2013 Was A Very Bad Year


Sep 23, 2010
Let me begin with a treat for the old folks who bid farewell to so many years by listening to Guy Lombardo (1902 - 1977) when the ball dropped:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik7ktS3PqEs&feature=player_detailpage]Guy Lombardo - Auld Lang Syne (1953) - YouTube[/ame]​

Tomorrow ushers in another election year. And once again the media is marching under the Democrat banner. According to talking head happy-talk the year 2014 is going to be the best year the country ever had.

The media picking both candidates in presidential elections has been underway for months. They’ve already decided that the race in 2016 will be between Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie. Clinton is first choice as she was in 2008, while Christie is more than acceptable should he win the general election. Shades of John McCain, and Mitt Romeycare in 2012.

The 2016 presidential election is three years away while the media has less than a year to help the Democrats hang on to the Senate. The first job is convincing voters that those senators who voted for HillaryCare II should be reelected so they can help fix a bill they didn’t read.

Incidentally, if Democrats voted for HillaryCare II without reading it as they claim, I’d like to know if Republicans read it before voting against it?

“Everything is improving” is the media template for saving the Senate. In practice all of the talk about the economy begins and ends with Democrat talking points. HillaryCare II is brushed aside as though fixing the website solved all of the problems in the law itself. Hillary Clinton is not so easy to brush aside as the media ends 2013 by telling everybody that she is the most admired woman in the universe. And indeed she is —— among liberals in faraway galaxies.


If you happen to be superstitious about the number 13 you already know that 1913 was the worst year in America’s history with 2013 coming in second by a whisker. In one sense everything has to look better in 2014 than it did in 1914 now that Americans know what came after the worst year ever.

The superstitious are breathing sighs of relief now that 1913 is behind us. Call “looking better in 2014” a superstition bonus for Democrats. It matters not to numerologists that the country will continue the downhill slide that began a century ago —— everything that was started in 1913 brought on the Great Depression, and every other collectivist disaster in the past 100 years.

The next 100 years guarantees far worse that the last 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

The method

Talking heads talking about the economy in glowing terms is well underway. As insurance they phrase the message by pooh-poohing everything negative even when predictable catastrophes are inevitable à la 1913.

Telling the public unemployment is going down. It’s true! But only true for the parasite class getting government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs through the ACA. The difference between public sector jobs and government jobs is never mentioned as the number of permanently unemployed rises faster than the government can put parasites on government payrolls. The permanently unemployed amount to at least 4 percent. Unemployment is above 10 percent when the permanently unemployed are included in unemployment figures.

Adding to the unemployment number —— and, at the same time, adding to the growth of the parasite class —— dictates silence about open-borders and twenty million illegal aliens. Nor is the next wave of illegals after amnesty ever mentioned. If you believe the media there never was an illegal alien problem.

The most pernicious objective of all

The relentless destruction of a private sector middle class previously committed to individual liberty for all being transformed into a government middle class dependant upon the income tax.

Finally, the same poll that proclaimed Hillary Clinton the most admired woman also named Barack Taqiyya the most admired man. Clinton is an active joke, while Taqiyya the Liar is not running for anything so why bother? Answer: Innocence by association. Proclaiming him the most admired is supposed to rub off on Democrats in the midterms. It’s the opposite of guilt by association.

Aside from being admired by the usual suspects guess who gets the Enemy of the Year Award:

We all know who he is, he knows damn well we know, at some level he actually agrees. Self-pity is the only thing he still has going for him. He’s managed to deprive the U.S. even of this last bit of suspense. His one expressed hope is that we will honor precedent and defer our call until after the 2014 elections, as if that would change anything.

Enemy of the Year 2013
Close your eyes and guess real, real hard.
By Enemy Central – 12.27.13

Enemy of the Year 2013 | The American Spectator

Let me end this terrible year on a happy note about very good years:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bhNz6saaE8&feature=player_detailpage]? Frank Sinatra - It was a very good year - YouTube[/ame]​
Let me begin with a treat for the old folks who bid farewell to so many years by listening to Guy Lombardo (1902 - 1977) when the ball dropped:

Tomorrow ushers in another election year. And once again the media is marching under the Democrat banner. According to talking head happy-talk the year 2014 is going to be the best year the country ever had.

The media picking both candidates in presidential elections has been underway for months. They’ve already decided that the race in 2016 will be between Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie. Clinton is first choice as she was in 2008, while Christie is more than acceptable should he win the general election. Shades of John McCain, and Mitt Romeycare in 2012.

The 2016 presidential election is three years away while the media has less than a year to help the Democrats hang on to the Senate. The first job is convincing voters that those senators who voted for HillaryCare II should be reelected so they can help fix a bill they didn’t read.

Incidentally, if Democrats voted for HillaryCare II without reading it as they claim, I’d like to know if Republicans read it before voting against it?

“Everything is improving” is the media template for saving the Senate. In practice all of the talk about the economy begins and ends with Democrat talking points. HillaryCare II is brushed aside as though fixing the website solved all of the problems in the law itself. Hillary Clinton is not so easy to brush aside as the media ends 2013 by telling everybody that she is the most admired woman in the universe. And indeed she is —— among liberals in faraway galaxies.


If you happen to be superstitious about the number 13 you already know that 1913 was the worst year in America’s history with 2013 coming in second by a whisker. In one sense everything has to look better in 2014 than it did in 1914 now that Americans know what came after the worst year ever.

The superstitious are breathing sighs of relief now that 1913 is behind us. Call “looking better in 2014” a superstition bonus for Democrats. It matters not to numerologists that the country will continue the downhill slide that began a century ago —— everything that was started in 1913 brought on the Great Depression, and every other collectivist disaster in the past 100 years.

The next 100 years guarantees far worse that the last 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

The method

Talking heads talking about the economy in glowing terms is well underway. As insurance they phrase the message by pooh-poohing everything negative even when predictable catastrophes are inevitable à la 1913.

Telling the public unemployment is going down. It’s true! But only true for the parasite class getting government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs through the ACA. The difference between public sector jobs and government jobs is never mentioned as the number of permanently unemployed rises faster than the government can put parasites on government payrolls. The permanently unemployed amount to at least 4 percent. Unemployment is above 10 percent when the permanently unemployed are included in unemployment figures.

Adding to the unemployment number —— and, at the same time, adding to the growth of the parasite class —— dictates silence about open-borders and twenty million illegal aliens. Nor is the next wave of illegals after amnesty ever mentioned. If you believe the media there never was an illegal alien problem.

The most pernicious objective of all

The relentless destruction of a private sector middle class previously committed to individual liberty for all being transformed into a government middle class dependant upon the income tax.

Finally, the same poll that proclaimed Hillary Clinton the most admired woman also named Barack Taqiyya the most admired man. Clinton is an active joke, while Taqiyya the Liar is not running for anything so why bother? Answer: Innocence by association. Proclaiming him the most admired is supposed to rub off on Democrats in the midterms. It’s the opposite of guilt by association.

Aside from being admired by the usual suspects guess who gets the Enemy of the Year Award:

We all know who he is, he knows damn well we know, at some level he actually agrees. Self-pity is the only thing he still has going for him. He’s managed to deprive the U.S. even of this last bit of suspense. His one expressed hope is that we will honor precedent and defer our call until after the 2014 elections, as if that would change anything.

Enemy of the Year 2013
Close your eyes and guess real, real hard.
By Enemy Central – 12.27.13

Enemy of the Year 2013 | The American Spectator

Let me end this terrible year on a happy note about very good years:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bhNz6saaE8&feature=player_detailpage]? Frank Sinatra - It was a very good year - YouTube[/ame]​

I don't need democrat talking points to know things are better since the republicans crashed the economy. Not the time they crashed it in the 30's , but the one they crashed five years ago. repubs 2, dems O. See a trend here? Repubs screw things up, and the Dems, the adults in the room, make everything all right again.
I don't need democrat talking points to know things are better since the republicans crashed the economy. Not the time they crashed it in the 30's , but the one they crashed five years ago. repubs 2, dems O. See a trend here? Repubs screw things up, and the Dems, the adults in the room, make everything all right again.

To jasonnfree: You’re not bright enough to understand the policies that led to the Great Depression. Suffice to say the ideology that gave the country the XVI Amendment and the Federal Reserve were the major causes. But you should at least know:

The True Origins of This Financial Crisis
As opposed to a desperate liberal legend.
By Peter J. Wallison – From the February 2009 issue

The True Origins of This Financial Crisis | The American Spectator
2014 is going to be one of the worst years in American history. We will see social unrest not seen since the 60s.
2014 is going to be one of the worst years in American history. We will see social unrest not seen since the 60s.

That's truly how I feel. :( I would love to wear egg on my face, though, should I be wrong )

To Katzndogz & AquaAthena: I, too, fear the aftershocks of a second “1913.” For now, I’m pinning my hopes on conservatives limiting the damage by winning the Senate in November as a prelude to repealing HillaryCare II in 2017.

In any event, if you want a good laugh as you wave goodbye to 2013 read Jed Babbin’s sendoff. There’s a lot more than these few excerpts:

Dianne Feinstein said that the 113th Congress was going to be so much better than its predecessor because there would be the historically high number of 20 ladies in the Senate thus reducing the quantity of progress-prohibiting testosterone. But despite the ladies’ presence the new Congress — according to a Public Policy Polling survey — was found to be less popular than cockroaches, head lice, the French and Donald Trump (which pollsters insist they can differentiate among). Joey Biden, leading Obama’s gun violence task force, said that concerned women should buy a 12-gauge shotgun. When trouble erupts, said Joe, the ladies should go out onto a balcony and fire off a few shots, which would make the bad guys disappear. He had no advice for those who don’t have balconies.


Karl Rove, having bilked suckers out of about $300 million in the 2012 campaign, announced his new “Conservative Victory Project,” aimed at culling conservative candidates and replacing them with useful idiots from the Republican Establishment. Meanwhile, several Las Vegas casino owners were accepting bids from the Five Families in New York to perform a hit on Rove. According to one Bronx source, a conservative member of the Gambino family offered to do it pro bono.


The Senate confirmed Vichy John Kerry as Secretary of State and then endured Chuck Hagel’s incomprehensible performance at his confirmation hearing for the Secretary of Defense job. Summing up his qualifications for the Pentagon job, Hagel said “There are a lot of things I don’t know about. If confirmed, I intend to know a lot more than I do.” His on-the-job training continues.


On a happier note, the UN designated November 19 as “World Toilet Day,” in celebration (or was it protest?) of the fact that some 1.1 billion people are forced to defecate in the open and 2.5 billion lacked proper facilities. On World Toilet Day, another failure of our public education system tried to rob a gun store in Hillsboro, Oregon, while armed only with a baseball bat. When the store manager pointed a large-caliber handgun at him, the would-be robber was thus elevated, at least for the moment, to the title of the word’s dumbest crook. The perp’s name wasn’t released at the request of his former teachers.


UN Ambassadress Samantha Power oohed and ahhed at a UN ceremony because she’d been able to stand backstage and engage in twerking with Jane Fonda. Power said it was a life-changing event for her. Fonda’s 1972 appearance on a North Vietnamese antiaircraft gun was certainly the same sort of event for those whose stay at the Hanoi Hilton coincided with Fonda’s timing. (No, we never forget and we never forgive.)

Good Riddance to 2013
And welcome to the year of Corpus Christie.
By Jed Babbin – 12.30.13

Good Riddance to 2013 | The American Spectator
Either be a hermit like me and avoid crowds...or start packin'. I think this year is going to be a bad one. Really bad. Too much unrest and it is getting more violent.

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