2 Minutes of the Media Saying China's Coronavirus or Wuhan Virus B4 Lecturing Us That We're Racists

If the Left had any self awareness.


From my perspective, particularly since my wife's place of employment has sent all its employees to work from home indefinitely and my nieces' and nephew's schools have been closed here in Maryland, we (the United States) ought to be treating the Coronavirus pandemic as a biological weapons attack (by China) on our mainland and responding accordingly. These "things" don't just happen, as so many MSM talking heads would love for us to believe. Regardless of how "lethal" COVID-19 is or isn't, many Americans—us included—have been attacked by the government of fucking China, even if indirectly. And what about our 1st Amendment rights? Our church must cancel this Sunday. Why? The governor of Maryland has prohibited gatherings of more than 250 people. Call it what it really is—this pandemic—a Chinese attack on the United States and each and every American Citizen.

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