotes. May have taken some creative liberties with names. Rest is accurate though.

Paul 'I'm Not A Tom Clancy Character, Honest' Ryan:
-Develop all American-made energy, including nuclear. (Apr 2012)

Mitt 'I Coulda Been A Contender' Romulan:
- Nuclear power is a win-win: no CO2 and no imports. (Mar 2010)
- Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (Oct 2007)
- No-regrets policy: biofuel, nuclear power, drill ANWR. (Jun 2007)

Rick 'I hate gays' Sanitarium:
- Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)

Rick 'I'm not stupid. See, I wear glasses!' Perry:
- Use federal funds for nuclear cleanup, with state input. (Sep 2001)

Rob 'What Dya Mean You've Never Heard Of Me?!' Portly Portman:
- Expanding nuclear energy is a safe and practical. (Dec 2009)

Condosleeze 'NO, I Never Had a Threesome With George and Jeb!' Rice:
- Increase refining capacity & domestic resources; use nuclear. (May 2008)

Nuclear is the way to go, for electrical energy generation.
Massive energy, thousands of kilowatts of energy per plant.
Clean energy, no pollutants released into the atmosphere.
Safe, no people have been killed in commercially operating American nuclear power plants.
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.

Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.
If we listened to people like you, we'd still be riding horses to work.

Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?
Send it into the sun.
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.

Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?

I guess you are as ignorant as you appear.
Three-mile-island was worse-case-scenario, they had a partial-core-melt-down and they shut it down safely, no one was killed.
It shows that our safety-back-up systems work as they were designed to.
Chernobyl was built to produce bomb material and had very few safety-back-up systems. The soviets shut of their few safety systems to do some kind of test (about stupid as you can get).
They used a building to house the reactor, NOT a containment structure.
They used graphite as a "medium" instead of water.
THOSE were the reason that Chernobyl blew.
Fukushima survived the earthquake, like it was suppose to do.
The Japanese had their back-up diesel-generator outside with no building around it, facing the ocean ..... THAT was their fatal mistake, the tsunami wiped out their safety back-up diesel-generator.
As for "what to do with the nuclear waste generated", that has already been solved, scientifically (yucca mountain depository), it is the political part that hasn't been solved, YET.
You really need to do some reading on "American nuclear power" before you start to run your mouth.
Yeah, that's the thing about nuclear energy; the only thing to worry about is what hasn't been planned for, and then the effects are irremediable.
There is a good location for a nuclear power source: 150,000,000 km. from earth.
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.
If we listened to people like you, we'd still be riding horses to work.

Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?
Send it into the sun.

???How about we hide it in Nat's cellar???
Yeah, that's the thing about nuclear energy; the only thing to worry about is what hasn't been planned for, and then the effects are irremediable.
There is a good location for a nuclear power source: 150,000,000 km. from earth.

.......... And all we gotta do is run a pipe from the sun, to a steam-generator.
At any moment, the power in sunlight striking earth is about 1340 times greater than all human power consumption. Imagine one percent of that exposed surface covered with even 10%-efficient collectors.
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.
If we listened to people like you, we'd still be riding horses to work.
Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?
Send it into the sun.
???How about we hide it in Nat's cellar???
That works.
I lived within 15 miles of a nuke plant for 33 years.
No fear.
No ignorance.
That works.
I lived within 15 miles of a nuke plant for 33 years.
No fear.
No ignorance.

By law....if you try to sell your home, you must disclose the house's proximity to a nuke plant.......Good luck
[/QUOTE]By law....if you try to sell your home, you must disclose the house's proximity to a nuke plant.......[/QUOTE]
Why? Not ignoring the obvious.
Nukes are an unnecessary danger.
Sure, no US deaths.....but Three Mile island, Fukushima, Chernobyl, Tokaimura, etc. The long term effects of Nuclear disasters can often spread over thousands of years. It is estimated that Chernobyl wont be inhabited for at least another 20,000 years.

Anyone REALLY know what to do with the nuclear waste generated?

Yes: reprocess it into new fuel. (Already done in Europe.) What is left after that, burn it to fuel advanced, fourth-generation WAMSR's, that run on waste.
Energy Oil 2016 contenders views

Note lack of quotes. May have taken some creative liberties with names. Rest is accurate though.

Paul 'I'm Not A Tom Clancy Character, Honest' Ryan:
-Develop all American-made energy, including nuclear. (Apr 2012)

Mitt 'I Coulda Been A Contender' Romulan:
- Nuclear power is a win-win: no CO2 and no imports. (Mar 2010)
- Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (Oct 2007)
- No-regrets policy: biofuel, nuclear power, drill ANWR. (Jun 2007)

Rick 'I hate gays' Sanitarium:
- Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)

Rick 'I'm not stupid. See, I wear glasses!' Perry:
- Use federal funds for nuclear cleanup, with state input. (Sep 2001)

Rob 'What Dya Mean You've Never Heard Of Me?!' Portly Portman:
- Expanding nuclear energy is a safe and practical. (Dec 2009)

Condosleeze 'NO, I Never Had a Threesome With George and Jeb!' Rice:
- Increase refining capacity & domestic resources; use nuclear. (May 2008)

We know Obama is all for it, well, as long as it's Iran that is developing it.

We need alternative energy sources and until someone comes up with something affordable, why not nuclear? I think we should focus on safety at nuclear plants, but nothing wrong with it.

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