20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6

Americans, and Republican leaders including Donald Trump, should keep asking legitimate questions and demanding truthful answers.
5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julie Kelly
No one has milked the events of January 6 more than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She set the official narrative early and often, a storyline her scribes in the news media have dutifully repeated without question or scrutiny.
here are just a few questions Pelosi’s and Cheney's inquisition should answer:

1) Why were requests made by USCP, a federal agency under the purview of Congress, for extra security ahead of January 6 denied?​
2) Why did law enforcement including USCP and D.C. Metro Police show up wearing full riot gear including gas masks and batons?​
3) Who authorized police to attack the peaceful crowd with flashbangs, sting balls, and tear gas around 1:00 p.m.?​
4) Have any police officers been charged with assault?​
5) Who seeded the lie that Brian Sicknick was killed in the line of duty and who told the New York Times he was murdered by a Trump mob with a fire extinguisher?​
6) Did any FBI agents or informants infiltrate groups such as the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters before January 6?​
7) Who were the officers caught on tape allowing protesters into the building?​
8) Who opened the doors on the upper west terrace at approximately 2:30 p.m. at the direction of an unknown USCP officer?​
9) How much damage did the building sustain? The architect of the Capitol originally claimed $30 million in damages. But in court filings, the government claims the building only sustained about $1.5 million in damages.​
10) On January 7, Pelosi called the Capitol riot an “armed insurrection?” How many people have been charged with carrying a firearm into the building?​
11) Why was Pelosi’s son-in-law reporting from the scene that day?​
12) How many Americans have been charged with sedition?​
13) How many Americans remain incarcerated under pre-trial detention orders awaiting delayed trials that won’t start until next year?​
14) Who authorized the opening of the “pod” in the D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility jail to house January 6 defendants specifically?​
15) Are there reports of mental and physical abuse of January 6 detainees by D.C. prison guards, including solitary confinement conditions for months on end and lack of access to defense lawyers?​
16) How much money is being spent on the various investigations into January 6?​
17) Should social media companies including Facebook and Twitter be criminally charged for allowing protesters to organize the “insurrection” on their platforms?​
18) Who are the anonymous “proud members of the United State Capitol Police” threatening to withhold security from members of Congress who did not support a commission?​
19) How many “white supremacists” have been identified by law enforcement?​
20) Who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt?​
It’s unlikely, of course, that Pelosi’s truth-seeking mission will result in anything more than reheated political spin, recriminations, and fuel for nonstop media attention. But Americans, and Republican leaders including Donald Trump, should keep asking legitimate questions and demanding truthful answers.
I'm for those who break the law being held accountable.

You hate law enforcement, cvnt.

306-232....suck on it!

What law was broken, Nazi cvnt?

You said you want Trump supporters (Der Juden) hunted down by you filthy Reich. Your words you Nazi pile of shit.

Many of them, Nazi2008
You anti-American batshit crazy loons tried to overthrow the duly elected government.

Because cult.

Yeah, wanting honest government is an affront to the Reich, Toro Impersonator.

You don't give a flying fuck about "honest government," you bathshit crazy loon Trump cultist!

What you care about is cognitive dissonance. Because feelings.

Your PhD should tell you this.
Question 21. Are you happy that blob supporters are being hunted down like dogs?

I know I am.

Seig Heil, Nazi cvnt.
I'm for those who break the law being held accountable.

You hate law enforcement, cvnt.

306-232....suck on it!

Then I'm sure Candycorn is for the prosecution of Hunter Biden for purchasing a handgun under false pretenses, by lying about his drug use...

Question 21. Are you happy that blob supporters are being hunted down like dogs?

I know I am.

Seig Heil, Nazi cvnt.
I'm for those who break the law being held accountable.

You hate law enforcement, cvnt.

306-232....suck on it!

Then I'm sure you are for the prosecution of Hunter Biden for purchasing a handgun under false pretenses, by lying about his drug use...

Yeah, keep clinging, Trump loon

Question 21. Are you happy that blob supporters are being hunted down like dogs?

I know I am.

Seig Heil, Nazi cvnt.
I'm for those who break the law being held accountable.

You hate law enforcement, cvnt.

306-232....suck on it!

Then I'm sure you are for the prosecution of Hunter Biden for purchasing a handgun under false pretenses, by lying about his drug use...

Yeah, keep clinging, Trump loon

I see that Trump has taken permanent residency in your brain.....:dance:

20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6

Americans, and Republican leaders including Donald Trump, should keep asking legitimate questions and demanding truthful answers.
5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Julie Kelly
No one has milked the events of January 6 more than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). She set the official narrative early and often, a storyline her scribes in the news media have dutifully repeated without question or scrutiny.
here are just a few questions Pelosi’s and Cheney's inquisition should answer:

1) Why were requests made by USCP, a federal agency under the purview of Congress, for extra security ahead of January 6 denied?​
2) Why did law enforcement including USCP and D.C. Metro Police show up wearing full riot gear including gas masks and batons?​
3) Who authorized police to attack the peaceful crowd with flashbangs, sting balls, and tear gas around 1:00 p.m.?​
4) Have any police officers been charged with assault?​
5) Who seeded the lie that Brian Sicknick was killed in the line of duty and who told the New York Times he was murdered by a Trump mob with a fire extinguisher?​
6) Did any FBI agents or informants infiltrate groups such as the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters before January 6?​
7) Who were the officers caught on tape allowing protesters into the building?​
8) Who opened the doors on the upper west terrace at approximately 2:30 p.m. at the direction of an unknown USCP officer?​
9) How much damage did the building sustain? The architect of the Capitol originally claimed $30 million in damages. But in court filings, the government claims the building only sustained about $1.5 million in damages.​
10) On January 7, Pelosi called the Capitol riot an “armed insurrection?” How many people have been charged with carrying a firearm into the building?​
11) Why was Pelosi’s son-in-law reporting from the scene that day?​
12) How many Americans have been charged with sedition?​
13) How many Americans remain incarcerated under pre-trial detention orders awaiting delayed trials that won’t start until next year?​
14) Who authorized the opening of the “pod” in the D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility jail to house January 6 defendants specifically?​
15) Are there reports of mental and physical abuse of January 6 detainees by D.C. prison guards, including solitary confinement conditions for months on end and lack of access to defense lawyers?​
16) How much money is being spent on the various investigations into January 6?​
17) Should social media companies including Facebook and Twitter be criminally charged for allowing protesters to organize the “insurrection” on their platforms?​
18) Who are the anonymous “proud members of the United State Capitol Police” threatening to withhold security from members of Congress who did not support a commission?​
19) How many “white supremacists” have been identified by law enforcement?​
20) Who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt?​
It’s unlikely, of course, that Pelosi’s truth-seeking mission will result in anything more than reheated political spin, recriminations, and fuel for nonstop media attention. But Americans, and Republican leaders including Donald Trump, should keep asking legitimate questions and demanding truthful answers.
The best way for Dirty Nancy to cover-up her crimes is to be in charge of a faux investigation.

20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6

#21 Why do you think the Cry Baby Sore Loser persists in crapping on democracy and lying about his goons' attacking Congress?


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Trump praised Capitol rioters as "peaceful" and "great people."
['That makes no sense at all': GOP senators dispute Trump's characterizations of the January 6 rioters]

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"That makes no sense at all. I dispute his facts tremendously," Sen. Shelley Capito (R) said​
"I think that what people saw with their own eyes reflects a different reality," Sen. John Cornyn (R)​
"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people." Sen. Mitch McConnell (R)​
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump."
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R)​
Regarding Trump's "Big Lie" that incited his goons to riot:

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The best way for Dirty Nancy to cover-up her crimes is to be in charge of a faux investigation.
The cult who want the Trump goons' (wee weed up by the Cry Baby Sore Loser's "Big Lie") attacking Congress swept under the carpet are not going to be happy.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special congressional panel investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of Trump said it would hold its first hearing on July 27.
The hearing would include testimony from U.S. Capitol Police officers.
Hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the building that day in an unsuccessful attempt to stop Congress from certifying Democratic President Joe Biden's election win. The violence left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.


... Police identified the bloodied cop as Officer Daniel Hodges on Tuesday, after a woman tweeted a heartfelt letter her 10-year-old daughter had written to him.
“Dear Officer, I’m Emma and I’m 10 years old. I hope you heal from being crushed. I feel bad for you,” the girl wrote.
Those people are really bad hurting you. I hope you and your family are nice and healthy.”
I see that Trump has taken permanent residency in your brain.....
Ironically, that is the meme that the Trump-obsessed bum barnacle have been trained to spew at anyone who confronts the Trump goons' violent assault upon our democracy.

With Trump goons' trials running concurrently with the Congressional inquiry, their desperate desire that their God Emperor's perfidy be ignored by the public is highly unlikely.

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“There was such love at that rally, you had over a million people, they were there for one reason, the rigged election, they felt the election was rigged (his lie) - That’s why they were there and they were peaceful people, these were great people, the crowd was unbelievable and I mentioned the word love, the love in the air I’ve never seen anything like it!”

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Pelosi locks out Republicans from visiting the conservative inmates who are also suffering wounds from Jan 6 being untreated,
and one Congressional persons has been a judge, who is not happy with the treatment of the detainees for being denied medical care, enduring arbitrary solitary confinement, and suspected FBI misconduct in criminal Nancy Pelosi's criminal shit.

Pelosi needs to put herself into these inhumane conditions. They aren't even allowed lawyer visits. God she's a rat.​

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