$20,000,000,000,000.00 Decit...What is Hillary's Plan to REDUCE it?

Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits rather than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how flawed the US defense hierarchy is.
What absolute nonsense ...

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Your ignorance is appalling, and your hubris dangerous. But, hey, keep
eating those Cheetos!
Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how broken the pentagon is.

Yep! Got two brothers whose careers were in the defense industry. They lived quite well designing aircraft and missiles. of course, they retired 10 years ago, and everything they built is now obsolete.

... and just what, exactly, does that prove?
I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.

Then why do corporations and the rich/wealthy (the majority are corporations. including me) only account for 12% of monies collected by the IRS?
You, of course, have proof of this??

Yeah, I didn't think so ...
Oh, so you mean stiff people for the money they're owed like he's been doing for the past 30 years?

No you claimed that Trump had NO plan, I showed he did using the far left NYT..

That doesn't do a whole lot of good when they'll continue spending money we don't have

We don't have the money because American workers continue to get fucked.

That makes zero sense ....

There is a finite amount of money in our economy. It doesn't matter how you split it - it still will only buy so many loaves of bread.

I'll go slow.

What group pay the most monies to the IRS?

If that group made twice to three times what the made today, how would that effect/affect IRS collections?

btw; That's also the answer as to why we have a deficit.

Income level Share of total federal
individual income tax paid
Average income tax bill

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Kinda shoots your whole argument in the ass, don't you think?

If you don't like those numbers ... try these. Who Pays Taxes in America in 2016? | CTJReports

Oh wait, they prove you wrong, too.

How about these? Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

Damn ... never mind. Those say you're wrong, too.

Must be a conspiracy.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

All tried and failed.
No tariffs to diminish the profits gained by leaving America.
Job training but not forcing companies in any way whatever to hire Americans.
Raising taxes on the rich...so they'll leave the US even sooner.

Somebody please explain to me how all of a sudden Directors and CEOs are going to be MOVED by these programs to all of a sudden love Americans and make America prosper.
Pay the debt with more debt... the progressive socialist way of controlling their lemmings.
Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits rather than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how flawed the US defense hierarchy is.
What absolute nonsense ...

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Your ignorance is appalling, and your hubris dangerous. But, hey, keep
eating those Cheetos!

You don't believe me? Oh, Spare, you are breaking my heart. My whole day will be ruined if you don't believe me! I lie awake at night worrying about whether or not you believe me! Nevertheless, it is true. My cousin's speciality was chemical weapons, and he was fundamentally opposed to what he was expected to do in the event of a war.

As for Vietnam, I lose no sleep about that. I had nothing to do with it. Not that LBJ and Nixon didn't try to kill me, but I did not go. It wasn't on my bucket list. The military, industrial, political complex was responsible for that. All of it would have been impossible without the draft. But, the military has compensated for losing the draft by buying $300,000,000 per airplane f-35's and $13,000,000,000 aircraft carriers, which we need like another hole in the head.
Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits rather than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how flawed the US defense hierarchy is.
What absolute nonsense ...

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Your ignorance is appalling, and your hubris dangerous. But, hey, keep
eating those Cheetos!

You don't believe me? Oh, Spare, you are breaking my heart. My whole day will be ruined if you don't believe me! I lie awake at night worrying about whether or not you believe me! Nevertheless, it is true. My cousin's speciality was chemical weapons, and he was fundamentally opposed to what he was expected to do in the event of a war.

As for Vietnam, I lose no sleep about that. I had nothing to do with it. Not that LBJ and Nixon didn't try to kill me, but I did not go. It wasn't on my bucket list. The military, industrial, political complex was responsible for that. All of it would have been impossible without the draft. But, the military has compensated for losing the draft by buying $300,000,000 per airplane f-35's and $13,000,000,000 aircraft carriers, which we need like another hole in the head.

Me thinketh thou doth protest too much.

It is the incipient ignorance of supposedly educated citizens such as yourself that create the world's problem today. Then, you compound that by refusing to educate yourself, instead preferring to be blissfully unaware of the catastrophic damage your ignorance creates..

I bet your mom is proud ...
Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits rather than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how flawed the US defense hierarchy is.
What absolute nonsense ...

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Your ignorance is appalling, and your hubris dangerous. But, hey, keep
eating those Cheetos!

You don't believe me? Oh, Spare, you are breaking my heart. My whole day will be ruined if you don't believe me! I lie awake at night worrying about whether or not you believe me! Nevertheless, it is true. My cousin's speciality was chemical weapons, and he was fundamentally opposed to what he was expected to do in the event of a war.

As for Vietnam, I lose no sleep about that. I had nothing to do with it. Not that LBJ and Nixon didn't try to kill me, but I did not go. It wasn't on my bucket list. The military, industrial, political complex was responsible for that. All of it would have been impossible without the draft. But, the military has compensated for losing the draft by buying $300,000,000 per airplane f-35's and $13,000,000,000 aircraft carriers, which we need like another hole in the head.

Me thinketh thou doth protest too much.

It is the incipient ignorance of supposedly educated citizens such as yourself that create the world's problem today. Then, you compound that by refusing to educate yourself, instead preferring to be blissfully unaware of the catastrophic damage your ignorance creates..

I bet your mom is proud ...

Don't worry, Spare. I won't report you to the mods about your breaking the board rules by posting about other people's family members. Besides, my mom has been out of her pain since 2006.
Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the generals, politicians, and defense companies.

Most research and development projects are shells which are designed to fail. Ask yourself why the pentagon is more interested in building sci-fi service rifles, vehicles, and powered combat suits rather than updating the militaries increasingly outdated weapons arsenal.

It does not matter if the people incur the blunt of costs, because everyone in power is making a hefty profit off of the military-industrial complex. It goes even deeper than that too.

Watch the film Pentagon Wars. It is a comedic take on how flawed the US defense hierarchy is.
What absolute nonsense ...

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Your ignorance is appalling, and your hubris dangerous. But, hey, keep
eating those Cheetos!

You don't believe me? Oh, Spare, you are breaking my heart. My whole day will be ruined if you don't believe me! I lie awake at night worrying about whether or not you believe me! Nevertheless, it is true. My cousin's speciality was chemical weapons, and he was fundamentally opposed to what he was expected to do in the event of a war.

As for Vietnam, I lose no sleep about that. I had nothing to do with it. Not that LBJ and Nixon didn't try to kill me, but I did not go. It wasn't on my bucket list. The military, industrial, political complex was responsible for that. All of it would have been impossible without the draft. But, the military has compensated for losing the draft by buying $300,000,000 per airplane f-35's and $13,000,000,000 aircraft carriers, which we need like another hole in the head.

Me thinketh thou doth protest too much.

It is the incipient ignorance of supposedly educated citizens such as yourself that create the world's problem today. Then, you compound that by refusing to educate yourself, instead preferring to be blissfully unaware of the catastrophic damage your ignorance creates..

I bet your mom is proud ...

Don't worry, Spare. I won't report you to the mods about your breaking the board rules by posting about other people's family members. Besides, my mom has been out of her pain since 2006.
I didn't post about your mother ... I posted about YOU!
I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.

I think that Trump will add jobs. I sent him a resume for being his agent to third world countries for establishing plants to manufacture his products. I've always wanted to see the Far East....

Except for the fact Hillary Clinton supports more H-1B visas. Which means you may have to look elsewhere for work when corporations thank Mrs Clinton for the ability to use foreign employees in place of American workers.
I stand corrected.
It's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG day.
Now please explain how Hillary's plan will reduce or eliminate it.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
You would have a point except that the official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters which is at 12%. That's the result of deduction and loopholes created by republicans.

That's a good laugh if you believe the taxes are so much cheaper here, that business owners would rather manufacture overseas and just ADD the cost to have their product shipped here. I guess that explains why Billy believes most corporations are leaving the United States, those effective tax rates are just too darn cheap. :lol:
Well, for a start, there are 38 US Army bases in Germany. Now, that is Army only, and does not include Air Force. That seems somewhat bloated to me. The Nazis surrendered. It was in all the papers.

List of United States Army installations in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL --- aren't you 'special'?

Run to Wikipedia, get a list, and slap it out here to supposedly validate a fallacious argument. Don't read it - don't research it - just slap it out there and hope nobody actually looks at it.

Of course, you failed to notice that some of those "bases" were actually family housing areas (when not collocated with mission functions, they are given separate names), others were supply depots (diffusion of supply and support assets makes it more difficult to cripple your active units), most of those are German bases on which we have a military presence, and some were even scheduled for closure. And, I'm pretty damn sure you're not aware that the most likely point of invasion into Europe is thru the Fulda Gap in --- oh yea - Germany.

Surely, you can do better than that.

How ya doing on those tank deployment figures?

Speaking of "not reading the link", apparently you missed the part at the bottom where they said that the large number of bases were no longer needed because the cold war with Russia was over, and that some where scheduled to be closed (four, to be exact). As for me, I don't see any particular reason why we need any more army bases in Germany today, than we did in 1938, which was "None". As for housing units and supply depots, I suspect that if we had no personnel in Germany, they would not need housing or supplies, either. See how that works?
Well, I'm certainly glad you're not responsible for making provisioning and placement decisions for DoD. That kind of ignorance will get people killed.

Actually, I get a lot of my inspiration from my cousin, who retired as a full colonel. He has told me for decades that the military structure is such that if there is no war going on, they will do their best to start one. Makes for great promotions, advancement and budgets. Of course, this is no news to me, having seen what the geared up war machine is capable of in the Vietnam era. We reined them in, to a certain extent by taking away the draft. Too bad we have yet to take away their checkbooks.

As for my getting people killed for DoD, I think that you may have me confused with Robert McNamara.

Frankly, I don't believe you .... the fiction about your supposed cousin is so foreign to an experienced military member, and so diverted from reality, it simply is unbelievable.

As for the Vietnam era - you truly don't even realize how many soldiers you got killed, do you? You don't realize the damage done by your irresponsible and ignorant actions, do you? You need to take a serious course on the Vietnam War. Your ignorance is appalling.

The blood is on your hands.
60,000 American soldiers died for no reason
Nothing decreases the debt more then
-Not getting into a major war with iran.
-No major nation building in iraq...Which you republicans cost this nation 5 trillion dollars to do(Trumps words).
-Repairing our healthcare system...1/3rd of our national debt is caused by this alone. No nation on earth blows more money on healthcare for shitty results. Time for universal healthcare.
-Causing a recession or even a depression. Takes huge amounts of money to fight out of one of these.Thanks republicans.

Republicans needs to stop talking as they're the causers of this mess.
Last edited:
Hillary's plan has a yearly deficit of only 20 billion, trumps plan has a yearly budget deficit of 1 Trillion.
If you care about the debt, you simply have to go with Hillary's proposal, period.

I have found statistics, such as the one above, tend to be coming from economists that share a "liberal" interpretive view of the economy and government.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.

I think that Trump will add jobs. I sent him a resume for being his agent to third world countries for establishing plants to manufacture his products. I've always wanted to see the Far East....

Except for the fact Hillary Clinton supports more H-1B visas. Which means you may have to look elsewhere for work when corporations thank Mrs Clinton for the ability to use foreign employees in place of American workers.

Thank you so much for your concern about my losing my job picking grapes, but you need not worry. I am retired from the insurance and financial industries..
-Repairing our healthcare system...1/3rd of our national debt is caused by this alone. No nation on earth blows more money on healthcare for shitty results. Time for universal healthcare..

Believe it or not this has been done. Do you ever notice how everybody is getting screwed over by the Affordable Care Act? The average person is paying a bigger share than they have paid in the past. That's why they are so pissed. The federal government budget and state government budgets are the biggest beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act. They have decided to stop getting screwed over so hard and to start screwing over the people instead. It had to be done eventually. 2014; 2015 and 2016 is eventually.

At least one good thing came out of Obama's presidency.
No one is claiming she can eliminate it. She can reduce it by cutting defense spending and closing corporate tax loopholes.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
You would have a point except that the official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters which is at 12%. That's the result of deduction and loopholes created by republicans.

That's a good laugh if you believe the taxes are so much cheaper here, that business owners would rather manufacture overseas and just ADD the cost to have their product shipped here. I guess that explains why Billy believes most corporations are leaving the United States, those effective tax rates are just too darn cheap. :lol:
Uh the reason they leave is that they maximize profit either way.
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.

I think that Trump will add jobs. I sent him a resume for being his agent to third world countries for establishing plants to manufacture his products. I've always wanted to see the Far East....

Except for the fact Hillary Clinton supports more H-1B visas. Which means you may have to look elsewhere for work when corporations thank Mrs Clinton for the ability to use foreign employees in place of American workers.

Thank you so much for your concern about my losing my job picking grapes, but you need not worry. I am retired from the insurance and financial industries..

I know you liberals are really not that well informed, so let me help you be a little more up to date with "current" events.

CATERPILLAR WARNS: Bad news is 'converging' and now we have to make some major changes

Caterpillar Decides to Layoff 300 Americans for H1B Replacements

Caterpillar Inc has filed 492 labor condition applications for H1B visas
Caterpillar Inc, Jobs & Salary for Foreign Workers | myvisajobs.com

Dell-EMC to Lay Off 2,000 – 3,000 US Workers after Requesting 5,000 H-1B Visas & Green Cards to Import Foreign Workers
The Corporations will leave and our military will become the Keystone Cops.
I want something that will work.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
You would have a point except that the official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters which is at 12%. That's the result of deduction and loopholes created by republicans.

That's a good laugh if you believe the taxes are so much cheaper here, that business owners would rather manufacture overseas and just ADD the cost to have their product shipped here. I guess that explains why Billy believes most corporations are leaving the United States, those effective tax rates are just too darn cheap. :lol:
Uh the reason they leave is that they maximize profit either way.

The reason why they leave is the Democrats have made the cost to establish a business in the United States too expensive. As I've said before, the Democrats haven't provided a plan (never hear them even state one) that encourages businesses to WANT to come here in the United States as opposed to build and expand overseas. Hillary Clinton says she wants to create more job opportunities, those particular "opportunities" come with an H-1B vista attached.
Corporations are leaving either way. You've noticed that right? They get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas. You can blame republicans for that. Also, you clearly have no idea how bloated our defense budget actually is.

Corporate taxes in the United States at a rate higher than other countries overseas, is the reason why businesses leave. Unfortunately liberals don't understand the global market and think only in terms of raising more taxes. Yet not one of them would even tell you how democrats can encourage business to come and build HERE in order to create more job opportunities.
You would have a point except that the official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. It's the EFFECTIVE tax rate that matters which is at 12%. That's the result of deduction and loopholes created by republicans.

That's a good laugh if you believe the taxes are so much cheaper here, that business owners would rather manufacture overseas and just ADD the cost to have their product shipped here. I guess that explains why Billy believes most corporations are leaving the United States, those effective tax rates are just too darn cheap. :lol:
Uh the reason they leave is that they maximize profit either way.

The reason why they leave is the Democrats have made the cost to establish a business in the United States too expensive. As I've said before, the Democrats haven't provided a plan (never hear them even state one) that encourages businesses to WANT to come here in the United States as opposed to build and expand overseas. Hillary Clinton says she wants to create more job opportunities, those particular "opportunities" come with an H-1B vista attached.
Bullshit...No one needs 20 mansions around the world.

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