2016: Historical Wave Election

regardless, they would get the 2 electors representing senators, voting for the majority vote of the state, and if every state did it this way, I don't see why they would be butt hurt.... a democrat would definitely lose some electoral votes to the Republican candidate or third party candidate for certain in NY State, but the democratic candidate would gain some in other States...

You are thinking like a rational person, and not a partisan hack in a State that is safely one color for every presidential election.

Why settle for 1/2 the EV's or 2/3's when you can have them all?
the way it is set up now, defeats the whole purpose of setting up the EV in the first place... and these larger states like NY could go without a visit from either candidate if the EV's are a winner takes all guarantee, as they are now... EV's were meant to get candidates to need the EV Vote in BOTH smaller AND larger population states.... and ALL States involved and a part of the process and voice in electing our President....

IT'S NOT WORKING as the founders planned because State PARTIES have manipulated it in to the President being chosen before a good deal if not half of the states have even voted...

I just can't knock the feeling and thinking that this is just plain WRONG.

I agree it is wrong, however I don't see the individual State parties giving up their lock on EV's from the other side willingly.

California actually has a better shot at it than NY due to their popular referendum process.
I believe that is how we got it here, through referendum vote....

doesn't new york have that process?

Not quite:

From ballotpedia:

According to the New York Constitution, a majority vote is required in two successive sessions of the New York State Legislature in order to qualify a measure for the statewide ballot.

So only measures with the approval of the very legislators you are trying to get around (twice!) can become a statewide referendum.
Holy Smokes! :eek:
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.

When you visualize the map and adjust scales by population density, those blue spots aren't small at all.

The blue spots are where the majority of crimes are committed.

Yeah, not a lot of crime where it's just cow or rabbit shit.
Let's see, the most stunning defeat for democrats happened last week (during the Obama administration) and the other most stunning defeat in modern history happened two years ago during the Obama administration. What does that tell you about the Obama administration? Maybe the crooked lying media has been propping up the administration and Obama is a failure in every respect. The democrat party is in such chaos that the new democrat senate minority leader, Chucky Schumer who is Jewish, is now supporting a freaking radical anti-semite Muslem congressmen for democrat minority leader and he is taking lots of heat among the Jewish community.
The criminals lost. Amazing times for sure.


your crime map is bull crap...

Maine is the safest state in the Nation with Vermont....your map is FALSE for crime rates.

Population Dense-ity
A few misleading maps were circulated after the 2016 presidential election insinuating that areas with a high population of democratic voters also had higher rates of crime.
Dan Evon

Updated: Nov 12, 2016
Claim: Maps shows that areas with high democratic populations also have high crime rates.


Origin:On 11 November 2016, the Facebook page "Subject Politics" published two maps purportedly comparing the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the 2013 crime rate in in the U.S.:
Google it if you don't believe us. This is not a coincidence.


You'd think Republicans/rightwingers/trump-pawns would get tired of constantly getting duped by their own then, humiliation of humiliations, then getting their asses handed to them by the lefties they hate.

: In Town vs. Country, It Turns Out That Cities Are the Safest Places to Live
A generation of movies have made us think that the American city is an inherently dangerous place. But a new study shows that you're more likely to die violently in the quiet countryside
By Bryan Walsh
July 23, 2013


...the numbers don’t lie — as scary as we may think urban crime is, the threats that are prevalent in rural areas are statistically more dangerous. We already know that the best way to shrink your carbon footprint is to move to a dense city. Now it turns out that it might be the best way to stay alive too.

and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.
Blue berries in a sea of red
the red color and more of it, is simply LAND....as far as I know, land is not a citizen, and land doesn't have the right to vote.....

We the People, are suppose to be represented, not the extra land, that surrounds us....

These maps are meaningless.
Every Democratic President has won the National vote and the Electoral college, only Republican Presidents and one Whig I believe, win elections without the majority of the citizen's consent/vote.
The criminals lost. Amazing times for sure.


your crime map is bull crap...

Maine is the safest state in the Nation with Vermont....your map is FALSE for crime rates.

Population Dense-ity
A few misleading maps were circulated after the 2016 presidential election insinuating that areas with a high population of democratic voters also had higher rates of crime.
Dan Evon

Updated: Nov 12, 2016
Claim: Maps shows that areas with high democratic populations also have high crime rates.


Origin:On 11 November 2016, the Facebook page "Subject Politics" published two maps purportedly comparing the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the 2013 crime rate in in the U.S.:
Google it if you don't believe us. This is not a coincidence.


You'd think Republicans/rightwingers/trump-pawns would get tired of constantly getting duped by their own then, humiliation of humiliations, then getting their asses handed to them by the lefties they hate.

: In Town vs. Country, It Turns Out That Cities Are the Safest Places to Live
A generation of movies have made us think that the American city is an inherently dangerous place. But a new study shows that you're more likely to die violently in the quiet countryside
By Bryan Walsh
July 23, 2013


...the numbers don’t lie — as scary as we may think urban crime is, the threats that are prevalent in rural areas are statistically more dangerous. We already know that the best way to shrink your carbon footprint is to move to a dense city. Now it turns out that it might be the best way to stay alive too.


Utter and complete bullshit.

Do you and Time not grasp that crime statistics are compiled and released?

Can you say "Chicago?"
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.
Blue berries in a sea of red
the red color and more of it, is simply LAND....as far as I know, land is not a citizen, and land doesn't have the right to vote.....

We the People, are suppose to be represented, not the extra land, that surrounds us....

These maps are meaningless.
Given that the Republicans lost seats in both the Senate and House as well as the popular vote, I wouldn't call this a wave election.

Semantics aside, few American presidential elections have reached the level of change that happened in the 1920 election but the outcome of the 1920 election (all branches of the federal government being controlled by one party) and 2016 is the same - except 2016 is scarier.

The Republicans are just one state house away from being able to call for a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention doesn't mean tweaking an amendment here and there, or adding or subtracting an amendment or two, a constitutional convention means a complete overhaul/rewriting of our constitution. Our last constitutional convention was in 1787 but todays Republicans scream out of one side of their mouth that they want a Scalia type appointment who'll make decisions based on words that were written in 1787, while screaming out of the other side of mouth, we need a constitutional convention so they can rewrite the constitution in the image of the 2016/2018 Republican party.

My guess is, near the top of the 2016/2018 Republicans agenda will be; women and minorities right to vote via removal or some form of phony rule(s) that will suppress the vote - Republicans hate democracy.

Given that the Republicans lost seats in both the Senate and House as well as the popular vote, I wouldn't call this a wave election.

Semantics aside, few American presidential elections have reached the level of change that happened in the 1920 election but the outcome of the 1920 election (all branches of the federal government being controlled by one party) and 2016 is the same - except 2016 is scarier.

The Republicans are just one state house away from being able to call for a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention doesn't mean tweaking an amendment here and there, or adding or subtracting an amendment or two, a constitutional convention means a complete overhaul/rewriting of our constitution. Our last constitutional convention was in 1787 but todays Republicans scream out of one side of their mouth that they want a Scalia type appointment who'll make decisions based on words that were written in 1787, while screaming out of the other side of mouth, we need a constitutional convention so they can rewrite the constitution in the image of the 2016/2018 Republican party.

My guess is, near the top of the 2016/2018 Republicans agenda will be; women and minorities right to vote via removal or some form of phony rule(s) that will suppress the vote - Republicans hate democracy.



What a retard.

No one wants to deny you the right to vote, you special little snowflake.
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.

Why am I not surprised that a Trump supporter would be in favor of foreign intervention in our -ahem- democracy?
"Foreign investors held an interest in 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land (forest land and farmland) as of December 31, 2011..."

After the Republicans kicked the Democrats to the government curb in the 1920 wave election, the Republicans retained control of all branches of government in the 1924 and 1928 presidential elections.

As a result, the 1920's Republicans accomplished most of their agenda, an agenda that wasn't all that much different from today's Republican party; keep people of color from immigrating to the US, cut taxes, free market approach to government, protective trade tariffs, restricting people's personal freedom. Did I say cut taxes... cut taxes on the wealthiest among us?


Oh Brother!
The whole county prospered, including the lower class.
Some even rose to middle class.
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.

Why am I not surprised that a Trump supporter would be in favor of foreign intervention in our -ahem- democracy?
"Foreign investors held an interest in 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land (forest land and farmland) as of December 31, 2011..."

After the Republicans kicked the Democrats to the government curb in the 1920 wave election, the Republicans retained control of all branches of government in the 1924 and 1928 presidential elections.

As a result, the 1920's Republicans accomplished most of their agenda, an agenda that wasn't all that much different from today's Republican party; keep people of color from immigrating to the US, cut taxes, free market approach to government, protective trade tariffs, restricting people's personal freedom. Did I say cut taxes... cut taxes on the wealthiest among us?


Oh Brother!
The whole county prospered, including the lower class.
Some even rose to middle class.

Republicans are sooo crayzeee, crayzeee as Ann Coulter. Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate in the1920s they succeeded in running our economy into a ditch then-----then, the Great Depression happened.

During the George W. Bush administration both the House and Senate were under Republican control, resulting in two huge tax cuts PLUS an expensive unpaid for "mess" (Trump's word) of a war then-----then in 2008 the Great Recession happened.

Are you seeing a pattern here - the two most painful economic periods in American history happened because Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, and now-----and now in 2016...?

Ann Coulter history tweet forgets George W. Bush presidency

"1928 was last time Republicans had the White House, the House and the Senate," Coulter tweeted Nov. 9 at 12:19 a.m.


And as far as that period in the early 2000’s we see a similar pattern. The Republican party used its sweeping power to uproot financial regulations that ultimately led to the 2008 Recession. So given that the economy has just barely righted itself we should take what follows over the next few years as evidence of a pretty consistent trend. If the economy tanks during Trump’s presidency (or shortly after) it will be hard to argue that full Republican control over the country isn’t a death sentence for the American economy. If we can take anything Donald Trump has said during the election seriously it already sounds like we can expect a sharp increase in the deficit.

How in the world did Republican mouthpiece, Ann Coulter, forget about the Republican takeover of our government in the early 2000s? Did Coulter's memory of convenience forget about the Great Bush Recession?

"1928 was last time Republicans had the White House, the House and the Senate,"
Coulter tweeted Nov. 9 at 12:19 a.m.

and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.

Why am I not surprised that a Trump supporter would be in favor of foreign intervention in our -ahem- democracy?
"Foreign investors held an interest in 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land (forest land and farmland) as of December 31, 2011..."

After the Republicans kicked the Democrats to the government curb in the 1920 wave election, the Republicans retained control of all branches of government in the 1924 and 1928 presidential elections.

As a result, the 1920's Republicans accomplished most of their agenda, an agenda that wasn't all that much different from today's Republican party; keep people of color from immigrating to the US, cut taxes, free market approach to government, protective trade tariffs, restricting people's personal freedom. Did I say cut taxes... cut taxes on the wealthiest among us?


Oh Brother!
The whole county prospered, including the lower class.
Some even rose to middle class.
and all without winning the popular vote
Look at the map, see all the red. The blue spots are tiny. We should pass out the vote based on acreage owed and be done with it.

Damn what is wrong with google, how come I can't pull up a 2016 election map?????? they keep going back to 2012 or 2008.


I need to find a new search engine.
Liberals hiding things on me.

Why am I not surprised that a Trump supporter would be in favor of foreign intervention in our -ahem- democracy?
"Foreign investors held an interest in 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land (forest land and farmland) as of December 31, 2011..."

After the Republicans kicked the Democrats to the government curb in the 1920 wave election, the Republicans retained control of all branches of government in the 1924 and 1928 presidential elections.

As a result, the 1920's Republicans accomplished most of their agenda, an agenda that wasn't all that much different from today's Republican party; keep people of color from immigrating to the US, cut taxes, free market approach to government, protective trade tariffs, restricting people's personal freedom. Did I say cut taxes... cut taxes on the wealthiest among us?


Oh Brother!
The whole county prospered, including the lower class.
Some even rose to middle class.

Republicans are sooo crayzeee, crayzeee as Ann Coulter. Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate in the1920s they succeeded in running our economy into a ditch then-----then, the Great Depression happened.

During the George W. Bush administration both the House and Senate were under Republican control, resulting in two huge tax cuts PLUS an expensive unpaid for "mess" (Trump's word) of a war then-----then in 2008 the Great Recession happened.

Are you seeing a pattern here - the two most painful economic periods in American history happened because Republicans controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate, and now-----and now in 2016...?

Ann Coulter history tweet forgets George W. Bush presidency

"1928 was last time Republicans had the White House, the House and the Senate," Coulter tweeted Nov. 9 at 12:19 a.m.


And as far as that period in the early 2000’s we see a similar pattern. The Republican party used its sweeping power to uproot financial regulations that ultimately led to the 2008 Recession. So given that the economy has just barely righted itself we should take what follows over the next few years as evidence of a pretty consistent trend. If the economy tanks during Trump’s presidency (or shortly after) it will be hard to argue that full Republican control over the country isn’t a death sentence for the American economy. If we can take anything Donald Trump has said during the election seriously it already sounds like we can expect a sharp increase in the deficit.

How in the world did Republican mouthpiece, Ann Coulter, forget about the Republican takeover of our government in the early 2000s? Did Coulter's memory of convenience forget about the Great Bush Recession?

"1928 was last time Republicans had the White House, the House and the Senate,"
Coulter tweeted Nov. 9 at 12:19 a.m.


Thats the liberal spin thats taught and its not true.
Truth is banks (easy credit lending) and wall street (ticket tape could not handel the heavy trading on that day) caused it in1929 and Dems blamed the Repubs for it
Just like they did with the housing bubble burst in 2008.
The criminals lost. Amazing times for sure.


your crime map is bull crap...

Maine is the safest state in the Nation with Vermont....your map is FALSE for crime rates.

Population Dense-ity
A few misleading maps were circulated after the 2016 presidential election insinuating that areas with a high population of democratic voters also had higher rates of crime.
Dan Evon

Updated: Nov 12, 2016
Claim: Maps shows that areas with high democratic populations also have high crime rates.


Origin:On 11 November 2016, the Facebook page "Subject Politics" published two maps purportedly comparing the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the 2013 crime rate in in the U.S.:
Google it if you don't believe us. This is not a coincidence.


You'd think Republicans/rightwingers/trump-pawns would get tired of constantly getting duped by their own then, humiliation of humiliations, then getting their asses handed to them by the lefties they hate.

: In Town vs. Country, It Turns Out That Cities Are the Safest Places to Live
A generation of movies have made us think that the American city is an inherently dangerous place. But a new study shows that you're more likely to die violently in the quiet countryside
By Bryan Walsh
July 23, 2013


...the numbers don’t lie — as scary as we may think urban crime is, the threats that are prevalent in rural areas are statistically more dangerous. We already know that the best way to shrink your carbon footprint is to move to a dense city. Now it turns out that it might be the best way to stay alive too.


Utter and complete bullshit.

Do you and Time not grasp that crime statistics are compiled and released?

Can you say "Chicago?"

Sure, I can say Chicago and-----and I can say I used to live in Chicago and I can say I started my post-graduate studies at the University of Chicago - there ya go, I said Chicago - thrice!

Now that I answered your question, answer these questions for me,

A) Are you reading challenged? or
B) Are you comprehension challenged? or
C) Are you to lazy to read an article before commenting on it? also
Do you often comment on articles you haven't read?

Are you able to post proof that the crime statistics produced by the government department that is headed by the Republicans BFF, James Comey, are flawed?


Sure, I can say Chicago and-----and I can say I used to live in Chicago and I can say I started my post-graduate studies at the University of Chicago - there ya go, I said Chicago - thrice!

Now that I answered your question, answer these questions for me,

A) Are you reading challenged? or
B) Are you comprehension challenged? or
C) Are you to lazy to read an article before commenting on it? also
Do you often comment on articles you haven't read?

Are you able to post proof that the crime statistics produced by the government department that is headed by the Republicans BFF, James Comey, are flawed?


Post graduate? A masters in ethnic studies, perhaps?

What you offered was an editorial from Time magazine, not statistics from a government source. Had you entered a legitimate course of study you might grasp the concept of credible sources.

The claim that crime is higher in rural areas is false. You chose a fake news source that is dedicated to disseminating falsehoods on behalf of the party, rather than offering legitimate statistics.

Here is the FBI source, which shows that yes, urban centers are indeed the highest crime areas. Chicago having the highest violent crime per capita in the nation.


Oh and my Ph.D. is in Production and Supply Chain Management. Yes it is useful, hence not what academia prefers. I assume you teach at a community college? Perhaps such important classes as "Hate Whitey 101?"
The criminals lost. Amazing times for sure.


your crime map is bull crap...

Maine is the safest state in the Nation with Vermont....your map is FALSE for crime rates.

Population Dense-ity
A few misleading maps were circulated after the 2016 presidential election insinuating that areas with a high population of democratic voters also had higher rates of crime.
Dan Evon

Updated: Nov 12, 2016
Claim: Maps shows that areas with high democratic populations also have high crime rates.


Origin:On 11 November 2016, the Facebook page "Subject Politics" published two maps purportedly comparing the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the 2013 crime rate in in the U.S.:
Google it if you don't believe us. This is not a coincidence.


You'd think Republicans/rightwingers/trump-pawns would get tired of constantly getting duped by their own then, humiliation of humiliations, then getting their asses handed to them by the lefties they hate.

: In Town vs. Country, It Turns Out That Cities Are the Safest Places to Live
A generation of movies have made us think that the American city is an inherently dangerous place. But a new study shows that you're more likely to die violently in the quiet countryside
By Bryan Walsh
July 23, 2013


...the numbers don’t lie — as scary as we may think urban crime is, the threats that are prevalent in rural areas are statistically more dangerous. We already know that the best way to shrink your carbon footprint is to move to a dense city. Now it turns out that it might be the best way to stay alive too.


Utter and complete bullshit.

Do you and Time not grasp that crime statistics are compiled and released?

Can you say "Chicago?"

Sure, I can say Chicago and-----and I can say I used to live in Chicago and I can say I started my post-graduate studies at the University of Chicago - there ya go, I said Chicago - thrice!

Now that I answered your question, answer these questions for me,

A) Are you reading challenged? or
B) Are you comprehension challenged? or
C) Are you to lazy to read an article before commenting on it? also
Do you often comment on articles you haven't read?

Are you able to post proof that the crime statistics produced by the government department that is headed by the Republicans BFF, James Comey, are flawed?


Hey, guess who appointed your boy Comey?

That's right, Barack Hussein Obama did. A Democrat. So take it up with him. :laugh:


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